We know your March calendar is full of winter activity wrap-ups and shoveling MORE snow, but we do hope you make room in your busy schedule for our March MASWA meeting ~ hope to see you on March 24th! |
Minneapolis Senior Worker's Association Thursday, March 24, 2011
2:30 pm Registration/Networking
2:45 pm Business Meeting 3:00 pm Presentation/Questions 4:00 pm Adjourn
How addressing biomarkers of aging can lead to a decrease in the development of chronic disease and illness and subsequently prolong life
Our presenter Dr. Leske attended the University of St. Thomas, majoring in Chemistry with a minor in Theology. He received his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree in 1999 from the Northwestern College of Chiropractic.
While in practice Dr Leske continued his studies in lifestyle and wellness care under the guidance of Dr James Chestnut, world leading expert in human wellness. Dr Leske has extensive expertise in the field of lifestyle, wellness and nutrition. He teaches and lectures at community and corporate wellness workshops throughout the twin cities.
Explore how we age and the controllable factors that determine how fast and how well we age
Educate you on lifestyle choices and to give you practical tools to make these changes
Focus on the top three biomarkers which are chronic inflammation, impaired immune function and insulin resistance. Call the MASWA Program Co-Chairs: Kay Johnson, Supervisor, North Memorial Home Health and Hospice 763-520-4280 or William Huseonica, Director of Marketing Chandler Place, 612-913-5390 with questions related to this program.
The Crossings at Brookwood
6125 North Lilac Drive
Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
Contact Sue at 763-561-7405
Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
The Crossing at Brookwood
The Crossings at Brookwood is a vibrant community of adults 55 years or better. We are located in a quiet residential setting only 1.5 miles from Brookdale. At The Crossings you will find a unique balance of friendship, comfort and fun! Combining friendly neighbors and wide variety of social events, The Crossings affords our residents a wonderful "neighborhood experience." In addition, residents enjoy terrific conveniences such as free transportation to shopping and social events, heated underground parking, elevators and much more.
The Crossings at Brookwood 6125 North Lilac Drive Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 Phone: (763) 561-7405 Email: brookwood@lanel.com
I realized yesterday when I saw the tulips and daffodils for sale at my local market that spring is coming! So perhaps this season of renewal propels us to consider, quite literally, planning for another season in our lives. The topic at our recent MASWA Membership meeting centered around the queen (I think) of all planning activities, Advanced Care Planning.
It was clear that this topic evoked strong emotions. Many of the participants shared personal experiences wherein a loved one graced them with the gift of an Advance Care Directive. I too, am eternally grateful that my parents completed the documentation and involved us in conversations which ultimately allowed their children to let them go, with peace of mind, knowing that we had abided by their wishes.
If you have done nothing so far, here are some thoughts...you might begin by researching Honoring Choices Minnesota. Many organizations statewide have collaborated around the effort to create a standardized Minnesota document that is free to download from websites associated with Honoring Choices MN. These documents are very user friendly and can be used as tools to propel a conversation forward with loved ones, friends or clients. Some local health care systems offer the opportunity to meet, free of charge with a trained Advanced Care Planning Facilitator.
As Senior Workers, you have likely been presented with the opportunity to have discussions around this topic. Educate yourself and assess your personal comfort level so that you might be better prepared to have frank and honest discussions. Know that it is not necessary to be an expert, but only to be able to direct individuals to the experts and resources available and to speak to the importance of this priceless gift. Susan Green President |
Maura Albrecht, ChFC, is the President / Client Advocate of Financial Wellness for You, LLC. With a passion for helping seniors remain independent and involved in their financial future, Maura founded Financial Wellness for You, LLC based on her desire to assist successful aging by guiding the financial decisions of those facing the increasing challenge of maintaining their standard of living and the uncertainty of outliving their income. She works in the client's home to evaluate their financial situation while enabling them to retain their privacy and independence.
During the discussion at the February 25th meeting, several questions were raised regarding the POLST form and its relation to health care directives. Here is a direct linkto the MN Medical Association's page regarding POLST, including the form itself and a FAQ document. Honoring Choices Minnesota's health care directive is available here. |
Thursday, May 19, 2011
11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Father Nick Mezacapa
2 Speaker Sponsors @ $400.00 ea
10 Exhibitors @ $200.00 ea
1 Table Sponsor @ $350.00
If interested in being a sponsor for this event, please send your sponsor information, enclose a check in the amount for the sponsorship made out to MASWA, and mail it to:
Linda Debner
Hospice of the Twin Cities
10405-6th Avenue North, Suite 250
Plymouth, MN 55441