sati Life style
New Years Day event 2010
Taking Action March, 2010
In This Issue
Are you Inspired?
Spreading Our Sati Wings
Sati in the Sun
Action is the Operative Word
Sweet Alternatives
Action of the Inner Warrior
Drink in Thanks
It is Done!
Current Affirmation
I release myself
Into excellence now
I am now allowing
Myself to be
Who I really want to be
I discipline my attention
And I am willing to take action
My life unfolds
In a magnificent way
I let it be
I surrender to my destiny
As so it is.
Upcoming Events

Los Angles
Kickoff MARCH 22-26, 2010
email: [email protected]  
Click here for more info.
Gregory Stockbridge
Pearl Studios
500 8th Ave, 4th Fl.
Anyone is welcome (Donations accepted)

SUNDAYS 1:30-2:30PM
Various instructors every 3 weeks
NYU Multi-Purpose Room
3rd floor at the Palladium
Entrance is at 140 E 14th St. (next to Trader Joes)
NYU students and staff just show up with ID. All others, e-mail Wendy Suzuki at [email protected] to be put on the guest list. 
29 Nassau St., Princeton, NJ
Week of March Madness with free classes offered all week at Lululemon, Princeton.
Katherine Adamenko
Any questions email [email protected].

Ask for satiLifer discount!
Saturday, March 20th, 10am-5pm, New York, NY (at the home of Laurie Gerber)
Saturday & Sunday, April 10th & 11th, 9am-4pm. Coach: Kate Pfeffer
Mondays, starting March 8th, 8-9pm ET. Coach: Johanna Sawalha 
Tuesdays, starting March 23rd, 7-8pm ET. Coach: Christine Young

Monday, Mar 22, 8-9pm ET
RSVP in advance to [email protected] or (800) 617-7040. Coach: Molly Suggs
Monday, March 8th, 12-1pm ET
RSVP in advance to [email protected] or call (800) 617-7040. Coach: Laurie Gerber
Click here to RSVP 
Now in Print!
Patricia's book, The intenSati Method: Seven Secret Principles to Thinner Peace  is available in bookstores and online!
 the intenSati Method, by Patricia Moreno

Available at or Barnes and

What We're Listening To:
Michael Bernard Beckwith "Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential." Michael Beckwith teaches that inner spiritual work, not religiosity or dogma, liberates us.
 Michael beckwith Spiriual Liberation cover

Available at or

Get intenSatisfied!

Class schedule
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Erin wearing the new i love my life organic t-shirt

Order the NEW
"i love my life"
organic T!


Patricia Color Headshot
I am excited to start this month from sunny Southern California after a very cold and wet winter in New York City. I wasn't just heading to Los Angeles for a change of weather,
I am in Los Angeles to promote my book, train new teachers to lead intenSati, and introduce classes in many of the Southern California Equinox locations.  If you live in the area please come by and check it out. All of the information is on If you want a free guest pass just email [email protected].
As we enter into our third month of 2010, it's a good time to stop and ask yourself how you are doing. I declared 2010 to be the year we say "if not now, when?" What did you declare you would finally do this year that you haven't done in the past? Do you remember what you declared, or did you let it go already?
This month I want to remind you to stop and pay attention to the direction your year is going in so far. Remember that it will continue to go in the direction it is going unless something changes. When we say we want to make a change or improve our life situation in some way, we have to be willing to give something up in order for that change to occur. But it's not just an old habit you are giving up, you are giving up a way of being or a lifestyle that no longer suites you, that you have outgrown, or no longer feels good to you. More... 
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Are you Inspired?
East and West Coast intenSati Leader Training
Are you READY, WILLING, and ABLE to take a stand and inspire others? Calling all Group Fitness Instructors, Yoga Teachers and those dedicated to providing people all over the world with tools and inspiration to be all they are meant to be, in heart, body, and mind!  
March 22 - 26, 2010

Level 1 Leader Training is a six month program. Training is kicked off with a five-day in-person intensive workshop followed by distance learning via monthly tele-classes and self empowerment exercises. For more information please visit our Leader Training site.

