Exciting times for STEM in Texas! Are you connected??
PBS SciGirls® education is coming to Austin June 5th - details below. Our Google Groups are continuing to be active...and the best way to be connected in your region with all things K12 STEM - are you connected to the conversation? It's your BEST way to keep up with all thing STEM in your region and beyond. Join the group in your region of Texas - details below. JUST ADDED: Edinburg and Laredo Google Groups!
Our TxGCP eNewsletter arrives ~monthly in your inbox to learn about science, technology, engineering and math resources, educational opportunities and more around Texas and beyond! |
PBS SciGirls® Professional Development Opportunity in Austin June 5th |
Educators across Texas are invited to attend free professional development opportunities and discover how to engage young women (ages 8-13) through research-based, high quality activities and resources.
SciGirls Connect Professional Development 
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The University of Texas at Austin
FREE to attend
Space limited to 30 educators
Participants attending a full day workshop will:
- Learn latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM
- Experience FOUR hands-on STEM activities such as using dough to teach circuits, designing their own wind measurement machine and creating your own experiment to identify mystery plastics
- Leave with curriculum for 20 hands-on, video enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM
- Learn how to modify any activity to excite and engage kids in STEM using the SciGirls Seven
- Discover additional online resources that enhance teaching and learning experiences for all kids
Get all the details and register to attend at Space is limited - waitlisted participants will be notified first for additional workshops.
Additional SciGirls educational opportunities will be scheduled throughout Texas. Stay tuned for more opportunities in your region of Texas. Informal Science Learning Associates of Laredo, Girlstart, and the Women in Engineering Program at The University of Texas at Austin are certified SciGirls trainers connected with TxGCP.
Regional K-12 STEM Outreach Listservs |
Then subscribe to your regional listserv and don't miss out on fabulous opportunities in the future!
To help create a community of K-12 STEM Outreach providers, supporters, educators and organizations, regional listservs have been created. These groups are all about sharing resources, information, events, volunteers, needs, and more with others reaching out to K12 students aiming to excite them about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Join whichever group(s) make sense for you and start collaborating, connecting, communicating and sharing!
For those not in one of these areas who still want to receive information going out to all groups, join the Texas K-12 STEM Outreach group.
Contact Tricia Berry for any specific regional requests or questions.
Are You Listed in the Program Directory?
Gain access to mini-grants and have the first shot at opportunities such as the Water Works camp curriculum, role model training and other curriculum and resource dissemination across Texas! Sign up your program, organization and/or event in the National Girls Collaborative Project Program Directory. Join over 200 listings from across Texas and find collaborators and other STEM educators in your area. Registration is free...can't get better than that!
Conferences, Events, Contests & More |
Nominations Open for the MetLife Innovator Award The Afterschool Alliance is partnering with the MetLife Foundation on awards and issue briefs that highlight promising afterschool programs across the country, and for the third year in a row the focus is on middle school youth. Five exemplary afterschool programs that serve middle school youth will win a $10,000 MetLife Foundation Afterschool Innovator Award. Nominations are due May 15, 2012.
Webinar: Introduction to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) First Public Draft May 15, 5:30 - 7 p.m. Central Time Join Stephen Pruitt, Vice President for Content, Research, and Development from Achieve, in this web seminar as he debuts the draft document for science educators. He will lead participants through the document describing its scope, architecture and online viewing features, and will discuss how you can provide feedback on the first public draft. Gerry Wheeler, National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Interim Executive Director, will provide perspective from NSTA. Learn more and register online.
Texas Wildlife Association (TWA) Distance Learning Interactive, TEKS aligned trainings - 45 minutes long with program times at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:45 PM, 2:00 PM). Learning is reinforced with post materials. The trainings are broadcasted via videoconference.
May 17 - BATS: LIVE on the BIG Screen! May 22 - Urban Animal Encounters: Skunks and Armadillos!
Viewing Distance Learning Programs: - Visit Connect2Texas ( to view our program calendar (please choose Texas Wildlife Association in the dropdown menu), class descriptions, and to register. - Sites must create a Connect2Texas profile, which includes basic questions about your school as well as connection information (please consult with your school/district technical contact).
