China Camp Culture Resources |
Lotus Travel has created some printed resources for China camp  programs. The new item is a laminated colorful fact sheet about China. It's geared for kids ages 7-14 and will be available June 15. You can request this free resource now by contacting Iris Culp at iris@lotustours.net
Click Culture Camp Resources to review the list of support items available. |
Important Travel Documents Required | The State Department has issued a travel documents advisory for families with children under the age of 18 who travel with one parent. Click travel documents to read full details on our website. |

Tomb Sweeping |
"Qingming" holiday has a deep meaning in modern Chinese society. This holiday combines somber remembrances and the birth of spring. To read more on this holiday
Harbin: The Winter Wonderland |
It is the most famous ice festival in the world. Harbin marries traditional ice sculpture and modern technology for some spectacular sights. Click Harbin Ice Photos to see amazing photos taken during the 2009 event.
Give thanks and give back - November 2010  |
Volunteer in Guangdong province and be part of a team that builds homes in Shaoguan village with Lotus and Habitat for Humanity.
Book hotels online

"A picture is worth a thousand words"..... that is particularly true when choosing a hotel stay.
So, we created the Lotus online Hotel Service to solve that dilemma. You'll love Lotus Hotel Online which has the benefit of our contracted room rates and our personalized service. Agents will book your room, make changes & more.
Whenever and however you are considering traveling, including independent travel, we can assist you.
Now, just sit back, relax, and picture that perfect China trip! |
Protect your travel
Volcanic ash; SARS; H1N1 quarantines; family health issues- none of these are planned. All these events can be protected against. There is the "Cancel for any Reason" option.
You can review sample instances of how the coverage for the volcanic ash is handled by clicking: Travel Insurance |
"Twenty Things Adoptive Parents Need to Know" |
In this all-new volume to Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew, Sherrie Eldridge shifts her focus from the adoptee to parents, offering practical wisdom and advice on creating a loving, nurturing environment for your adopted child. |
At this time of year many families make finishing touches to summer travel plans. We know a number of you are making plans for a heritage trip:)! Also many families attend culture camps which we enjoy supporting. Our family's summer travel plans include a trip to the US and we look forward to that.
In this newsletter, I share some reflections on our first time ever to celebrate CNY in the countryside. It was quite special for us and something we plan to do again. In my "Living in Two Cultures" yahoo group I also recently talked about my trip to Guilin during the Qingming holiday we had. Feel free to join that discussion group at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LivingInTwoCultures/ I trust you find this newsletter useful with various culture articles, the FCC spotlight, adoption book highlight, regular features and early bird coupon for winter travel. Whatever your plans and wherever we might see you, we wish you the best of times this Summer. We'd love to see you in Guangzhou sometime. Just let us know! From everyone at Lotus Travel: Relax, summer is just around the corner. Sales and Marketing Director Lotus Travel |
Countryside and the City:
Celebrations & Reflections of CNY
There are many differences between living in the city and living in the
countryside for Chinese families. This year Lea Xu and family spent time celebrating CNY in the countryside.
Click here to read the full details of the differences and the rich tradition and unique feeling of celebrating CNY in a small village and why they plan to return. |
Populous and Popular
There are many interesting highlights for the Guangdong province. With many adoptive families having children with roots in this busy province, it is often a popular place to visit. Beyond visiting the adoption hotel, there are many more options to visit. Click here to read more about this growing and expansive province with a rich history of importance to China. |
FCC Ohio -- Toledo
Leader Spotlight In our ongoing effort to highlight different chapters around the country, newsletter editor, Iris Culp, spoke with FCC Toledo president Luanne Billstein.
The summary is a good reminder that a small group of committed parents CAN and Do make a difference. Click FCC Ohio to read the full story and challenge yourself to be a parent who understands what it's like to help kids navigate two worlds. |
Uncle Louie Winter Tour - Dec. 2010
Looking for a "cool" China tour?
Then join Louie Yi as he leads his first ever families Winter tour to  the Hunan province (where he grew up)!
Louie Yi, President of Lotus Travel will escort this group to visit his hometown-Changsha and share many of his insight of his childhood when he was raised there. The director of the Changsha SWI is planning a special time dedicated to Hunan families.
Families with children from any Hunan city will enjoy this tour and special attention from our own consummate travel guide and see sites of: Beijing, Xian, Chengdu, Changsha, and Guangzhou. Click Hunan Winter Tour 2010 to review full details and plan for a great winter break! |
Chinese New Year Travel Season Largest Modern Migration on Earth
 Although the 2010 CNY season has passed, reflecting back on it yields some compelling facts and personal stories. With tens of millions of migrant workers traveling at that time, it severely strains the transportation system. Click here to read the full story and view a link to a video clip of a family affected by the clash of modern needs and ancient values in an award winning documentary on the topic. |
 The phrase " ..... and they lived happily ever" is sometimes the expectation of adoptive families and their friends.
Bren Wolfe is an adoptive mom who knows that life after adoption can include dashed expectations, difficulty bonding and other unexpected twists. As international attention has been drawn to adoptive families by the actions of Torry Hansen, (the mom who returned her child on a plane back to Russia) sadly illustrates, daily reality is not a storybook.
Bren Wolfe, has created a non-profit called "Journey to Me" (JTM). JTM purpose is to provide support resources to families after adoption. JTM has webinars and other resources via the website. It is intended to be a place where parents can seek support and information such as on how to understand kids who have experienced loss very early in life. There are also parenting resources to address the needs of kids that have been through early neglect, trauma, orphanage care or multiple placements.
Click Journey To Me to review past webinars, listen to audio files, search the article database or to read about other families healing journey. |
Travel Tips: Food, Customs, Money
Tips and things to know before travel
What type of food will be prevalent in different cities? What's the procedure at customs these? What about the water? Click: Travel Tips Overview to get a refresher on some key travel pointers. |
Book early for Winter Tours | |
And get rewarded with an early bird discount of $50 off tour price. Book your tour by July 1st. Call Louie at 1-800-956-8873 or email louie@lotustours.net today. Get in on one of the three winter tours this year -- it's a great time!
(Click any tour below for itinerary details ) |
Winter Season Heritage Tour -- $1799/adult
Hunan Children's Reunion Tour-- $2199/adult |