
October is always a spectacularly important month for us at Lotus Travel. First, we get to celebrate National Day and enjoy visiting family and friends. This year we traveled and spent time with Louie's parents.
Also October marks the anniversary of Lotus Travel. We are now in our 16th year! We began very small, and grew consistently with a focus on customer service. You can click beginnings to read a bit about how it all began with Louie at the helm.
As we grow we also continue to evolve our services. On our anniversary this year (October 13th) we began online payments on our website. This year's anniversary marked a new milestone as well.
Speaking of new things, Louie has recently unveiled a new set of heritage tours, designed for teens and adults. These tours focus on less traveled and more adventuresome areas of China. Stay tuned as we will unveil more new tours! Or, just ask us to create one -- that's right up our alley!
Sincerely, Lea in Guangzhou
Shamian Island History
Most adoptive families know the picturesque streets and hold keen memories of spending time strolling the uniquely Euro-Asian streets of Shamian Island. Few know the history. Here in this newsletter, we feature guest writer, Sophy Jiang, personal friend of Lea Xu, who has written about this place that holds a memorable place in the history of adoptive families. Click: Shamian to read the full article to learn a broader perspective on this place.
(Thanks to Joyce Huang of the Lotus Travel heritage tour planning department for tra nslating article from Mandarin to English.)
Advantage: Book early for 2012
 Louie Yi, or "Uncle Louie" as he is known by many of our families, says this year there is a special advantage to book heritage trips earlier. With inflationary pressures in China moving upward, the earlier families choose to book, the greater advantage in cost they have. Click to read his insights: Book Early to the most of your heritage trip dollars. |
Teen & Adventure Travel
Check out new tour  options created for teens and adults interested in adventure type of travel. You can explore some new tours. Click Discover Shangri-La or Silk Road to view complete itineraries. You may contact Louie at to explore options for this new type of tour! Or, you may design your own tour anytime by completing the online form at: Design your own and we'll work with you to create the trip you desire!