"Everything is (More) Possible"tm
CHANGE is in the AIR so beat the Deadlines!
 NOW is the Best Opportunity Time of Year! 
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Opportunities abound in this issue...
WHAT'S NEW? Launches
Global Entrepreneurship Week 2011 is NOW
CONGRATULATIONS - Daniel Priestly appointed eCademy Managing Director
BOOK REVIEW - The Fire Philosophy
BOOK REVIEW - The CEO's Strategy Handbook
2012 Diary Date - International Women's Day
EVENTS -eBiz Byte Sized Breakfasts
EVENTS - Yes! Group, Nottingham
EVENTS - Women of the Future Award Ceremony
EVENTS - BStartup Show
EVENTS - Success in 2012
EVENTS - Lisa Spencer-Arnell -Write a Book and Make a Difference
EVENTS - Vital Women Network
EVENTS - Meditate with Confidence
EVENTS - Youth Can Achieve Christmas Ball
LINKED IN - BUSINESS & Professional Networking
SOCIAL MEDIA No1 TWITTER - Why follow us?
COPYRIGHT Protection Tool
INITIATIVES - Prince's Trust Women's Leadership Group
WIN WIN More Prizes Galore!!!

Valerie Dwyer Group logo
One-to-one Entrepreneurs &
Business Development, Coaching & Mentoring
 Programme now open:

*Future Vision

*Strategic Insight & *Strategic Planning

*Action Planning



*Financial & *Money Forecasting &* Management

& more...




Specialist proven consultancy to boost your business or help you turn it around..




Coaching & Mentoring support from entrepreneurs with vision, intuition, inspiration and a lifetime's enterprise experience


What's your challenge? We can help!

email Valerie  now!


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Strategic Insight(tm)



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Inspired: "Stride forward with a firm, steady step, knowing with a deep, certain inner knowing that you will reach every goal you set yourself, achieve every aim" Eileen Caddy 




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Got news, a story, success or event to share, get in touch!  email us 

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#1. Don't have your own plan for life? See how easily others make you fit in with theirs. Time for change.

LIFE& #enterprise have challenge, risk,opportunities in it -if you have a dream 2 follow(if not work on now)NOW REALLY is time to begin it!


FUNDING Spotlight On..,Latest News & Opportunities Update and much more...                            NOVEMBER 2011 UPDATES backtotop... 

 Valerie Dwyer  Welcome, Win South Africa Holiday
Welcome to Global Entrepreneurship Week! Do you know about all the business and personal development opportunities this week? See the section below for more... 
There are some excellent Non-Exec opportunities just on the market, read section below - and then why not have a go?
   I mentioned doing some 'blue sky' thinking and making changes with several new ideas.It's that time of year..Read on below for What's New so far, with more to follow next time...Social/business networking & real opportunities are thriving globally and regionally as well as locally online and as they say 'be in it to win it'. If you've not dipped your toe in yet, don't leave it too long..It's an ideal place to make business connections,including those you've found hard to reach by other methods, and you'll find opportunities daily. Just click on twitter button below and join us. 'Online' should really be a key element in your overall Marketing Strategy by now.
  You're to be congratulated for rising to the challenge of the Third quarter of 2011!
I recently said "Time to really get going to visualise, plan and achieve desired business results or refresh business vision by end of year! Change, renewal are in the air! There's never been a better time to create and grasp new opportunities, make the most of your business." and many of you now have.  Just what you're looking for right now could well be here, so read on now...or come back when you've a bit more time...Remember, with years of front end and strategic business boosting experience, we're here to help, so send us that email now!

 Don't wait too long & miss out though....

   Deadlines loom so don't waste a minute,scan your newsletter now!  If you missed last copy look up here & now Want support to ensure 2011& 2012 meet your expectations? email me now 
   Whatever you are doing - have a fantastic day, week and here's to achieving an exceptional year !' Until next time. Best wishes
Valerie - Everything is Possible(tm)!  

Remember to come back & read anytime, don't miss a thing! 

