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Table of Contents
LNY Personal Recollections
LNY Traditions
Giant Pandas in DC
New China
 "Up Close, Personal, Affordable"  
If you would like to take a tour where you can experience daily life similar to a  middle class Chinese citizen, then  Lotus has great tour  for you.  You can   practice  your Mandarin with hotel staff and experience more of daily life.
 Travelers for this tour stay at "Home Inn" lodging, which is comfortable and reasonable.  It has special features such as the chance to stay in a farmers' home in Hu Country and try one's hand at basic painting and calligraphy. Many other "up close and personal" features are included.  The price is well suited to many budgets at $1499 per adult and $1199 per child.  Email Louie at [email protected]  to get on the schedule for this great trip!
  Visit Our website
Upcoming Events
Lotus representatives will be at these LNY events. Stop in & say hello !
1/ 24 -
Cleveland, OH 
1/ 24 -Austin, TX
2/ 1 - 
Seattle, WA
2/ 1 - Columbus, OH
2/ 7 - Oklahoma City   
 Network for Adoptive "Tweens"
  Btween is a online community for kids between 8 and 14 years old who are connected to adoption or fostering. is the brainchild of an adoptive mom and is an online social community kids  where kids can meet new friends, share stories, participate in discussion groups, and grow together--all in a safe environment!
Quick Links 
Lotus Travel
 Network for "tweens"touched by adoption 
Join Our Mailing List!
Get a night free in Guangzhou!  
*White Swan
* Victory 
* China Hotel  
* Holiday Inn
Families who book two round-trip international  tickets with us,  will receive a complimentary stay at one of these Lotus partner hotels. For more details, you may call 1-800-956-8873.
Or (click here)  to get promotion details.  
 Save on your  hotel budget--enjoy Guangzhou shopping instead!
Airfare Update
Airline ticket prices have come down slightly with a drop in fuel surcharges.  This change became effective in January-- hooray! We like to share a bit of good news wherever  we find it.

Lea in front of waterfall"Gung Hei Fat Choy!" to our China families!  "Chuc Mung Nam Moi!" to our Vietnam families!    What a great time of year to be living in Asia. As our family and team get ready to travel to celebrate this holiday, I am pleased to include in this newsletter some insights into the experiences of our staff with this important holiday. 
I am enjoying discussing cross-cultural experience in my new yahoo group, entitled "Living in Two Cultures". It's a fun place to share different experiences  of living in China and America. 
 We at Lotus Travel are particularly excited about a couple of new ventures this year, as we set plans for 2009. We have some new homeland tours and a "comeback" tour. 
I trust this newsletter finds your family happy and healthy as we look forward to a year of growth and changes in our lives and families. Many wonderful wishes for  the Year of the Ox!  

Lea Xu,
Vice President and
Sales & Marketing Director 
Lunar New Year Celebrations and Traditions
 Many adoptive families know the basic tents of Lunar New Year celebrations, including giving away "lucky money" envelopes to children, placing red couplets over the doorways, the tradition of new, often red, clothing on New Year's Day and celebrating.  Here we'll take a bit deeper look as we explore themes of celebrating  the  New Year (click here)
Lunar  New Year Personal Recollections 
Join in and "listen in" as some of our China staff members recount memories of this most important holiday in Asia -- New Year  Celebrations!
First, some introductions are in order  (click here)
"Uncle" Louie's Tour is Back!!! 
The "Uncle Louie" Tour is back and there are 12 spaces left.  If your family participates in one of these two specials tours this summer, you will be guided and all your details cared for by an expert!  And your kids may also end up referring to Louie Yi, as "Uncle Louie" as oftentimes happens.  There are only two of these tours for Summer 2009.
You can email Louie at lo
[email protected]  or click for the full details (here).You can also speak to Louie at 1-800-956-8873 today!

"Living in Two Cultures"

  Lea XuBe a part of an insightful, new discussion group, titled "Living in Two Cultures" by Lea Xu.  It is recently started and has lively discussion regarding the differences, challenges and commonalities across cultures to various topics such as parenting, education, living, working and more.  If you'd like an invitation to join, drop a note to Iris Culp at [email protected] today or go online at:
Panda and Bamboo Needs in Washington DC
The National Zoo in Washington DC has announced they have a "critcal and unexpected " shortage of bamboo. They expect the supply to be depleted before the end of winter.

However, not just any bamboo will do. The Zoo spokesperson has said they need  bamboo that has not been treated with herbicides or pesticides, has been raised on  an acre of land, and was at least 100 feet from a roadway.

In addition to being selective, the Zoo has need a huge quantity for the pandas.  The three Giant Pandas, Tai Shan, Tian Tian and Mei Xiang are provided 1,400 pounds of  bamboo each week. They spend approximately 12-14 hours eating every day. 
Interested in reading previous newsletters? 
 We can help!  We're pleased to support our families with useful, relevant and practical topics. If you'd like to review some past newsletters, click here (  You can read useful articles such as "How to budget for a homeland tour" or gain perspective on topics like foster family connections; or other insights.  Happy Year of the Ox!
New Year
Save $50
Lunar New Year is a perfect time of year to celebrate our wonderful Asian heritage.  It is also an ideal time of year to plan a return homeland heritage tour for Summer 2009! 
Families who confirm a tour booking with deposit payment  between January 26 and February 9th, will receive a $50 off discount for each traveler. Regardless of when you plan to travel, let Lotus Travel help you celebrate this holiday season  with this special promotion.   Email [email protected]  for more information today!  
Offer Expires:   February 9, 2009