
The Strandline

New York State Marine Education Association Newsletter
March 2011


President's Address



Fourteen of your fellow members have recently returned from a restoration trip in South

Louisiana.  We had an amazing time and learned so much about the impacts of the series of hurricanes, as well as the oil spill.  These events, coupled with wetland loss, have left the area in dire straights. 

NYSMEAns tour a contaminated beach on Elmer's Island.

NYSMEA members touring a beach closed due to oil contamination on Elmer's Island in South Louisiana

During our trip, we planted thousands of wetland plants in the hopes of doing our part to address these issues.  To learn more about our trip, and see some great photos, visit www.nysmea.blogspot.com.

NYSMEA members planting shrubs on a ridge on the bayou.

NYSMEA members fighting gnats as they plant maritime forest shrubs on an island built from dredged spoil 

Just like in South Louisiana, there are plenty of ways to get involved in stewardship here at

home.  This year's NYSMEA Annual Conference will focus on some of these opportunities, and help you to connect with others interested in projects such as marine debris removal, wetland restoration, water quality monitoring, and more.   

Save the date for the conference:  June 4, 2011 at Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn.


Meghan Marrero, Ed.D.
NYSMEA President 

NYSMEA Webcast:

The Oil Spill, the Mississippi, and the Challenges of the Gulf

March 16, 2011 7PM 


Jim Ammerman, Ph.D., Director of New York Sea Grant will explore the challenges of the Gulf of Mexico as presented by a scientist with years of experience working in the region while on the faculty at Texas A&M and later Rutgers University.  Though the recent oil spill has again focused attention on the region, it suffers from more chronic problems such as the loss of wetlands, the seasonal "dead-zone", and the impact of hurricanes.  Except for hurricanes, all of these issues result from human modifications to the Mississippi River and its watershed over many decades.  The Mississippi River (or its ancient counterpart) is also responsible for the highly productive fisheries in the Gulf region as well the the ultimate source of the Gulf's oil and gas.  This webinar will provide an overview of the oil spill as well as these other challenges, and also discuss what is been done to address them as well as possible plans for the future.


nola group
Learn more about NYSMEA member's trip to the Louisiana coast! 

In addition, several NYSMEA members who attended the NYSMEA trip to South Louisiana in February will talk about their impressions and experiences based on their travels in the area.


Please register here before March 14th.  


Strandline (n): the high water mark; the area at the top of a beach where debris is deposited.



Webcast: Challenges from the Gulf

Mar 16, 2011 @ 2pm   

NYSMEA meeting:
Mar 23, 2011
Via Conference Call 

Beneath The Sea
Mar 25, 2011


NOYCE Symposium
Mar 28, 2011



Student Conference

April 15, 2011

Kingsborough Community College  

Fossil Hunt!

May 7-8, 2011
Ithaca, NY 


NYSMEA Annual Conference   

June 4, 2011
Kingsborough Community College

Find more events at our Calendar page.  

DID YOU KNOW? NYSMEA Updates its website every month, so be sure to visit the links below for new Web postings!  

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NYSMEA holds an annual conference, periodic meetings, lectures, workshops, field trips, and boat trips
. Learn a lot, have a great time and meet some talented, energized educators with a passion for water, just like yours!  


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The New York State Marine Education Association (NYSMEA) is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that exists to promote marine awareness and encourage the growth and exchange of instructional resources.