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March 21, 2012 issue of the DPSAC NEWS

In This Issue
HHS ID Badge Rollout Scorecard
NED Training Schedule for March, 2012
Your Smart Card and PIN...Now Required for Remote VPN Access to the NIH Network
Upcoming Changes in NED
Helpful Tips
News Briefs
Safety Corner



Contact Us


Division of Personnel Security and Access Control


Personnel Security 

Helpdesk: 301-402-9755

e-QIP: 301-402-9735

Appointment Line: 301-496-0051

E-mail: orspersonnesecurity@ 



Access Control

Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@ 


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HHS ID Badge Rollout Scorecard


Here are the most recent NIH badging statistics provided by HHS as of March 16, 2012.  


Sponsored: 39,863    Enrolled: 38,963   Issued: 38,589 *


*This figure represents 96.8% of individuals who have been sponsored.

3-16-12 Pie Chart for ID Badge Scorecard

3-16-12 Excel Table for ID Badge Scorecard


Computer classroomNED Training Schedule for March, 2012


The HSPD-12 Program Office continues to offer free NED training for beginners and experienced NED users. Take this opportunity to quickly master NED in a hands-on computer lab environment. A few spaces are still available for tomorrow's classes.


NED for Beginners

    Date:      Thursday, March 22, 2012

    Time:      9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

    Location: 6120 Executive Blvd., Room 6 (EPS) 



NED for Advanced Users

    Date:      Thursday, March 22, 2012

    Time:      1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.   

    Location: 6120 Executive Blvd., Room 6 (EPS) 


Contact Lanny Newman at [email protected] to reserve a space. In your e-mail, provide Lanny with your name and IC and which course you would like to attend. 


Your Smart Card and PIN Now Required for Remote VPN Access to the NIH Network

Reprinted from March 7, 2012 'DPSAC News' 


As of March 1, 2012, all employees, contractors and affiliates are now required to use two-factor authentication for Virtual Private Network (VPN) remote access. For most individuals, this will mean using their HHS ID Badge (smart card, PIV card) and PIN. However, since NIH doesn't issue PIV cards to all staff requiring VPN remote access, some may need to use a SecurID token.


Those using a smart card will need to have up-to-date PKI digital certificates.*


To read the notification that recently went out to NED AO and AT users to assist them with this transition, click here.  


This is an important milestone in the continued implementation of HSPD-12 to protect the NIH workforce, facilities and the data residing on the NIH network. 


* Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) offers a way to enhance digital security. A simplified explanation of PKI can be found on the Office of the Chief Information Officer website at: http://pki.nih.gov/PKI_101.htm.


Upcoming Changes in NED

Reprinted from 'NED News, February/March 2012'


There are several new changes coming to NED in the next release scheduled for April 16, 2012. The biggest change modifies the existing badge process. NED will only allow one active badge service request at a time. This new feature ensures that NED is compliant with FIPS-201 rules.


Foreign nationals working at the NIH

Another major change to the badge issuance process will impact applicants designated as a foreign national working at the NIH. The Division of International Services (DIS) will verify that all individuals placed at the NIH who are not U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents have been lawfully admitted to the United States, and are undertaking activities at NIH that are appropriate for their immigration status.


DIS must clear a foreign national before he or she is eligible for an NIH Identification Badge initial request or badge reissuance due to legal name change. NED will notify foreign national applicants with instructions to visit the DIS office before enrollment or [when they are] having an ID badge issued due to a legal name change. 'Track Badge Status' and 'View Badge History' will display tracking points indicating that badge issuance is awaiting DIS approval.*


* [For more information about the process and required documents, please see the DIS web site "NIH ID Badge for Nonimmigrants (Foreign Nationals)" at:http://dis.ors.od.nih.gov/resources/01_contractor.html]. 


Other changes to NED application

Additional changes to the NED application [include the] removal of references to single factor VPN, and the addition of the Position Title for FTE Commissioned Corps personnel as a required field.


Effective March 1, 2012, all NIH and NIH external customers who connect to the NIH Network via NIH VPN Remote Access must use two-factor authentication (PIV Card or RSA Token). ICs have undertaken efforts to move all users to the two-factor authentication groups.  AOs and ATs no longer have the ability to place users in the single-factor (username/password) authentication groups. 


If customers are having problems with connecting to the NIH Network via remote access VPN, they should contact the NIH IT Service Desk at 301-496-HELP, 866-319-HELP, or submit a case through the Online Service Request at http://itservicedesk.nih.gov/support.


New background check policy for Commissioned Corps officers

The Office of Commissioned Corps Operations (OCCO) has changed the policy regarding background investigations for Commissioned Corps officers. Agencies are now responsible for conducting and paying for any elevated background investigations. This will require DPSAC to receive requests for Position Sensitivity Level (PSL) based on exceptions factors and elevated PSL while also capturing the CAN number in case an investigation is needed.  


The FTE (Commissioned Corps) classification should operate in NED the same as FTE (GS, SES, Title 42, etc.) including collecting position title, exception factors, elevated PSL option, and CAN number. However, the minimum calculated PSL should remain at a Level 2 (ANACI).


Helpful Tips  


stringaroundfingerRemembering your PIN -- try using your 6-8 digit PIN as your code for retrieving voicemails.  You'll be more likely to remember your PIN if you use it regularly.


Also, if your card reader and software are currently installed on your desktop, consider using your smart card and PIN to login to the NIH network now. You'll be computing in a more secure IT environment.



Do not lend your HHS ID badge (smart card) to anyone -- lending out your HHS ID Badge (smart card) is prohibited. The issuance of the new HHS ID Badge is based on strict identity proofing and the determination of one's suitability for a specific position classification.




Q. I am responsible for ensuring PIV card certificates and PIN resets are up-to-date in my Institute. What do I need to know in order to carry out my responsibilities?