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Spreading our Sati Wings
In the Mix
Answering the Call
Congratulations Warrior Challengers who completed the challenge of doing at least 12 classes for the month. A special shout out to Marissa who went above and beyond and did 29 classes! The entire Sati Life team is inspired by your commitment, stamina, and love of intenSati. We'll keep you posted about our first ever West Coast Warrior Challenge this month in LA!
Passion is in the Airteam passion 2010
Congratulations to Team Passion, our newest leader trainer graduates in NYC. We are so excited to have you leading the way in our Satilife  community!
Send off Soiree
We rocked the house last Friday for Patricia's send-off to LA as she led an inspiring and heart-pounding working. We've got her classes covered, and no excuses to miss your sati workouts!
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Sati in the Sun
Patricia's Month in LA  
beach Paul martin EldridgeTell all your friends on the West Coast - Patricia's is Los Angels for the entire month of March for classes, book signings, special events and the first ever West Coast Warrior Challenge and Leader Training! Stay tuned by signing up for news and events at and on Facebook.  if you're in NYC check out all of the great subs covering for Patricia while she's spreading her sati wings. 
Photo: Paul Martin Eldridge
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Action is the Operative Word 
Leader Spotlight  
We shine the light on our fabulous Los Angeles Leader Dee Sweet Slade:
Dee Sweet SladeBy definition, a working mom is always active. But there's a big difference between being active and taking action. I have big aspirations and am constantly taking steps forward on FIVE different business ventures. First, I am devoted to bringing Intensati to the LA community, steadily building awareness by teaching two classes a week for the last two years. I'm also currently developing a line of inspirational/spiritual t-shirts that will rock the "Sati-world." To help others support their mind/body health, I sell the best pharmaceutical grade Omega3 fish oil and whey protein. And I recently committed to help develop a fitness-based program that will enable kids with ADHD to change their brain patterning and get off medication.
All this in addition to nurturing my existing business and family life, and ACTION is the operative word!  As important to realizing my goals as the Law of Attraction is, the Universe also has the Law of Gestation. Time + patience + baby steps = Action!  Moving forward at my pace with joy, gratitude and positivity, and having faith that the Universe will help prioritize opportunities coming to fruition, is how I take action and make great things happen! 
Dee Sweet Slade, Los Angeles
Dee has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years and runs her own business, HomeSpun Fitness, a professional gym in her home since 2000. She nurtures both a happy family (husband and three kids, 9-13 yrs), and a healthy business as a personal trainer and intensati instructor. For more info visit

love flowers
Sweet Alternatives 
Thrive Tip 
Nau G4CAmericans consume between two to three pounds of sugar a week. Sugar is being processed is so many foods we eat you may not even be aware of how much you're really consuming.  Check the labels of basics like ketchup, mayonnaise, peanut butter, bread, and cereals. Over-consumption of sugar leads to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, anxiety, and aging. It depresses your immune system, can cause yeast infections, and cause difficulties in concentration. And that's just to name a few. 
Pay attention to the amount of sugar in your diet and try eliminating the excess where you can. Cut down on sodas and juices and choose whole fruit instead. Read the labels of everything you are eating and know what you are putting into your body. Instead of reaching for chemical sweeteners, look for natural replacements like stevia that comes from a plant and is very sweet.
Take care of your body, make small and consistent changes, and you will soon see a big difference in how you look and feel!
Sign up for my blog to learn more tools on how to Thrive and transform the way you eat. Photo: Suat Eman.
love flowers
The Action of the Inner Warrior
Warrior Inspiration
In honor of the Olympics we reach across the border to Warrior Galen Buffin in Canada!
Galen BuffinIntenSati is the best part of my week. After each class, I feel both energized and at peace, and ready to take action to have the life I want. My Sati practice is even more fulfilling right now, as my work life is going through a period of change and upheaval. Just reciting the affirmations keeps me grounded and focused on what I need to do, and prevents me from spiraling into the fear of "what if".  For me, right now, taking action means finding my inner Warrior, and making a conscious decision to stay positive, focused, and driven to succeed in my new work environment. Galen Buffin, Ontario
Galen Nelson is a proud Canadian Warrior of Aliza Blair's intenSati class in Mississauga, Ontario. She's a Program Manager with Hewlett-Packard and shares her home with her husband and three cats. Galen enjoys cooking, spending time at the gym, and cross-stitch.
love flowers
Drink in Thanks 
Love BottleGratitude Bottle   
Drink in more LOVE! This limited time ONLY product is a perfect way to remind yourself to be grateful for all the love in your life and stay hydrated! These recycled glass bottles are hand etched with love. They make a great gift too. $18.00. Limited inventory, BUY NOW!

