Having it All...
  The Untold Story: "Secrets to Secure your SUCCESS"
Daniel Sadigh Psy.D., LMFT
Drop & Ocean

A year just passed by and it is now only seen in the rear-view mirror. It is hard to believe it has been a year since we opened the doors of Wheel of Wellbeing to a group of people who were looking for a step beyond medical care.  We welcomed a group of people who realized the importance of conventional medicine, yet were hoping to find a place that recognized them as a whole person. Six hundred and forty five guests attended our Grand-Opening celebration and we were encouraged by the support of this highly aware and educated community.  On this occasion life's meaning became clearer for all of us practitioners at the Wheel. We all realized how a sincere effort is rewarded and validated. We all felt the genuine will of success that was desired for us by our guests. A new energy had burst into our physical, emotional, and spiritual values that empowered us to continue on the year that followed.

And indeed, what a wonderful year it has been.Times like this hold a historical value and represent a measureable degree of importance. On the first anniversary of Wheel of Wellbeing, my attention is drawn back to success as I notice a distinction between achievement and success. I consider achievement as the knowledge you have studied, the subject you have worked hard on, and the things you have done with the best that is in you; while success is being praised by others for what they find valuable in you and in relationship with their own standards of achievement. In other words, achievement is the process of success while success is just the perception of what has been done. Success is sweet,but the foundation of achievement provides the means for measuring success. Then, we may ask ourselves: "what does it take to achieve?"

In This Issue
Secrets to your SUCCESS
Wheel Services & workshops
Rekindle Romance
Meredith Locher
Manifest the Miracle of Love
The Healing Breath

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Anahata Meditation
Alyssa & Laurel

It is our honor and deep pleasure to share this simple yet powerful meditation with you, as it has been an integral part of each of us anchoring in the loving.
Anahata is the name of the heart Chakra and the meditation itself is the act of giving and receiving love.
Sunday June 13
7:00 pm ~ 8:30 pm
Suggested donation:
Learn more...


Who Would You Be Without Your Story?
Inquiry Circle

Facilitating The Work of Byron Katie with
Alyssa Nobriga, M.A.

Experience the power of questioning and living beyond the thoughts that cause stress in your life.
Learn the tools to take yourself to the awareness that you are already free through this simple, fun and insightful process.
Tuesday June 15
7:00 pm ~ 8:30 pm
Exchange: $ 15.00
Learn more...


More services at the Wheel:

Dr. Sang Lee, L.Ac., MTOM

Dr. Sang Lee

Benefits of acupuncture...

Chiropractic Care
Dr. Shawn Yarmo

Drop & Ocean

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Massage Therapy

Drop & Ocean
  • Deep Tissue
  • Hot Stone
  • Aromatherapy
  • CarnioSacral
Call us for more information and to book your appointment TODAY!

Keys to a Successful Relationship
5 Tips to Rekindle Romance

Dr. Marcy Cole
  Dr. Marcy Cole
Remember the movie Jerry McGuire
when last line was "You complete me" and everyone thought
that was so romantic?  Well...upon reflection ...not really.  It is actually dis-empowering to you and to your relationship to relegate being "whole" to needing to have a partner.   Rather, it's about being connected AND separate. It is from this place we connect with our inner source of love within, allowing for greater flow to share with our lover. Our partnership then enhances our life versus defining it.
Integration is also about transitioning from being totally self focused into making room for partnership that requires loving consideration on a daily basis.  It's about creating a win/win formula to living a wonderful life together. It's an inter-dependent-dance versus what is often referred to as a "co-dependent" one.
Nothing is static in life. Everything changes.  So we must allow room for Personal, Partner and Collective Growth with our partners.  Sometimes communication can become stagnant or we feel stuck while our partner is soaring, or we are fixed in how we see them. To fully integrate, anticipation and support for a fluid personal and collective growth process into our relationship is essential for optimal happiness together.
Introducing Wheel of Wellbeing's Newest Member
Meredith Locher
Certified Master Hypnotherapist, MA, CH

Meredith Locher With ten years of experience in helping people find their way,Meredith Locher has a Master's degree in Psychology from Pepperdine University and trained in Hypnosis under the world-renowned Calvin D. Banyan at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training and Services. In order to become the best hypnotherapist possible, upon completion of her training, Meredith Locher joined the Banyan Hypnosis Center as a staff hypnotherapist to further her training by participating in the supervision program supervised by Cal Banyan himself.

Using a variety of techniques, which include the advanced and highly effective 5-PATH� and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis� methods, Meredith customizes sessions to suit every client's individual needs, background, and personality.  

Meredith has effectively treated hundreds of clients to achieve their path to success...Her training and techniques are proven more efficient, more effective and creates longer lasting results than traditional forms of hypnosis being utilized by most hypnotists today.  Meredith's version of success is change that lasts! Your success is our success!

For more information and to book your appointment, call us at 310-597-1157 or 310-477-8833.

  Manifest the Miracle of Love
Passionately believing that the possibilities are limitless, for the last ten years Julie-Anne has been supporting and empowering people on a physical, emotional and spiritual level and is a certified Physical Trainer, Nutritionist, Massage Therapist, Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Breathwork Practitioner, Singing Teacher and Personal Growth and Development Facilitator. 
Julie-Anne has travelled extensively around the world and has trained with a variety of teachers and leaders in the fields of transformation, spirituality, holistic healing, meditation, breathwork and bodywork.  She has worked with individuals, groups, the corporate world and charities.  She was director of Action Andrea, a program she created and initiated to take Breathwork Therapy into women's crisis centers throughout the UK, where she is originally from.

for more information about Julie-Anne's work, please contact her @ 310-465-8612

The Sacred Art of Attunement and  The Healing Breath Intro & Workshop
Rev. Stuart Lovett
Drop & Ocean
Sunday June 13th, 1-2 PM
Come for a  complimentary overview of the fundamentals of The Sacred Art of Attunement and The Healing Breath.
Priceless but FREE! 

Sunday June 13th, 2-6 PM

Want to learn more? Stay for a 4 hour workshop on The Sacred Art of Attunement (a unique energetic modality) and the Healing Breath.

The Healing Breath is a unique and extraordinary physician-endorsed breathing retraining technique which helps you feel great! The Healing Breath relieves stress, increases oxygen and improves oxygen utilization.  Come experience the many gifts of the Healing Breath! Highly experiential!

Call Stuart at 323-428-8863 or Ellany at 310-892-3108 for more info.
$71 if paid by 6/11.  $88 at the door.*
* Pay either at Meetup.com/Healing Dynamic or call the Wheel of Wellbeing at 310-477-8833
Integrative Psychiatry & Pain Management
 Dr. Janelle Haider, (MD)

With the goal of providing her patients with the most comprehensive of care, Dr. Haider has furthered her Western biomedical education with several complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) professional trainings.  These trainings include medical acupuncture, mindfulness-based stress reduction  (MBSR), and evidence-based botanical and supplement use.

For more information and to book your appointment, call 310-880-9315

Save 20% In CELEBRATION of our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, and in appreciation of your care and support we are pleased to offer a 20% discount on any of Wheel services, and any time that a referral comes under your name.
Offer Expires: July 31, 2010