Orange Tree Imports wants to help you celebrate in style!

Just a note to remind you that we have a great selection of jewelry, soaps, candy (including imported and locally made chocolates) and other gifts for Valentine's Day -- as well as Valentines from many independent card companies.

How about an OTI gift card for that special someone? It can be used for any of our merchandise, or for a Cooking School class.  A new Cooking School session will begin in April.

If you are planning a romantic dinner, don't forget that we have all the cooking tools you'll need, as well as wine glasses, table linens and candles. 
And of course our toy areas has sweet surprises for the little ones in your life.

We look forward to seeing you soon!
Dean and Orange Schroeder

Save 20%

Bring this coupon to Orange Tree Imports for 20% off any one package of Valentine candy in our atrium display.
Offer Expires:  February 10, 2010