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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
April 2012
In This Issue
April Membership Meeting
President's Monthly Note
MASWA Spring Luncheon & Annual Meeting
Sponsorship/ Exhibitor Application
Quick Links
Issue: #4April 2012

Spring is here.... which means the annual MASWA Spring Luncheon is right around the corner!  Look for your e-invite soon!!



Minneapolis Senior Worker's Association
Thursday, April 26, 2012
2:30 pm Registration/Networking
2:45 pm Business Meeting
3:00 pm Presentation/Questions
4:00 pm Adjourn

TOPIC:    Achieve Your Communication Potential


Presenter:   Jodi Davis, Founder 
      JD Coaching & Consulting

 Jodi Davis


Communication is the thread that weaves all relationships together. It is especially important in the world of healthcare, elder care and senior living facilities. The flow of communication - internally (among staffing levels and functional areas) is critically important to ensure continuity of care and high quality delivery of service. Equally important, is the facilitation of communication with external patient/resident relationships such as family members, physicians, and other care providers.


Jodi Davis, author of The Promise of Potential, is a professional coach and organizational development consultant. But more than that, she has a ten year history as a primary caregiver, helping her mother through a tenuous complex medical journey that included several surgeries, nearly 10 hospitalizations, seven rehab/transitional care unit stays, five years in an assisted living facility and 11 months as a resident in the nursing home where she spent the final year of her life.  


In her story, Jodi brings to life the complexity, criticality, severity and humor from her experiences with her mother and these multiple healthcare facilities. She is an advocate for improving communication to ensure care plan coordination and quality healthcare delivery. Her story offers real life situations and suggestions for caring for the people you serve and love.

Program Sponsor:   Summit Place

Summit Place

8501 Flying Cloud Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone:  952-995-1000

Call the MASWA Program Co-Chairs: William Huseonica, Director of Marketing Chandler Place, 612-913-5390 or Vicky Willcox, Marketing Director of the Colony at Eden Prairie, 952-828-9500 with questions related to this program.

Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
Annual Membership fee $20.00 Guest fee $5.00



Susan Green

It's hard to imagine that in one short month, I'll be seeing you (I hope) at our annual Spring Luncheon! On Thursday, May 10th, we have a dynamite program in store for you including our speaker, Michael Foley presenting, Losing the Junk in your Trunk. It has been said that Michael Foley knows how to tell a story.

Whether reassuring novice adventurers during his tenure as an Outward Bound instructor or helping executives pack punch into a presentation, Mike's stories and humor have been at the core of his success as a keynote speaker, coach, and trainer. The topic, Losing the Junk in your Trunk promises to leave the attendee with the following messages:  

  • Enjoy every day no matter what - rain, bad hair, cranky customer, bad economic news - life is too short not to!
  • Reduce your demands and expectations to live and work more harmoniously with the "reality" of each moment.
  • Maximize your effectiveness by working with a clear mind that is not clouded with negative thoughts and feelings.

The Luncheon is always a lovely opportunity to relax, meet new people and reconnect with old friends. We can promise that you will learn (and acquire continuing education credits), laugh and enjoy a delicious catered lunch from D'Amico and Sons. Hey, you might even win a prize!


Join us at our new location, The Metropolitan Ballroom on the north-west corner of Highways 100 and 394. Watch your email box for an invitation soon. Registration information can be found on


Wondering about SPONSORSHIP?   Hurry! There are still a couple of vendor opportunities available. Contact Linda Debner at [email protected] for more information.


Susan Engelhart




MASWA Spring Luncheon & Annual Meeting


"Losing the Junk in your Trunk"


Thursday, May 10, 2012


11:00 am - 4:00 pm


New Location: The Metropolitan Ball Room


Featured National Speaker:

Michael Foley of Clarity Central

(1.5 CEU's)


 See below for sponsor & exhibitor information!



Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities are still

available for the Spring Luncheon!


Sponsorship / Exhibitor Application


The Metropolitan

Thursday, May 10, 2012


If you would like to be a sponsor or exhibitor, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page, cut the form at the dotted line, enclose the form with THE CHECK and send to:


Linda Debner

12592-195th Ct. NW

Elk River, MN 55330


(763) 253-2121


There are not many spots, so the sponsorships and exhibitors will be given out on a first come first serve basis. 




Contact Name _______________  Phone ___________ 


Company ___________________  Email ____________ 


Address ______________________________________


  • 1 Speaker Sponsor           $1000.00 (Logo & name will appear on all Spring Luncheon printed material plus 4 lunch tickets)
  • 1 Table Sponsor              $400.00 (Includes 2 lunch tickets)
  • 13 Exhibitor Tables          $200.00 each (Includes 1 lunch ticket)       




Guests SAVE $5.00 - Bring a friend for FREE to the next MASWA meeting on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 2:30 pm at Summit Place in Eden Prairie. 
Offer Expires: 4/26/2012