A. Thank you for your inquiry. I noticed that your IC is not listed on the Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) Administrators table posted at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/badge/Pages/lifecycle.aspx. ICs who have staff listed on this table have purchased one or more LWSs and have trained staff to operate these units (i.e., to reset PINs and/or renew digital certificates on the smart cards).


If your IC wishes to purchase one or more of these units, it should direct inquiries to: [email protected]. They can also be reached by phone at: 571-249-2273.


Note: The purchase agreement for these units has expired and a new one is currently being negotiated. In the meantime, DPSAC is arranging to make available a limited number of its LWS inventory to ICs in need of a temporary loaner. Stay tuned.


The Lifecycle Work Station Training Manual is posted at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/training/Pages/lifecycle.aspx.


ICs that want to add LWS operators to the approved roster should send a written request to Richie Taffet at [email protected]. Once he has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to [email protected] to complete the approval process, add the names to the LWS operators roster and inform the IC that the individual can now operate the Lifecycle Work Station.


To view certificate expirations by IC, go to: http://smartcard.nih.gov/PKI_subscribers.htm. The first bullet on that page shows an NIH Smart Card Badgeholders Excel sheet (see the 2nd tab at the bottom of the spread sheet) that includes 'Cert Expiration Date.'



Q. TwoWhat is dual- or two-factor authentication?


A. With dual- or two-factor authentication, two independent items of

authentication are used to prove that the individual logging into the NIH network is an authorized user of the system.


The two items used are: (1) something the user has [e.g., the smart card (HHS ID Badge) or SecureID token]; and (2) something the user knows [e.g., the PIN associated with the smart card (HHS ID Badge)].


News Briefs


NED Scheduled Maintenance on Saturday, March 24, 2012

CIT reports that NED system maintenance will occur Saturday, March 24 from 8:00 AM to approximately 11:00 a.m. 


During this time users will be unable to access the following NED web interfaces:

   *  NED web application used by NIH administrative staff, DPSAC, IT

       Service Desk, and others (https://ned.nih.gov/ned)

   *  NED public search (http://ned.nih.gov)

   *  NED/AD Link Editor

   *  NED Sponsor Management


NED data customers that obtain data via the NED Oracle database (views or data service) will not be able to connect to the development/test or production databases during the maintenance window.


Impacted Services/Applications:

   *  NED web interfaces listed above

   *  Access to data by NED Oracle data customers

   *  Automated provisioning/de-provisioning of NIH primary AD

       accounts via ADM (Active Roles Server) will not be possible during

       the scheduled outage as this service relies on the NED web



IT staff with access to ADM can manually de-provision NIH primary AD accounts. 


If there is an urgent need to provision a primary AD account during the outage, please submit an NIH IT Service Desk request at: http://itservicedesk.nih.gov; or, e-mail the CIT Continuity Assurance Program at [email protected].


Impacted Users:

   *  Users attempting to access the impacted services/applications listed



All NED services should be available by Saturday, March 24, 11:00 a.m.



IG faults Energy Department for not fully implementing HSPD-12

Excerpted from 'Federal Computer Week,' March 5, 2012, by Alice Lipowicz


Despite seven years of effort and $15 million spent, the Energy Department has not fully implemented the physical and logical access controls required under "HSPD-12," according to a new report from DOE Inspector General Gregory Friedman.


Energy also has not issued HSPD-12 credentials to many of the 40,000 contractor personnel at its five field sites, the report said. Two of the field sites, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the East Tennessee Technology Park, were partially done, and three others had not started yet.


Under HSPD-12 (Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12), Federal agencies were required to establish credentialing systems for their workers and contractors for building access and also for access to computers and equipment.


The inspector general also said four of the field sites were failing to provide credentials to contractors who do not hold security clearances, which is contrary to the directive. All together, about 11,000 individuals without security clearances who require routine access to work sites for at least six months had not been issued their credentials as required, Friedman wrote in the report.


Click here to read the full story.



e-QIP Version 3.0 goes live

OPM recently deployed e-QIP version 3.0. Training materials and job aids are available in the Public Library section of the OPM Secure Portal.  Also, a Quick Guide is posted on the OPM Portal home page at: https://opmis.xsp.org/member/.


Safety Corner


Telephone handset in use - smaller image from BradNew "311" Non-Emergency Number Available on NIH Bethesda Campus

The following e-mail recently went out via the ORS Information Line to all NIH staff.


For any non-emergency situation on the NIH Bethesda campus where you need assistance from the NIH Police, Fire Department or other safety and security staff, the NIH is now offering a new, easy-to-remember "311" service.


Just dial "311" on any NIH phone and you will be connected to our Emergency Communications Center (ECC) via the 'non-emergency' line. For those individuals on the main campus not using an NIH phone, dial 301-496-5685.


As a reminder, for all emergency situations -- whether medical, fire, rescue, safety or security -- on the NIH main campus, continue to dial "911". For those employees working in leased facilities, dial "9" to reach an outside line, then "911" to be connected to Montgomery County or your local emergency services.


For more information about the ECC and the role they play for NIH, visit: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dp/Pages/911-Call-Center.aspx.


For questions regarding this message, please contact the ORS Information Line at [email protected] or 301-594-6677. TTY is available at 301-435-1908. Please tune your radios to 1660 AM for NIH traffic, parking and perimeter security advisories.


Community Policing 

The ORS Division of Police employs community policing at NIH. The community policing philosophy uses partnerships and problem-solving techniques to proactively address conditions that give rise to public safety issues such as crime and social disorder or fear of crime and other non-criminal issues.


If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Research Services, Division of Police, Community Policing Coordinator, Corporal Matthew Catherwood at 301-496-3020 or [email protected].


A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Resources, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.