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November 30, 2011 issue of the DPSAC NEWS

In This Issue
HHS ID Badge Rollout Scorecard
Temporary Lifting of Security Freezes on Credit Information Required for Some Security Checks
Final 2011 NED Training on December 19
Coordinate Legal Name Changes in NED with the NIH IT Service Desk
ID Badge Reissuance Procedures "Quick Reference Guide" Posted Online
Helpful Tips
News Briefs
Safety Corner



Contact Us


Division of Personnel Security and Access Control


Personnel Security 

Helpdesk: 301-402-9755

e-QIP: 301-402-9735

Appointment Line: 301-496-0051

E-mail: orspersonnesecurity@ 



Access Control

Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@ 


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HHS ID Badge Rollout Scorecard


Here are the most recent NIH badging statistics provided by HHS as of September 19, 2011.  


Sponsored: 39,421    Enrolled: 38,501   Issued: 38,140 *


*This figure represents 96.8% of individuals who have been sponsored.

             Pie Chart ID Badge Scorecard 11-26-11
      Excel Table 11-26-11 ID Badge Scorecard 

Temporary Lifting of Security Freezes on Credit Information Required for Some Security Checks


The following article, which first appeared in the August 26, 2009 issue of DPSAC News, is reprinted periodically to remind individuals who will occupy positions of public trust or higher to temporarily lift security freezes on their credit files so that OPM is able to complete background checks on them.


The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Federal Investigative Services Division (FISD), has experienced an increase in the number of national credit bureau checks that are unobtainable due to individuals of investigation placing a security freeze on their credit file," writes Barbara Hardy, Senior Personnel Security Specialist, DPSAC, in an open letter to the AO/AT community.


"When OPM-FISD is unable to obtain a tri-bureau credit report due to one, two, or all three bureaus having a security freeze, the overall effect is an incomplete investigation," she notes.


"In order to ensure the quality of OPM's investigative products, effective immediately, if you have a security freeze in place, it must be temporarily lifted prior to submission of the e-QIP to the DPSAC office," states Hardy.


"This requirement applies to national credit bureau checks which are conducted as extra coverage for positions of 'public trust' or higher.

Only individuals in positions of public trust or higher are being asked to temporarily lift the security freeze on their credit file to national credit bureau checks to enable the extra coverage that is required for these positions" she adds.


Below is the contact information for the three major credit bureaus. Individuals in positions of public trust or higher should advise the credit bureaus to temporarily lift the freeze on their credit file at the time of submission of the e-QIP form to DPSAC and for 40 days thereafter.


* Equifax - telephone 800-685-1111 or contact them via e-mail from their website: http://www.equifax.com 


* Experian - telephone 888-397-3742 or contact them via e-mail from their website: http://www.experian.com/freeze  


* TransUnion - telephone 888-909-8872 or contact them via e-mail from their website: http://www.transunion.com    


Note: a credit check for a background check should have no effect on the person's credit score rating. Hard inquiries for revolving debts (credit cards) are the types of inquires that can take their toll on a person's credit score if there are too many inquires within a short period of time.     

Final 2011 NED Training on December 19


Space is still available for the December 19 Beginner and Advanced NED training classes that close out the NED training schedule for 2011. These classes offer NED users an opportunity to quickly master NED in a hands-on computer lab environment.


NED for Beginners      

Date:  Monday, December 19, 2011

Time:  9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Location:  6120 Executive Blvd., Room 2 (EPS)    


NED for Advanced Users     

Date:  Monday, December 19, 2011

Time:  1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location:  6120 Executive Blvd., Room 2 (EPS)


Contact Lanny Newman at [email protected] to reserve a space. In your e-mail, provide Lanny with your name and IC and which course you would like to attend. Sign up soon to ensure your place in the class. Seating is limited.

Coordinate Legal Name Changes in NED with the NIH IT Service Desk


The NED Project Team wants AOs/ATs who update a person's name in NED to instruct the individual to contact the NIH IT Service Desk (301-496-4357 or http://itservicedesk.nih.gov/support/) in order to complete the name change process.    


NED automatically generates a new ID badge request following the update; however, a name change often involves getting a new Active Directory (AD) user name and primary e-mail address as well. When this happens, a person must obtain new digital certificates on their HHS ID badge ("PIV card") so it works for logical access (e.g., logging in to a computer, using VPN remote access and sending/receiving encrypted e-mail).    


Obtaining new certificates is becoming increasingly important as more NIH computer systems and applications require people to use their HHS ID badge for logical access.


Please be sure to mention to the badge holder that they should contact the NIH IT Service Desk *after* you have updated their name in NED, but *before* they obtain a new HHS ID badge (Smart Card). 


Service Desk consultants will orchestrate the name change process by coordinating the efforts of various NIH groups and contacting the badge holder to let them know when they can pick up a new ID badge with the correct digital certificates.  


ID Badge Reissuance Procedures "Quick Reference Guide" Posted Online


The ID Badge Reissuance Procedures "Quick Reference Guide" is now viewable online under the  "What's New" section of the ID Badge main page: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Pages/Home.aspx.