2012 STEM Innovative Educator Awards $25,000 up for grabs for STEM educators Deadline: May 31st Entrants must record a 2-minute video demonstrating something innovative they have done in the classroom, along with a short essay and lesson plan, and submit it online. First place wins $15,000, second place gets $5,000, and third place will win $2,500. Up to $2,500 more is available in fun awards like Honorable Mentions. Learn more and apply at GOT GAME? COMPETITION Submission deadline is May 31, 2012. Students are invited to compete in the 2012 Spring GOT GAME? Competition. STEM Fuse wants to get students excited about STEM learning by tapping into their natural passion for playing and making video games. The competition is open to high school students ages 15 - current high school seniors. Games must be created using Game Maker or Game Maker Lite (available as a free download). Competition details online. NGCP Webinar Is Your Website Accessible? How Do You Find Out? June 5, 2012 10:00 - 11:00 AM Pacific In this webinar participants will learn the basics of the web accessibility. A fully accessible website is one in which all visitors, with or without disabilities, using a variety of devices, can easily find the information they are looking for and access all the features of the site. Participants will learn basic steps they can take to assess whether their website might be excluding particular groups of people. No prior knowledge is required. This webinar will be presented by Terrill Thompson, Technology Accessibility Specialist at the University of Washington, where his work is supported in part by AccessComputing, funded by the National Science Foundation to increase the participation of people with disabilities in computing fields. Register:
K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education - "Employing Engineering for STEM Learning" June 9, 2012 San Antonio K-12 Teachers, Educators, Administrators, STEM Advocates: Come learn how to get kids excited about STEM through engineering education. ASEE's ninth annual K-12 Workshop will take place Saturday, June 9 at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas.
This unique, low cost, high quality event is designed to introduce K-12 classroom teachers and administrators to innovative, practical, and effective engineering education resources, including engaging hands-on activities. The workshop also provides an unparalleled opportunity for K-12 and postsecondary educators to exchange ideas, form collaborations, and share information as states consider the forthcoming Next Generation Science Standards. For program details and to register, go to:
This workshop may be applied toward continuing professional education credits, depending on the attendee's institution. For additional information, please contact Libby Martin, K-12 Meeting Manager at
FIRST Robotics Innovation Academy July 27-28 Anderson High School, Austin, TX Join educators across Texas in Austin on July 27th-28th for two days of robotics. Learn how to start your own robotics program, learn the basics of LEGO NXT, invigorate your STEM program, learn how to mentor a robotics team and more. On Saturday you will also be able to witness a live robotics competition featuring students from the local area. Learn more online. Register today for the FIRST Robotics Innovation Academy via The two-day event will cost $150. U.S. News STEM Solutions 2012 - A Leadership Summit June 27-29, 2012 Dallas, TX STEM Solutions 2012 brings together for the first time on a national stage, business, education, and government leaders to address the country's mission-critical need for a competitive workforce skilled in science, technology, engineering, and math. Join us as we work to determine the solutions, policies, and collective changes that are needed now to carry our country, and its economy, into the future. Register: |
Articles, Reports, Resources
Next Generation Science Standards Next Generation Science Standards for Today's Students and Tomorrow's Workforce: Through a collaborative, state-led process managed by Achieve, new K-12 science standards are being developed that will be rich in content and practice, arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education. The NGSS will be based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council. Review the draft and provide feedback at National Assessment of Educational Progress - Texas Results Texas students in every major ethnic group significantly outscored their peers nationally on the eighth grade National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) science test, with the state's African-American students earning the fourth highest score in the country compared to other African-American students. Test results show that when the data is reported by ethnic groups, Texas' Hispanic students earned the sixth highest score and the state's white students ranked eighth among their peers. Texas students who are Asian or English Language Learners also significantly outscored their peer groups nationally. Texans also substantially outperformed their peer groups from other large, diverse states. NGCP Exemplary Practice Spotlight: Family Involvement The Exemplary Practice Spotlight for May focuses on fostering family involvement to engage Hispanic/Latino(a) youth in informal learning opportunities. Research findings consistently illustrate a strong relationship between family involvement and positive youth outcomes for Hispanic/Latino(a) youth, including outcomes related to engagement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Based on a review of the literature, the Computer Science Collaboration Project has identified three strategies to foster family involvement for Hispanic/Latino(a) youth: - Meaningfully engage families to increase their buy-in, and build their knowledge and social networks;
- Educate family members and other key adults to build youth's network of support and encouragement; and
- Provide culturally competent staff to connect with and get regular input from family members.
For specific examples of how one informal science education program incorporates these strategies, view the NGCP archived webinar Engaging Underserved Youth: Strategies for Family Involvement. Additional resources and background information can also be found in: Engaging Latino Youth in Community-Based Programs and What Works for Latino/Hispanic Children and Adolescents.
