November 15, 2010

Developing, Nurturing
& Supporting Leaders
Mark Your Calendar!

Belhar Confession Workshop
Dec. 4
Elmhurst, Ill.

Synod of Lincoln Trails Quarterly Meeting
Jan. 28, 2011
First Presbyterian Church, Urbana, Ill.

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Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Douglas Tracy Joins Synod as Stated Clerk

Kim Leech Retires; Tracy Begins Term January 2011

Commissioners at the October synod meeting unanimously elected the Rev. Dr. Douglas Tracy to be synod stated clerk. The current stated clerk, Kim Leech, is retiring at the end of the year.

Tracy is an honorably retired member of Lake Huron Presbytery and has served as stated clerk of Lake Huron and Western Reserve. He plans to transfer his presbytery membership to a presbytery within the bounds of the synod.

He is currently an adjunct faculty member at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, and the Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Detroit. He has taught Reformed theology and PC(USA) polity in a vairety of settings: local church, seminary classes and for those seeking to become commissioned lay pastors.

The October synod meeting included a worship service that recognized and celebrated Kim Leech's many contributions during his tenure as synod stated clerk.

PC(USA) Big Tent 2011PC(USA) Big Tent Will Be in Indianapolis June 30 - July 2, 2011

Plans Proceed for Denominational Gathering

At the first Big Tent, held in Atlanta in June 2009, 10 conferences of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) met concurrently, allowing participants to attend workshops and meet people from different areas of the denomination. The 2011 event, held June 30-July 2 in Indianapolis, will do the same.

"You won't get a chance to see as many parts of the church in one place as you will at Big Tent," said Kerry Rice, manager of the General Assembly meeting service. Groups to be included in the 2011 event:
  • World Mission's Mission Celebration
  • The Clergy Women's Leadership Institute, hosted by Racial Ethnic and Women's Ministries/Presbyterian Women
  • The National Black Presbyterian Caucus,  part of the Racial Ethnic and Immigrants Convocation
  • Healthy Ministries Conference
  • Presbyterian Communicators Network Conference
  • National Multicultural Church Conference
  • Evangelism and Church Growth
  • National Elders Conference
  • Peacemaking Conference
  • Racial Ethnic and Immigrants Convocation

Read the entire article

Office of Vocation, PC(USA)PC(USA) Program Seeks to Place Seminary Grads in Small Churches

"For Such a Time as This," a program of the PC(USA) Vocations office, is seeking potential partner presbyteries which are under-served and have difficulty attracting first call candidates, but have three to four small churches that could serve as good learning settings for first call residents.

Because residents will meet monthly with a pastor/mentor, they will be placed in clusters that would allow for that. This would mean that two contiguous presbyteries might work together to form a cluster of three to four residency churches.

During the program, pastoral residents - who will be ordained to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament as Designated Pastors - will be supported and guided by a network of pastor/mentors, presbytery, seminary and national church leaders. The residents will be Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) candidates for ministry who have completed their M.Div. degree and have been "certified ready to receive a call."

Covenant Gathering will be July 3-9, 2011

Join other Christians for Covenant Gathering 2011 at beautiful Michindoh Conference and Retreat Center in southern Michigan, close to the Ohio and Indiana borders. Covenant Gathering is a little bit conference, a little bit vacation with facilities for all abilities! And it is affordable for families.

The theme for 2011 is "Peace By Piece." Covenant Gathering is a place to find peace, whether through new or strengthened friendships, family time in a beautiful setting, contemplative time on lake or trail, learning about our responsibilities in peacemaking, or through deeper challenges and prodding within our faith.

Visit the Covenant Gathering website
meetingdatesSynod Sets 2011 MeetingsSynod of Lincoln Trails, PC(USA)

The Synod of Lincoln Trails has set dates and locations for its regular quarterly meetings:
  • Friday, January 28, 2011, First Presbyterian Church, Urbana, Ill.
  • Saturday, April 30, 2011, Philo (Ill.) Presbyterian Church
  • Friday, July 29, 2011, First Presbyterian Church, Urbana, Ill.
  • Saturday, October 29, 2011, Philo (Ill.) Presbyterian Church
Anyone may attend synod meetings. If you are not a regular invitee, please contact Judy Lucas, 317-923-3681, for more information. Meeting papers and minutes may be found at
Synod and McCormick Seminary Team Up to Offer Introduction to the Belhar Confession

Saturday, December 4, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Elmhurst, Ill.

This workshop is presented in support of presbyteries and congregations of the synod and beyond. It will give particular attention to the social and theological implications of the Belhar Confession for the North American church today and the ecclesial implications of its proposed inclusion in the PC(USA) Book of Confessions.

Deadline to register is November 30, 2010.

More information and to register...
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