December 7, 2010

Developing, Nurturing
& Supporting Leaders
Mark Your Calendar!

Synod of Lincoln Trails Quarterly Meeting
Jan. 28, 2011
Urbana, Ill.

CLP Continuing Education
Lent & Easter
Synod of Lincoln Trails
Feb. 12, 2011
Philo, Ill.

2011 Zenos Lectures
Gench: Engaging Tyrannical Texts
McCormick Theological Seminary
Feb. 21, 2011

Synod of Lincoln Trails Quarterly Meeting
April 30, 2011
Philo, Ill.

MALT Training for Interim Pastors
May 16-20, 2011
St. Louis, Mo.

CLP Continuing Education
Pentecost I
Synod of Lincoln Trails
June 4, 2011
Philo, Ill.

PC(USA) Big Tent
June 30 - July 2, 2011

Covenant Gathering
July 3-9, 2011
Hillsdale, Mich.

Synod of Lincoln Trails Quarterly Meeting
July 29, 2011
Urbana, Ill.

CLP Continuing Education
Pentecost II
Synod of Lincoln Trails
Aug. 20, 2011
Philo, Ill.

Synod of Lincoln Trails Quarterly Meeting
October 29, 2011
Philo, Ill.

CLP Continuing Education
Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Year B
Synod of Lincoln Trails
Nov. 5, 2011
Philo, Ill.

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McCormick Theological Seminary Continuing Education

Frances Taylor Gench to "Engage Tyrannical Texts" in 2011 Zenos Lectures

The 2011 Zenos Lectures, scheduled for Feb. 21 at McCormick Theological Seminary, features a pair of provocative presentations by Dr. Frances Taylor Gench.

In her lectures, titled, "Desperate Housewives: Engaging Tyrannical Texts," Gench will confront what are for many modern day Christians the Bible's most awkward, offensive, or embarrassing texts and explore strategies for engaging them directly, honestly, faithfully, and publicly. Texts that have proved oppressive in the lives of many Christian women will serve as test cases.

The Zenos Lectures are a biannual endowed lecture series offered free and open to the public. The lectures are at 1 and 4 p.m.
Presbyterian Hunger ProgramPC(USA) Hunger Program Supports Illinois Organic Farm

Angelic Organics Learning Center, Caledonia, Will Participate in Program

The local program is one of many national and international programs who received funding from the PC(USA) agency. National grants totaling $690,000 are funding education, direct relief, public policy and development in diverse settings, including PC(USA) congregations and presbyteries, community farms, rural crisis centers, councils of churches and agencies that assist migrant workers.

"It is wonderful that Presbyterians are so generous in giving to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering that enables PHP's work to alleviate hunger around the world and to support the ministries of local congregations," said Hal Johnson of Durant, Okla., chairman of the advisory committee. "I'm always impressed by the commitment and creativity of so many of the grant recipients, many of whom are doing tremendous work with limited resources."

PHP's work is funded by 36 percent of the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, given by congregations for outreach since 1949 and collected on Easter Sunday.

More about Angelic Organics Learning Center
More about the Presbyterian Hunger Program grants

CLPContEdSynod to Offer CLP Continuing Education in 2011

Lincoln Trails will offer four Saturday classes for next year as part of its continuing education classes for commissioned lay pastors. The Rev. Dr. Laura Reason, pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Highland, Ind., will be the instructor. Classes include:
  • Lent & Easter, Feb. 12, 2011
  • Pentecost I, June 4, 2011
  • Pentecost II, Aug. 20, 2011
  • Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Year B, Nov. 5, 2011

Classes will be held at Philo (Ill.) Presbyterian Church. For more information, contact Kristi Miller at the synod office, 800-566-5996/317-923-3681,

The Art of Transitional MinistryTraining for Interim Pastors Coming in May 2011

The Synods of Mid-America and Lincoln Trails (MALT) have joined together to provide interim training to pastors nationwide. Interim training is intended for those presently engaged in interim ministry and those inquiring about this ministry. Committee on Ministry members and presbytery staff persons with responsibility for congregations in transition will also find the training helpful. The next interim pastor training will be May 16-20, 2011. Registration deadline is April 18.

Read more about MALT interim pastor training
Download an Interim Pastor Training brochure
Download an Interim Pastor Training registration form

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