Discover Earth: Hands-on Activities The Lunar and Planetary Institute is pleased to announce the release of Discover Earth: Hands-on Activities, a module to support hands-on Earth science explorations in libraries and other places of community learning. Educators are invited to download the activities, supporting reading games, and facilitator resources - all free for educational use - at For questions or comments relating to these materials, please contact the Explore program team at NASA's Year of the Solar System Visit the Year of the Solar System website:
You will find: * Educational materials for classroom teachers, organizations, clubs, and others interested in participating * Night-sky viewing events and mission milestones * Featured activities * Recommended resources * People profiles * Year of the Solar System updates * Ways to register your Year of the Solar System events and to share your experiences * Free downloadable promotional materials (bookmarks, fliers, calendar of events) NCWIT Counselors for Computing: Military Pathway to IT and Computing Careers Part of Counselors for Computing (C4C), this computing and IT pathway card connects students' interests with opportunities in IT and computing that can be achieved through military service and beyond. Information about IT military assignments is linked to future jobs and salaries. C4C is a project of the National Center for Women & Information Technology K-12 Alliance, made possible by the Merck Company Foundation. PBS News Hour: Why Aren't There More Female Scientist, Engineers? A recap of a live chat examines why women lag behind in some areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and what can be done to encourage more young women to pursue careers in STEM fields. Página Familiar Página Familiar is a full tabloid-sized newspaper page filled with features designed to engage Latino children and families in science featuring kid-friendly bios and interviews with Latino scientists, hands-on activities that can be done at home, and science cartoons. The page is also available to science centers, youth and community organizations, and science teachers who wish to use it with Latino students and families. Role Model Resources Research shows that when used effectively, role models can help dispel stereotypes, expand career options and motivate girls to pursue STEM fields. The following are resources and opportunities for meaningful role model experiences. - Techbridge Role Models Matter Toolkit provides effective strategies for making role models' outreach and field trips a success.
- The FabFems role model directory is seeking women STEM professionals to volunteer their time to spark girls' interest in STEM careers.
- NASA G.I.R.L.S. is a virtual mentoring project for girls to interact with women from NASA during the Summer of 2012.
- Engineer Your Life lists inspiring women in STEM fields who share pictures, videos and encouraging advice to girls.
White House Releases Report on Women and the Economy The White House released a new report entitled Keeping America's Women Moving Forward, The Key to an Economy Built to Last. This report examines the ways in which the Administration has worked to ensure women's economic security through all stages of life including young women furthering their education and beginning their careers. STEM degrees and jobs are highlighted. Your Spitting Image The Your Spitting Image website and free downloadable educator guide can be used for classroom exploration of forensics, saliva and bioengineering, or in conjunction with a visit to the traveling exhibit at a museum near you. The National Museum of Dentistry uses animated illustrations and interactive activities to help students (grades 6-12) understand basic concepts and make learning engaging and fun.
Women at the Frontline of Climate Change - Gender Risks and Hopes Women are often in the frontline in respect to the impacts of a changing climate. Globally, the world is experiencing increasingly frequent droughts and floods which are having economic and profound social consequences. This report outlines the need for greater support of pioneering women in male-dominated scientific and engineering fields, and the increasing need of women in climate change science and negotiations giving their voices to global policy decisions. |
The TxGCP eNewsletter is distributed approximately once a month. Visit the TxGCP web site for additional updates on upcoming events, resources and mini-grant information. |
Share Your Events and News |
Submit information or events to be included in future TxGCP eNewsletters. Complete the short online form. Remember TxGCP eNewsletters are typically sent at the beginning of each month. | |
Texas STEM Program Highlight
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About TxGCP |
The Texas Girls Collaborative Project (TxGCP) connects organizations and individuals across Texas committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The TxGCP is excited to provide opportunities across Texas for collaboration, networking, sharing of best practices, and leveraging of resources through in-person forums, email listservs and mini-grants.
Led by the Women in Engineering Program (WEP) at The University of Texas at Austin along with a dynamic Leadership Team and Champions Board, the TxGCP brings together advocates and leaders from non-profits, K-12 schools, higher education institutions, companies and organizations across the state of Texas. |
About NGCP |
The vision of the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) is to bring together organizations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
FabFems Website Launched with Amazing Role Models
| The FabFems directory is a national database of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professions who are inspiring role models for young women. The FabFems directory is accessible to young women, girl-serving STEM programs, and other organizations that are working to increase career awareness and interest in STEM.