January 25, 2008
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Synod Meeting January 26
Eastland Suites, Urbana, Illinois
  • Installation of new synod officers
  • Appointment of new standing committees and standing committee moderators
  • Welcoming new commissioners
  • Refreshments and fellowship
Commissioners, remember to download your packets from the Synod Meeting Papers web page.
Youthfest 2008
Feb. 22-24, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
Early Bird Registration Deadline: Feb. 4

An incredible spiritual conference geared especially for juniors and seniors in high school and freshman and sophomores in college.

Theme: Clarity
Scripture Basis: 1 Corinthians 13: 12-13
Keynote Speaker: Brian Shivers
Music: Tim and Tom Zehnder of Zehnder

For more information, contact Julie Shannon or download a conference brochure and registration form.
Carol McDonald, Synod Co-ExecutiveA Word from the Co-Exec
In recent days, I have been reminded vividly of the several governing bodies that construct the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as we know it. 

I have participated in a council retreat for the Presbytery of Wabash Valley, met with my synod-executive colleagues from most of the denomination's 16 synods, provided staff resource services to a committee of the General Assembly, and am preparing to preach Sunday for Irvington Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis. 

What these activities have reminded me is that it takes all of us for the church to be alive and healthy and growing.  Congregations offer people Christ's gospel and challenge them to use their gifts in Christ's service.  Presbyteries and synods gather leaders from congregations and push those leaders to think "outside the box" to move the gospel into all the world.  And the General Assembly helps us make connections internationally and ecumenically-- connections that strengthen the world-wide impact of the gospel's message.

No one governing body is all-sufficient; no one governing body can spread the gospel in isolation.  So the questions for us as leaders in this part of Christ's church are these:  what do I know about what's happening in the governing bodies that surround the one that for me is primary?  How do I support the life and ministry of each other governing body?  How do I share with others the good news from my setting?  And how do I celebrate the good news from other parts of the church?

Upcoming synod events designed to develop leaders for all parts of Christ's church are YouthFest, the second annual Spring Leadership Events for Pastors and CLPs, and Interim Pastor Training.

Register today for any, or all, of these events.  Gather with other Presbyterians in this two-state area to be refreshed, renewed, and above all reminded that you are not alone, but rather are part of an amazing household of faith known as the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Carol McDonald
Synod Co-Executive