Hope this summer finds you well. While it has been unseasonably hot in much of the US, our return from Guangzhou to Seattle, welcomed us with more cold than we expected. It has been a great year of welcoming many of you to Asia on heritage trips. Louie, my husband, has certainly enjoyed his role as "Uncle Louie" in escorting a few tours this summer. In this issue, we focus on a couple of customs and traditions, including naming conventions within Asian families. We also like to highlight some practical aspects for families, such as restaurant "norms" in China as well as chopstick etiquette. Feel free to contact us to suggest topics you would like us to write about, as we welcome suggestions. Also, many families taking trips this summer have shared their photos. We always enjoy seeing these. Please write anytime to Best regards, Lea in Guangzhou |
Names in Asia
 Ever wondered and wanted to learn more about typical naming customs and habits within China? Click Names to read an excerpt about routine traditions about naming. Learn why families in China do not follow the American tradition of giving a child the same name as a father or other family member. It's interesting to learn more about this cultural aspect of life in Asia.
Louie Yi: 2011 Travel Advantages &
2012 Travel Forecast
Lower price is one advantage, though there are others. For best prices families should consider traveling in Fall/Winter 2011 or complete your travel anytime before the end of March 2012. Once April 1st arrives, travel prices kick over to 2012 prices, which are expected to be a minimum of 10% higher due to inflation in China. Also, springtime offers beautiful weather for travel. Winter break can offer an ideal time to travel without missing any of the school schedule and is a lovely opportunity to experience the holidays in China. Click Louie's Travel Forecast to read a letter to clients sent earlier this year. Or contact directly with questions.
Restaurants in Asia
Ever wonder about the fascination with whole heads  on the fish while eating in restaurants in Asia?
Click Restaurants to read more about habits and norms while dining. It can help you be well prepared for a return visit to Asia.
White Swan Update
Leaders at Lotus Travel are staying in close
White Swan waterfall
communication with White Swan personnel about upcoming renovations.
Click White Swan Changes to read Lea's article about upgrades and changes coming to the White Swan hotel as well as temporary closure dates and recommended alternatives.