FAQs Q. One of our LWS Operators has had a name change. She's been issued a new HHS ID Badge/PIV Card but the new card is not working in the LWS laptop. Is there something more she needs to do so she can perform PIN resets and 'Cert' renewals?
A. Yes. You will need to inform Richie Taffet, HSPD-12 Program Manager, of this change. He will pass along the new information to the HHS Identity Administrator. You will be notified once the change is made in their system, at which time your LWS operator should be able to use her LWS laptop with her new HHS ID Badge/PIV Card.
Q: How do I log in to my computer with my HHS ID Badge/PIV Card? A: To log in with your HHS ID Badge/PIV Card, insert your HHS ID badge/PIV Card into your card reader at the login screen on your desktop; enter your six-, seven- or eight-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) when prompted to do so. For step-by-step instructions on how to log in with an HHS ID Badge/PIV Card, reference the "How to Log in" guides posted at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Pages/Continued-Implementation-of-HSPD-12.aspx. Q: What is required to log in with an HHS ID Badge /PIV card? A: To log in, you must have: - Your PIV Card/HHS ID Badge
- A smart card reader connected to your computer
- Your PIN for your PIV Card/HHS ID Badge
- Active (not expired) digital certificates
You might also need to have: - Software that allows your computer to read and use the digital certificates on your HHS ID Badge/PIV Card
Q: What does login with a smart card and PIN replace? A: Once smart card login is enforced for the NIH network, you will no longer need your username and password to log in to your computer. You may still use your username and password to unlock your screensaver, and you may still need them to log in to certain NIH systems. Smart card authentication with an HHS ID Badge/PIV card and PIN is more secure than usernames and passwords because it is a form of two-factor authentication, i.e., something you have, like your HHS ID Badge/PIV Card, and something you know, like a PIN. Q: What happens to my username and password? A: At this time, you must maintain your username and password. Do not let your password expire! While NIH is transitioning to smart card login, your username and password are still needed to access many NIH systems. Also, at this time, if you let your password expire you will not be able to log in with your HHS ID Badge/PIV Card and PIN either. In the long-term, NIH is working towards reducing these additional steps, but during transition they are still necessary. Q: What information is stored on my HHS ID Badge/PIV Card? A: Your full name, photograph, email address, HHS Operating Division, badge serial number and expiration date, and your public key. |