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Suri Alpaca - "Rarest of Breeds, Ultimate Natural Fiber"
P.O. Box 1984  |  Estes Park, CO 80517  |  970.586.5876  |
Does Your Herd Look Like This?

Here is a snapshot of what the SNPDC has discovered from the members that filled out the fiber questionnaire:

What percentage of your 2009 Suri blanket do you still have?
100% of the clip          43% of the members
50% - 99%                 23% of the members
Less than 50%           34% of the members

Do you have any fleeces micron tested after shearing?
Yes                           72% of the members
No                             28% of the members

Estimated poundage in each micron category:
< 23 microns               717 pounds
23 - 27 microns           1175 pounds
> 27 microns               813 pounds

The Suri Network Product Development Committee (SNPDC) has gathered this information and more, but to date, only 43 farms have filled out their questionnaires. PLEASE SEND US YOURS. WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT OUR NATIONAL CLIP LOOKS LIKE SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO MOVE THE FIBER END OF THIS BUSINESS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

Please return your questionnaire to:
Liz Vahlkamp
7200 Waterman Ave.
St. Louis, MO  63130

Click below to download questionnaire

Thank you from the SNPDC team

Liz Vahlkamp
Donna Rudd
Christine Perala Gardiner
Lynn Deichman
Kathy Gilliland
Sue Simonton
Holli Cox