This helpful resource identifies five situations requiring badge reissuance -- (1) badges that are lost or stolen; (2) badges that are broken or damaged; (3) classification changes; (4) renewals; (5) name changes -- and outlines the steps needed to go about replacing the HHS ID Badge for each scenario.


To obtain a copy of this Guide, send your request to Lanny Newman at [email protected]. Please include your full name and mailing address.


Helpful Tips 


HHS ID Badge ElmoAnother great reason to use your Smart Card -- An entry seen recently on one of NIH's social networking Yammer pages: "So I reset my password yesterday, then quickly forgot it. 'iForgotMyPassword.NIH.GOV' to the rescue! BUT it won't let me change my password!?....says my password was "changed too recently"! I never thought I'd say this, but "I'm glad I can log in with my PIV card!" :)"


Remembering your PIN -- Using your PIN regularly is a good way to help you remember it.  Try making it your code for retrieving voicemails or accessing your ATM. The more opportunities you have to use your PIN, the easier it will be to remember.  


Also, if your card reader and software are currently installed on your desktop, consider using your smart card to log into your government computer now. You'll be computing in a more secure IT environment, you'll be using your PIN on a regular basis, AND... you won't have to update and/or remember a new password every several weeks!!  


Do not lend your ID badge to anyone to gain access to NIH facilities -- Lending out your ID card is prohibited. The issuance of the new HHS ID Badge is based on strict identity proofing and the determination of one's suitability for a specific position classification.


News Briefs  


OPM Sets Reinvestigations at Every 5 Years for 'Public Trust' Feds


Starting Dec. 9, agencies will have to reinvestigate employees in "public trust" positions every five years.


The Office of Personnel Management recently issued the final rule to implement a 2009 Executive Order calling for employees doing policy-making, having major program responsibility and those in public safety and health, law enforcement duties and fiduciary responsibilities to be reinvestigated at least once every five years.


The rule identifies public trust positions as those that are "designated at a moderate or high risk level, based on the position's potential for adverse impact on the efficiency or integrity of the service."


The investigative product for reinvestigations of employees occupying non-sensitive public trust positions will be the National Agency Check with Local Agency Check and Credit Check (NACLC) or Periodic Reinvestigation (PRI) depending on the level of public trust.



Q. I'm no longer receiving my weekly notifications for NED updates ("NIH Active Directory (AD) Accounts Eligible for Annual Review"). My SAC coverage has not changed, so what do I need to do?  I have all of DCCPS SACs, so how did this coverage just disappear recently? I do not want any of my program people to drop from the system.


A. NED sends the e-mail digests to AO/Sponsors based on their NED primary SAC Preferences.  Also, you can see all NED records awaiting AD account authorization based on your Primary SAC preferences by clicking on the menu option under Manage Services, "AD Account Review."


CIT reports that your e-mail notification log shows that these digests have been sent to you more-or-less weekly since 6 June 2011, including this week's digest. They speculate that perhaps these messages are being filtered into another folder other than your Inbox and suggest you check your spam filters.



Q. In a few weeks I'll be leaving FDA to take a job at NIH.  Will I need a new ID Badge or can I use the PIV Card issued by FDA when I begin working at NIH?


A. Since you will be moving from one OPDIV (FDA) to take a position at another OPDIV (NIH), you will need to be sponsored by the Administrative Officer (AO) in your Institute/Center you are assigned to.


Once your AO sponsors you, you will need to be enrolled and issued a new HHS ID Badge (PIV Card).  Your new badge will contain digital certificates that will need to be updated periodically.


To read about the badging process, visit http://idbadge.nih.gov.  This website describes in detail how to apply for a new HHS ID Badge and the Personal Identity Verification (PIV) process required of everyone issued a new badge.


Note: if you plan to continue working for FDA while working at NIH, you will keep your FDA PIV card and NIH will issue you an NIH legacy badge for access to the NIH campus and any restricted facilities to which you have approved access.


Safety Corner


Fire Safety During the Holiday SeasonHoliday Lights

The following fire safety awareness article was prepared by the ORS Division of the Fire Marshal.


With the approach of the holiday season, many of us look forward to decorating our workplace. When planning, here are some practical guidelines to minimize fire hazards. Many of these fire safety tips are equally appropriate for your home as well.


* Christmas trees may be displayed beginning Monday, November 28, 2011 through Friday, January 6, 2012.


* Only small artificial trees are permitted in laboratory areas.


* The height of natural trees is limited to four feet. Be sure that the tree base is submerged in water at all times.


* Display trees and decorations away from room exits in a manner that does not obstruct entering or leaving the room. Trees are not permitted in corridors or stairwells.


* All artificial trees and decorations must be made of flame retardant or non-combustible materials. Non-combustible decorations are safer and are preferred.


* Open flame candles (including menorahs with candles) are not permitted.


* Because of the risk of electrical shock, lights are not to be used on aluminum trees.


These guidelines apply only to Bethesda campus facilities. For other NIH occupied facilities, contact your local fire department for guidance.


The Division of the Fire Marshal, Office of Research Services, wishes everyone the happiest of holidays and a fire-safe and prosperous New Year.


If you have any questions concerning holiday fire safety issues in the workplace, or in the home, please contact the Division of the Fire Marshal at 301-496-0487. 


A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Resources, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.