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April 2011Issue #40
Save the Date for the Mayor's Arts Awards
June 8, 2011


2011 Mayor's Arts AwardsMark your calendars for the 2011 Mayor's Arts Awards! This gala event is a celebration of the arts to formally honor contributions and achievements in the Lincoln community. The Mayor's Arts Awards ceremony will be held at the Lied Center for Performing Arts on June 8.


This year we will have reserved seating, so make your reservation early! Tickets for the event are $50 and can be purchased by calling the Lincoln Arts Council at 402-434-2787.  View the list of winners here!

2011 Arts Voter's Guide    

LAC Voter GuideLincoln will be going to the polls and voting this spring, with primary elections being held on April 5 and general elections on May 3. To help you make informed voting decisions, the Lincoln Arts Council has contacted candidates for the Mayor and City Council races and asked them their opinion on the role the arts play in our community and their vision for the arts in Lincoln.

Visit our voter's guide today and see what the candidates had to say!

Artist Opportunity: 5th Annual Exhibit of The National Arts Program�

The National Arts Program�Never hide your talent! The National Arts Program�, open to past or present employees of the City of Lincoln and their families, is designed to give all visual artists, at all skill levels, an uninhibited opportunity to exhibit their work in a professional manner and to compete for cash prizes. Sponsored by the National Arts Program Foundation in support and cooperation with the City of Lincoln, the exhibit is judged by professional artists and visual art professionals in Amateur, Intermediate, Professional and Youth classifications, and it is free to all. Don't miss this chance to be recognized for your creativity. Be proud of your art!  More...

Learning through the Arts: Artists in Residency at Lincoln Public Schools 

Learning Through the ArtsThe Lincoln Arts Council's AmeriCorps members, Mollie Magnuson and Emily Bulling, are proud to announce the approval of funding, from the Nebraska Arts Council, for an Artists in Schools/Communities Residency Program Sponsor Grant. The grant will support two local artists, Katie Frisch and Sarah Brown, to do residencies at both Riley Elementary and Huntington Elementary Schools this spring.  More...

Celebrate Lincoln Seeks Artists for June Event

Deadline for application: April 15, 2011 

Celebrate LincolnThe Lincoln Arts Council is proud to be a partner of the Celebrate Lincoln festival, which is a two-day multicultural event that features a marketplace perfect for artists, vendors and merchants.  Celebrate Lincoln features a large stage with both local and national entertainment acts. In 2009, more than 15,000 people gathered from 38 different states to celebrate in downtown Lincoln. For more information about reserving a space for your art, download the application here, or contact Brooke at 402-479-1426 or email brooke@broadcasthouse.com.

Lincoln Arts Council to Host Free Teaching Artist Webinar 

National Assembly of State Arts AgenciesThe Lincoln Arts Council will be hosting a free webinar on Teaching Artists on Wednesday, April 13 from 2:00-3:00 pm at the LAC offices. A presentation of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, this session shares new research that sheds light on the varied roles of teaching artists and the unique contributions they make to arts education. Whether your agency provides artist residencies directly or facilitates other kinds of collaborations between educators and arts organizations, this session will provide useful insights for you as it reviews the career paths, needs and perceptions of teaching artists from around the nation. The session will include:
  • Remarks from Nick Rabkin, senior research scientist from the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, who shares key findings from the Teaching Artists Research Project 
  • A real-time poll of how state arts agencies employ and support teaching artists
  • Time for questions and discussion
This webinar is open to any artist, any discipline, that is interested in teaching and any organization that works with teaching artists. The session takes place on Wednesday, April 13, 2:00-3:00 pm at the Lincoln Arts Council.

Public Art Roundtable April 19 

Artist RoundtableThe fourth installment of the Lincoln Arts Council roundtable series will be centered on the topic of Public Art. We will discuss the city-wide public art plan and hear from members of the Mayor's Public Art Committee.

The roundtable will be held in the City-County Building, 555 S. 10th, room 303, at 3:30 pm on April 19. Parking is available in the lot north of the building across K Street.

Artists, representatives from Arts Organizations, and the arts minded public are invited to attend this conversation. We hope to see you there!

Artist Spotlight: Katie Frisch 

Katie Frisch"Much of my work revolves around identity. Recently I discovered "artist" to be among my list of attributes, and working in fiber has allowed me to understand what this means for myself in terms of both character and responsibility. Many of the pieces I create are explorations into the creative process itself-the role of bad ideas, trust of vision, insecurity, discipline, response to materials, obligation to creativity, etc."
-Katie Frisch

Born and raised in Lincoln, Katie Frisch is an up and coming fiber artist and bookmaker.  Katie holds a Bachelors Degree in Women's Studies and Religious studies and a Master of Arts in Textiles, Clothing & Design.  She currently runs "Feeding the Lake", a website she started in June 2010, where she sells her handmade books.  She also works as a barista at the Cup and is an Artist in Residence at the LUX Center for the Arts.  More...

 April Art Events

This April is a month full of art collaborations of all kinds.  Why not collaborate with a friend and have twice as much fun taking in all this great art together?
Flatwater Shakespeare and the Haymarket Theatre are teaming up to produce "Angels in America, Part One: Millennium Approaches".  The Angels Theatre Company will continue their collaboration with the Sheldon Museum of Art with their Reflection Series.   The Sheldon Friends of Chamber Music will be hosting the Castalia Trio.  And The Haydon Art Center has put together "Wind on Earth", a week long artist residency of 4 contemporary Native American artists.
There is much more to see each and every First Friday.  Check out the Lincoln Arts Council's First Friday Guide for all the details.

Other organizations with events this April:
Don't see your art organization's event here?  That's because we need a profile created on our website, ArtScene.org.  Fill out a bio, add events to our calendar by the 25th, and get your contributions to Lincoln's art scene noticed!

And Now, Your Moment of Artistic Zen.

Moment of Zen - April 2011 - JR's TED prize wish

Nebraska Arts CouncilPublished by the Lincoln Arts Council

920 'O' Street, Suite 102
Lincoln, NE 68508

Phone: 402-434-2787
General Email: info@artscene.org
Events Email: events@artscene.org
Website: www.artscene.org