Share,   they'll thank you for opportunities and tell everyone where you heard about this!   
                  Follow me on Twitter                                   View our profile on LinkedIn 
*If we couldn't fit your news in this time - there's so much going on - try us again -if you've got news - share it!! backtotop.... 
  • Last week Valerie launched her new One:One Personal Development Coaching Programme - to build upon the amazing successes clients have achieved - to help you too. Mail missed, read it here  us know if you did not receive the mail or for more info email us, Skype Valerie.Dwyer or call #(0)115 984 2642  
  • October saw the launch of Your Bookstore our new online bookstore, all hand-picked for you by Valerie - inspirational, motivational, coaching, self-development, entrepreneurial and business success titles to help you
  • October saw the launch of The Valerie Dwyer Daily to publish breaking news and topics of interest to entrepreneurs and business on a daily basis. Changes daily so click on subscribe here to keep up to date    
  • A new membership-based offer coming soon... 

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What are you up to?
global entrepreneurship logo

  Every business starts with a conversation. Start yours today. An amazing number of events to help your business running this week across the UK.

 It's a national conversation about entrepreneurship to connect people, share ideas and address regional issues to drive the next generation of business owners.

 Global Entrepreneurship Week will make it easier to turn those conversations into action - so be part of the discussion and get involved with Global Entrepreneurship Week UK. Whatever your development or business issues, someone's running a seminar or course to help. Check out more than 1,900 events, many near you... 

Thousandsofopportunities     Follow on twitter @GEWUK 

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CONGRATULATIONS! Daniel Priestley, twitter friend, the
Daniel Priestleynew Managing Director of eCademy, the online Professional & Business Network

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BOOK REVIEW - THE FIRE PHILOSOPHY Cope with change and live a happy life

Another inspirational title hand picked and reviewed  for you  

  With anticipation I read The Fire Philosophy, the latest book from Liam O'Connell The Fire Philosophy 

 s co-authored with Steve Lilley. Following on from his excellent Don't Feed the Ducks and, forerunner to this title, My Fire's Gone Out! I was not disappointed. Coping with change and finding happiness are the theme so if these are on your agenda, read on. Otherwise, there are still lessons to be learned, so read on anyway!

   The Fire Philosophy brings us up to date with the trials and tribulations of the four little devils who were endeared to us in My Fire's Gone Out! Having learned important lessons while stoking the fires of hell, they regained their motivation and sense of purpose only in the meantime to fall back into the rut of routine "Wake up, go to work, work hard, go home..." This time they get to grips with life once again in order to avoid some very dark places! Read full review here 

 back to top.. 
BOOK REVIEW The CEO's Strategy Handbook, How to create, sustain and accelerate profitable growth
CEO's Strategy Handbook
by Stuart Cross, entrepreneur and former Head of Strategy, Boots the Chemist

  Do your CEO a favour and order a copy of    

The CEO's Strategy Handbook straight away. No matter how successful we are, there's always room on the learning curve for what will enhance performance. Entrepreneur? Running a small, medium or large business with growth ambition? You guessed it - this is for you too!   

   At the very least this handbook is a must-have refresher but more than this, it's a right-hand compendium of all an effective leader CEO needs to know - and then some. Packed with learning points from useful Case Studies, self-tests, explanatory charts, maps, frameworks and action plans plus Key Points repeated at end of each chapter for easy assimilation. Touches upon Leadership Styles, different strategies for different purposes, makes the roles and responsibilities of a strategic CEO from a growth driven company absolutely clear.  

Review here 

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Appointments Commission Whether you're employed, self-employed or other, you are also free to take up any of the many paid Non-Exec, Chair, Board opportunities we flag up.  Some charitable roles are unpaid but offer development potential. Check out some here

Cabinet Office Public Appointments vacancies include two members for The National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care, Deputy Chair of the Competition Commission, Non-Exec Board Members of Government Enhanced Departmental Boards, V&A Museum Trustees and much, much more..Appointment Vacancies here

                                                                                back to top...

