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Suri Alpaca - "Rarest of Breeds, Ultimate Natural Fiber"
P.O. Box 1984  |  Estes Park, CO 80517  |  970.586.5876  |

We need your colored fleeces for the Suri Network Fleece Show and luster study!
You've finished shearing, standing knee-deep or waist-deep in fleece. Now what do you do?  Don't stuff it into a bag, put it in the barn or basement, and forget about it.  If your fleece is white, gray, or multi, we want it for the fleece show, but if the fleece is fawn, brown, or black, we have a way to make your fleece do double duty.
Here is how to make your fleece work harder.  The annual Suri Network fleece show is rapidly approaching.  Enter your fleece in the fleece show and as part of your entry, indicate that you would like your fleece to be included in the luster study.  After the show, we'll collect the sample for the luster study and return the rest of the fleece to you.  The luster study gets a much-needed sample to complete the study. You get a judge's evaluation of your fleece plus all the information on the fleece sample from the luster study.
To recap:
  • Skirt and enter your fleece in the Suri Network Fleece Show;
  • Include a note that you want the fleece included in the luster study;
  • Include $15.00 to help cover the costs of the study;
  • Bring your fleece to the symposium or mail it according to the fleece show instructions;
  • Pick up your fleece after the symposium or have it mailed back to you (minus the part we keep for the luster study)
If you already sent in your entry and want to participate in the luster study, notify the Suri Network office.
That's it.  The hardest part is skirting your fleece for the show, but you were going to do that anyway, weren't you?