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Just in time for Alpaca Farm Days and the holidays! Suri knitting patterns - the first of their kind anywhere - on sale online! The Suri Network is now offering suri knitting (and crochet) patterns on the website. Just go to  and you can select from 13 patterns - purchased wholesale or retail - to help market your lovely suri yarns!  

Ten of these patterns were designed by Sue Simonton of Little Gidding Farm Suri Alpacas and three by other skilled knitting designers. All patterns were commissioned by the Suri Network Product Development Committee as a way to help SN members market our wonderful national clip! You can sell these patterns, along with your yarns, several ways - through your own farm store, through a neighbor's farm store, or through local gift shops and yarn stores in your area. 

In addition to educating the public about suri fiber, these patterns also give you tools to better manage your yarn production and understand better what different grades of yarn are used for. The patterns sold out at the Suri Network Symposium, so order now!

Liz Vahlkamp, SNPDC Chair
PO BOX 1984 | ESTES PARK, CO 80517
PHONE: 970/586-5876 | FAX: 970/586-6685