International Women's Day, Thursday 8 March 2012   Find out here what is planned, add your own events information and share.International Women's Day 2012                  back to top... 

EVENTS - eBiz byte-sized breakfasts -dates start 16 Nov 2011 

FREE EVENTS - Mobile Marketing & Apps 

 Does your website look good on a smart phone?  Do you know what apps are available to help market your business?  With more than one billion mobile devices being sold annually, they will soon become the primary channel for accessing the Internet.  This seminar  will help business owners and  marketing professionals understand how to take advantage of this rapidly expanding marketing channel to gain the competitive edge.   Jargon free explanations of the technology and provides independent practical advice on developing a mobile marketing strategy with examples of some of the current solutions' providers.eBiz Club         

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EVENTS - Yes! Group, Jury's Inn, Nottingham, 6 Dec 2011   

Earlybird tickets available.  

   Featuring inspirational Yes! members: Karen Oehme, Transform from 'Fatigue to fabulous' how to boost your vitality with ease!   

Beverley Burton                      Karen Oehme 

Beverley Burton                              Karen Oehme 

The 'No Limits BIG 12' - key capabilities that are essential to succeed in anything, Stuart Ross, the Discipline of Personal Success and Shan Hussain Promoting Health, Wellbeing, Energy and Vitality

Yes! Group                                                                                  back to top... 

EVENTS - Women of the Future Awards Ceremony, London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square, 16 November 2011  

Join us for this year's fabulous awards, an evening of achievement and entertainment, honouring some of the brightest stars in UK business. details here                                        back to top... 

EVENTS - BStartup Show, Earl's Court, 17 & 18 November 2011   
Dragons' Den star James Caan, Ann Summers co-founder David Gold and
Dragons Den Entrepreneur James CaanWill King, creator of King of Shaves, will be among the speakers at the forthcoming BStartup show
  A raft of specialist events include a seminar entitled Inspiring Women; The Boardroom, a new feature offering business-to-business mentoring; and a coaching event on international trade entitled Going Global Live.
Penny Power   Benefit also from speed networking and one-to-one tuition, with specialist advice offered on a range of issues including accounting, finance, advertising and web development.
    More than 200 exhibitors handpicked specifically for the event, and a total of 140 professional speakers.Speakers    BookYourFreeTicket
                                                                                                       back to top...  
EVENTS - Success in 2012, London, 25 November 2011

Well? Are you ready to make the most of 2012? Find out more and meet the new Managing Director of eCademy here

EVENTS- Lisa Spencer-Arnell, Write a Book & Make a Difference, Nottingham, 29 November 2011    

If you've a burning desire to write a non-fiction book to make a Lisa Spencer-Arnell
difference and complement what you do, then this interactive one day workshop could be what you're looking for. I'll be showing you how to format your book, how to get your message across and inspire others and importantly we'll explore your publishing options. I've got 2 books published with a third one almost completed and I want to help you fast track the knowledge and skills you need to become a published author - it's easier than you think. email Lisa for more details here
   back to top...

EVENTS - Vital Women 1 December 2011 Networking event , Nottingham       

                    Karen Oehme                     Jeanne Booth     

  Vital Women's Karen Oehme and The Good Work Guide's Jeanne Booth invite you to their second inspirational networking event, building on the huge success of previous event at Antennae. This time meet up at the Poppy and Pint, more details  here 

 back to top...  

EVENTS - Meditate with Confidence (c) Nottingham, 10 December 2011

  Have you tried meditation but found it difficult? Do you want faster results? Or do you want to learn a new skill the benefits of which will last a life time and significantly improve the quality of your life?
   Would you like increased happiness and sense of inner peace, to de-stress and lower your blood pressure. Or is having more mental clarity, better decision making or increased self-confidence important to you? Learn from 30 years combined wisdom and practices of Paul King and Karen Oehme.  

Link to Meditate with Confidence information.                       


