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Marketing Materials for
National Alpaca Farm Days
It was suggested at the Symposium that the board might do something to encourage the use of marketing materials for AOBA's upcoming National Alpaca Farm Day. As a membership benefit, the Suri Network offered to give you your $25 registration back as an incentive to participate. In lieu of the $25 refund, we are offering the option to receive two of the complete marketing folders (all information including PurelySuri Magazine, Breed Standard, Financial Consideration, DVD, etc) -- a $35 value!  Plus Suri Network will cover the shipping & handling.  For those of you who have already received your $25 check from the Suri Network, you can have these two folders for that amount - just send us $25.  This would also be a good time to purchase any other materials you might need.

This offer expires September 30, 2009.

Suri Network Board of Trustees
     Mike Murphy, President
     Kathleen Cullen, Vice President
     Eric Morti, Secretary
     Jack Hanna, Treasurer
     Linda Kondris, Member at Large
P.O. Box 1984
Estes Park, Colorado 80517
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 586-6685