The Fremont Club Experience

The Award Winning Rotary Club of Las Vegas Fremont

            "The Downtown Club"

Join us Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., inside Hugo's Cellar at 

The Four Queens Hotel & Casino, 202 E Fremont St, Las  Vegas, NV.

Fremont Street




Our October 2 meeting opened to a full house! Returning Rotarians Russell Swain of the Las Vegas Club and Mike Smith of the Yuma, AZ Club were on hand, along with several guests - John McInerney, guest of Asst. Gov./Past President Linda Bertuzzi (10-11) and Colleen Bray, guest of Ray Jansma. President Lane ran through the long list of upcoming events (available on the Club's website calendar) with the Hawaiian Luau only a day away. President Elect Robin Smith reminded everyone to get the word out about our upcoming Kid Connection on facebook or with Club visits and make the last push for ticket sales. We received a thank you from the Las Vegas Assistance League for our Foundation's recent donation of $4,500 to Operation School Bell. Presidential 2012 B&G Club foursome Recognitions went to the LV Fremont foursome who played in the Boys & Girls Club golf tourney, which included a self-credit from our President to himself (we are keeping a list President Lane for your debunking!), to Blake Guinn for his exceptional play with a 305 yard drive, and to Membership Chair Mike Woodfield for his fabulous Putt Putt Membership event. Celebratory claps given to Ray & Debbie Jansma for their wedding anniversary and a Club birthday "hum" went to Marilene Nevins. President Lane sponsored and inducted our newest member in the world. Dr. Terry Wong, and presented him with the Peace Through Service pin. Welcome to the Club, Terry. We are all looking forward to getting to know you! Teresa Sowers gave a brief bio on herself and thanked her sponsor Marilene Nevins for introducing her to Rotary, which is providing the outlet she needed to give back to the community. Cross-fines were healthy, again! To AG/PP Linda for leading the North LV Club in the ABC song and for making Past Pres. Roger Tabor (02-03) look bad by inviting a mutual friend to the Club; to Russell Swain for trying to understand the California HOA's (there's a story there); to Teresa for claiming she is shy, yet recently practicing pick-up lines; to President Lane for an embarrassing e-mail invite to the whole Club and for giving himself a Presidential credit; to Past Pres. Paul Bell (98-99) for being the loudest during our song; to PP Roger for his Downtown Soccer League recognition at a recent German dinner and, lastly, to Dr. Terry Wong for his status as the newest member. And, incidentally, there is a new tradition begun by our President this year - each week he will select a member to wear an VERY old fox stole (you younger members can look that up) to deter certain activities at the meeting, i.e. cross-fining the President - AG/PP Linda was the first to have that honor. Who will be next?




Alexandra Reimann, a Naturopathic Physician with the Valhalla Wellness & Medical Centers in Las Vegas, discussed the benefits of working with the "whole person" in health care, many times in partnership with western medicine regimes. Instead of treating the symptoms with medicines, naturopathic medicines are interested in preventative care to address everything from childhood illnesses to aging. Her practice focuses on healthy patients to prevent dis-ease, as well as medically complicated cases. The Center offers naturopathic medicines, massage therapy, chiropractic care, weight loss programs, Reiki & meditation, along with other specialized services to meet the patient's needs. If you would like information, you can visit her website at Valhalla Wellness 



 Committee Reports 


Hawaiian Luau Membership Mixer


Membewoodfield and kay luau 2012rs, partners and VIP guests came together on Wednesday September 26 at the home of President Lane & Susan Kay for a Hawaiian Luau. With the Island-themed foods, drinks and attire, it was a perfect casual evening to welcome guests who were interested in learning more about our Club. President Lane recapped a few of the many things our Club does in the community and globally, and then moved into a mock presidential debate with the fictional president (Mike Woodfield) of the Spaghetti Bowl Rotary Club. Moderator Rob Goldstein presented some tough questions to the presidents, which brought some creative answers from Mr. Woodfield. In the end, and with a very close vote, President Lane was declared the overall winner. One table of Rotarians is most likely going to receive a healthy Presidential Recognition for their support of the "other guy"! We had numerous guests, thanks to the efforts of our members and a few commitments to turn in applications for membership. Thanks to Membership Chair Mike Woodfield for another innovative event to cultivate new members and bring together everyone in the spirit of Rotary!  More photos are available on our facebook page and Club website.