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Youth Can Achieve

EVENTS - Youth Can Achieve Fundraiser Christmas Ball, Leopold Hotel, Sheffield, 20 Dec 2011

email Children in Need facilitator Rachel for details 


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Is Your Business Using Business & Professional 'Social' Networking In Your Marketing Strategy? There's a whole lot of networking going on! 

Are you Linked In? And have you explored Linked In 'Groups' yet, whatever your professional or business interest there are relevant groups posting questions, answers, sharing information and networking their expertise as well as invitations to events you would not otherwise receive. Today you could have received help with 'Building Your Brand'  and 'Social Media Scheduling'.  I had the opportunity to join a meeting of entrepreneurial investors to have our say about creating new business opporunities and growth for UK.  Worth a look and strongly encourage you to join - once you have a well thought strategy for your business plan. Need help?  

email Valerie                           back to top... 

Social Media Why No1? Why is it useful to follow on Twitter?

 Because you can gather info and opportunities on a daily basis that will be over before they can make it into the monthly newsletter.One such was @ValerieDwyer 'Social Media. So What'. Free Vocus Virtual Conference! Check out this valuable free online event you could have joined Vocus Virtual conference  Gain like-minded followers, mine now include "Rich Dad" series author Robert Kiyosaki, former BBC TV Apprentice Jo Cameron and many, many more all passionate about enterprise  Need any help getting started? Check out check out my twitter page                      email us                   back to top...

Copyright Protection Tool

Myows (My Original Works) is a design and copyright protection tool. Users can register their designs or other copyrighted work, such as written content and blogs, logo, photographs etc. As soon as you upload an Original work on Myows, a copy of that work is time- and date-stamped and saved on secure servers. Uploading your work on Myows provides you with valuable evidence as well as an effective deterrent measure designed to prevent theft. The tool can help get unauthorised copies of copyrighted work removed. Visit myows now  for free copyright management and protection.                                                              back to top... 

The Prince's Trust Women's Leadership Group is an innovative fundraising initiative with a dedicated committee of leading, influential women committed to raising funds to help young women get their lives back on track. Of the 40,000 young people The Trust helps each year, only 15,000 will be young women. And the majority of donors are male. Their mission is to involve more women in their work and to motivate female supporters to help them to help more disadvantaged young women than ever before. More....        back to top... 

WIN with DAISY GREEN ETHICAL MAGAZINE A page of delightful goodies from Daisy Green Magazine, fab designer jevellery, energy saving kits, luxe toiletries and much more, some closing by 6th November so hurry  Daisy Green Goodies                              back to top...       

Could you make money from your garage? Find out Visit moneymagpie 

 MyVoucherCodes -

Martin Lewis' Money Saving Expert 

Jasmine Birtles' brilliant  
Money Magpie  FREE from Jasmine Birtles' MAGPIE MAIL - 50 MONEY MAKING & MONEY SAVING TIPS
Sarah Pennells' excellent Savvy Woman
Park At My House - 
Vouchers Kids Days Out  back to top...
DID YOU MISS ANY PREVIOUS NEWSLETTERS PACKED WITH INFORMATION? Winspiration is now archived to our website. You can visit and search back copies at your leisure here-
WinspirationNewsletterArchive           back to top...
Follow up Links

About Us
  Founded by inspirational serial entrepreneur Valerie Dwyer, with ten enterprises under her belt and over 2,000 others assisted to start and grow, Valerie Dwyer Group incorporates Strategic Business Development, a unique Visioning process, Coaching, Mentoring, Networking, Seminars and Workshops. Valerie Dwyer is a passionate UK and international advocate and Champion for Women's Enterprise and member of the UK Women's Enterprise Task Force, lobbying, speaking and writing on this topic. Every day clients achieve more success, our testimonials say it best!
    Valerie Dwyer is a passionate advocate for enterprise and helping people of all ages realise their potential. 
How to contact us:
p: skype valerie.dwyer
(free call if you're a skype user too)
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Facing challenges? Need true direction and improvement for you and your business? Communications expertise and help needed? Improve your business with our help plus raise your profile and place your products & services before your target markets     email us today