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It is Done! 
Editor's Note     
I love to collect and share your incredible stories of transformation, perseverance, determination, success, and joy. What I love most is the community spirit this practice builds - the give and take of inspiration, support, and faith to bring out the best in one another.
What we create is a supportive community that enables us to fearlessly step out of our comfort zone and TAKE ACTION on the things that we have a burning desire to do or be. When we take action there are no excuses! When we take action it is done!
My favorite action and affirmation of the month is the the new move  Detachment to the affirmation "It is done!" When we take action we align the integrity in ourselves to do what we say we will do, building power and confidence. By saying "It is done" we call forth the knowing that what we want is on its way with confidence and faith! 
Stand with your feet slightly hip width apart and bend your knees. Bend your elbows and slice your hands and fact as you can in front of you, like you are washing your cares away. With the arms still moving, lean to the left for for counts and say out loud "It is done!" and then lean to the right for four counts and say "It is done!." Try it for 1-3 minutes.
When we detach from an outcome and let go of the results, we give ourselves the great opportunity to celebrate taking the action towards our dreams. Please feel free to share your stories of taking action with us and send them to [email protected].   
With gratitude,
Katherine Adamenko
[email protected] 
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Handel Group"The Handel Group Private Coaching is the company I endorse for all your life coaching needs; I believe it to be the most effective coaching program available anywhere."  - Patricia Moreno
The Handel Group can help you achieve amazing results in all areas of life. Visit for information about private and group coaching, over-the-phone courses, and in-person workshops.  Ask for the Satilifer discount! 
Upcoming Satilife favorites:
Inspired Leadership - Making Big Things Happen
If you are interested in developing yourself as a leader, come to this special one-day workshop with Laurie Gerber, President of HG Life Coaching. Come conquer your fears, because if not you, then who?
Saturday, March 20th, 10am-5pm, New York, NY (at the home of Laurie Gerber)
$200 - Mention Sati to save $50! Space is limited, so sign up soon to guarantee your spot.
Life Coaching Crash Course - Ignite Positive Change Do you want results fast?
This weekend course will immerse you in some of the main components of the Handel Method and will give you a serious wakeup call in life if you have been coasting. This course is highly engaging and is one of the quickest ways to set your life on a new and exciting trajectory.
Saturday & Sunday, April 10th & 11th, 9am-4pm
$400, NYC - Mention Sati to save $100! Coach: Kate Pfeffer
Please note: fees for workshops are non-refundable from the date of registration.

Group Tele-courses:
Done Dating? - In this 12-week group tele-course you will recognize and overcome past dating patterns, become clear about relationship goals and ideals and learn the skills, communication and otherwise, that allow for an amazing and fulfilling partnership. Discover what is in the way of finding the love of your life.
3 payments of $250 - Mention Sati to save $100 off the total cost!
Mondays, starting March 8th, 8-9pm ET. Coach: Johanna Sawalha 
Life Coaching Boot Camp - This powerful 12 week group tele-course features a strong focus on bold action and results. Create and define your dreams while you diffuse the fears, excuses and justifications that have held you back. Our Coaching Boot Camp gets you in action, feeling proud and moving toward your dreams once and for all!  Tuesdays, starting March 23rd, 7-8pm ET. Coach: Christine Young
FREE Tele-seminars:
Calling All Angels - Being a "spiritual leader" does not have to be about religion or having a large "following" - it can be about leading, with spirit! Come to this special one hour teleseminar with Laurie Gerber, President of HG Life Coaching. FREE! RSVP in advance to [email protected] or call (800) 617-7040.
Monday, March 8th, 12-1pm ET. 
FREE Introductory Teleseminar - this free hour-long session is designed to allow you to experience the coaching process first hand, without any financial commitment. Join us for an interactive dialogue and find out if coaching is right for you. Bring a notebook and pen. Space is limited! Coach: Molly Suggs will lead the call.
RSVP in advance to [email protected] or (800) 617-7040.
Monday, Mar 22, 8-9pm ET
CALL 800-617-7040 or email [email protected] for more information about any of the above programs or to discuss private coaching.