October 9, 2012
Empower LA Newsletter header

Dear Neighborhood Council Leaders,

We would like to invite you to participate in the 2012-2013 Budget process. Every year, Neighborhood Councils play an important advisory role when they present the Mayor and Council with a list of priorities for the City Budget-- a budget which directly affects our local neighborhoods. In order to facilitate a more robust process by which Neighborhood Councils can learn more deeply about the City Budget, develop relationships with decision-makers, and provide informed, detailed recommendations, the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocate process was created. 


To start this year's process, every Neighborhood Council (NC) is being asked to elect or appoint two NC Budget Representatives who will attend the Mayor's Community Budget Day event on Saturday, November 17, 2012, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon at City Hall, 200 N. Spring St. At this event, your Budget Representatives (Reps) will elect your region's NC Budget Advocates for the coming year. All stakeholders who are interested, including your Budget Reps themselves, are encouraged to run for an NC Budget Advocate position. (Please click on the flyer and see info sheet for details on roles and responsibilities.)


Since the Mayor's Community Budget Day is approximately six weeks away, we would like to ask you to agendize the issue of electing or appointing your two Budget Reps at your next board meeting. We would also invite you to create a standing agenda item for coming months, so that your two Budget Reps can regularly report on City Budget issues as they become informed through your area's Budget Advocates and supported by Neighborhood Empowerment staff.


Please share the attached flyer for the Mayor's Community Budget Day with all of your fellow stakeholders. In addition to having the elections of the new NC Budget Advocates, this event will include addresses from the Mayor, other elected officials, and the City Administrative Officer. The more stakeholders we have involved, the better. 

Your participation is vital to making the NC Budget Advocate process successful. To help us in our preparations for Budget Day, please rsvp as soon as you are able: surveymonkey.com/s/MCB_Day_2012.


Thank you.




Torie Osborn 

Deputy Mayor 

Neighborhood and Community Services  

City of Los Angeles    


Grayce Liu

Interim General Manager 

Department of Neighborhood Empowerment  

City of Los Angeles 


Jay Handal 

Co-Chair, 2011- 2012 NC Budget Advocates  

City of Los Angeles 


Marcello Robinson 

Co-Chair, 2011- 2012 NC Budget Advocates  

City of Los Angeles 





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Phone: (213) 978-1551
Fax: (213) 978-1751

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200 North Spring Street
20th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
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