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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
June 2012
In This Issue
June Membership Meeting
President's Monthly Note
Featured Board Member - Beth Nemec
Annual Events
Quick Links
Issue: # 6June 2012

Sunshine, thunderstorms, the aroma of budding flowers, the rumble of lawnmowers - it's summer in Minnesota! What a great time to kick back from the busyness of work and spend time with family and friends. Get yourself a tall glass of lemonade, a good book and a lawn chair, and find a shady spot to relax and rejuvenate. But don't forget to join us at the Members Meeting on June 28th!




Joint Public Policy Forum 


When:       Thursday, June 28, 2:30 - 4:00 PM


Where:      Salem Covenant Church

                2655 5th Street Northwest

                New Brighton, MN 55112

                (651) 633-9615


Topic & Speaker:  

This month's member meeting will be devoted to a discussion of public policy.  Please join your colleagues from Minneapolis and St. Paul to hear Patti Cullen, President and CEO of Care Providers of Minnesota.  Ms. Cullen will highlight key outcomes from the 2012 legislative session, and speak about the role of home and community based aging services providers in the world of health care reform. 


Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
Annual Membership fee $25.00 Guest fee $5.00


Beth Nemec

At our MASWA Spring Luncheon, I took a moment to step back and observe our event. It never ceases to amaze me - the number of people who are connected and working together for the good of the seniors in our community. People who for all practical purposes could be seen as competitors to each other, laughing and sharing stories and advice. They are not just connected as colleagues - they are friends with strong relationships. 


It is with that spirit in mind that I am assuming the position of President. My goal will be to uphold the mission of MASWA that was founded in 1973: To develop a multidisciplinary community of professionals working in the field of aging who are educated, supported and interconnected so they may improve services and advocate for older adults. There are so many opportunities for us to educate ourselves and work together. I am looking forward to exploring those opportunities during my term as president.


On July 17th - the MASWA Board members will have our annual board retreat where we will discuss our ideas and strategies for the upcoming year. I encourage all of you to bring forward any ideas and thoughts that you have for us to discuss and act upon. Please feel free to contact me or any of our board members now or anytime throughout the year. We would love to hear from you.



Beth Nemec



Featured Board Member - Beth Nemec, President
General Manager of Lifesprk (formerly AgeWell)


Beth Nemec knew she wanted to work with seniors when she was in seventh grade, after an interview with her grandmother about the family tree. She founded AgeWell (now Lifesprk) eight years ago and loves making a difference in people's lives - from the client and their family to the Lifesprk team members. A favorite memory is from 2004, their very first year. The company started with five people who all wore many hats.


"That first year holds a very special place in my heart. There were lots of memories made that year - some that included tears, MOSTLY of joy and laughter!"


Asked what she sees as a challenge for those working in aging services, Beth said, "The ability to work together as a community to make change for people in the second half of their life. I believe it's our responsibility to educate seniors and their families on services and opportunities available to them. We need to find a solution that will allow them to maintain their independence, enjoy their life and avoid the health care crisis that so many seniors face. Aging should be honored and celebrated!"

Originally from New Brighton, Beth now lives in Northeast Minneapolis with her seventeen-year-old son, Charlie, and Dutchess (the kitty). She loves to read and play games (especially cards and Scrabble - she's a wee bit competitive!) and visits the cabin almost every weekend in the summer. Volunteering at church and at school, as well as watching football and lacrosse games, keeps her busy when she's not at work. Beth says she is blessed to be close (in relationship and proximity) to both of her sisters.


Now starting her first year as President of MASWA, Beth says, "I am looking forward to getting to know the new members of the board and understanding the needs of our members. The first activity will be to establish a user friendly website for our current and potential MASWA members and the board members who manage it."


She loves the connectivity MASWA provides for its members, and the education around senior related issues and resources in the community.


Welcome to the position of President of the MASWA Board, Beth!


Mark your calendar:
Fall Aging Conference
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Earle Brown Heritage Center
Brooklyn Center




Guests SAVE $5.00 - Bring a friend for FREE to the next MASWA meeting on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at
2:30 pm at Salem Covenant Church in New Brighton. All guests will be acknowledged in our next newsletter!!       
Offer Expires: 6/28/2012