                     Robin and Linda at Luau 2012 John and Pat McInerney at luau 2012  


Kid Connection  


kid connection logoThe date is quickly approacing for our Kid Connection fundraiser at Brio Tuscan Grill inside Tivoli Village on Thursday, October 18th, from 5:30 to 7:30. We will have live music, fabulous appetizers and cocktails throughout the evening as we raise funds to support youth projects funded through our LV Fremont Rotary Foundation. Co-chaired by President Elect Robin Smith and Carla Smith, it promises to be yet another outstanding event! Puliz Moving & Storage, Wyotech and Nova Home Loans are returning as sponsors this year and the committee is looking for more. Tickets are $50 a person.  Look forward to seeing everyone there!  Please remember to visit the other southern Nevada Clubs and get the word out. For more information, click here 



LV Fremont Rotary Club Recieves the CCSD "Shining Star" Award 



The Clark County School District presented the Focus School Partner  "Shining Star" Shining Star Award 2012award to our Club on Friday, October 5, at their annual CCSD School-Community Partnership Program held at The Mirage. This award was in recognition of the 10+ years our Club has served the students and teachers at Kermit Booker Elementary School. Since 1996 our Club has been instrumental in supplying the library with new books and providing mini-grants to the teachers for classroom projects. This year we will celebrate our 10th year of the Booker Thanksgiving, in partnership with the Alexander Dawson School at Rainbow Mountain, when we feed 575 elementary school kids a full Thanksgiving dinner and provide food for weekend backpacks and winter coats for underprivileged kids. With the funds from our Club's Kid Connection last year, we also provided the resources to form the Anti-Bullying program. Thank you to Asst. Gov/Past President Linda for accepting this award on the Club's behalf.


2012-13 RI Theme          
                   Save the Dates


October 9 - Gayle Anderson - Nevada Commission on Economic Development
October 16 - Caroline Ciocca - SuperPawn
October 23 - Past Dist. Governor Gene Hernandez - Rose Bowl/Rotary Float
 Projects & Events
October 9 - President's Circle at DoubleTree Inn
October 11 - Youth Protection & TLC Training - Marsh USA Building, 251 W Lake Mead registration
October 17 - Agassi Birthday Bash
October 18 - Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Kid Connection fundraiser, Brio at Tivoli Village
October 26-28 - Mayor's Cup International Soccer Tournament
November 13 - Booker Thanksgiving
December 1 - LV Fremont Rotary Holiday Party hosted by the Jansma's
INTERESTED IN SPEAKING? If you or someone you know is interested in making a presentation at our regularly scheduled luncheons, please contact Chair Greg Clemens at Speaker's Bureau
   District 5300 & RI News


TLC & Youth Protection Training


Mandatory training for any Rotarian who is interested in being a part of the TLC or RYLA programs is being held on Thursday, October 11, 2012 at Marsh USA, 251 W Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, at 6:00 pm.  This training is required for all Rotarians, non-Rotarians, volunteers, facilitators, speakers, advisors and security staff who want to be a part of any youth activities in the District.  If you haven't completed this training before you will NOT be able to attend until completion.  Registration is mandatoryRegister through 


Rotary's Rose Bowl Float

2013 Rotary FloatSign-up NOW for decorating the Rotary Rose Parade float for New Years Day 2013. Go to Rotary Rose Bowl Float sign-up. Sign up requests are taken on a first come/first served basis. Shifts start December 7th and carry through December 30th at the Rosemount Pavilion, adjacent to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.  Past District Governor Gene Hernandez will be visiting the Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club on Tuesday, October 23 to present information on the float.


To our members:

Articles are due by the end of business each Thursday.  If you send articles, please make sure they are word format, and all pictures must be jpeg format.  Thank you for all of you who take the time to contribute - this is your newsletter and we need your help.

Oct 5, 2012


Celebrating 25 years of women in Rotary

Volume 4-Issue 12

In This Week's Newsletter
Upcoming Calendar
District 5300 & RI News
Club Leadership
Birthday & Anniversaries
Captain's Duties


Lane Kay 
Lane Kay 
President Elect
Robin I Smith
Robin Smith 
Amy Ayoub
Amy Ayoub 
Al Guida, Jr.
al guida 
Past President
Dulcinea Almazan
Pres Dulcinea 
Public Relations
Gary Prater
Steve Reiter
Michael Woodfield
Robin Smith
Allen Puliz
Rob Goldstein
Carla Smith
Club Administration
Marilene Nevins

Club Anniversaries


Lane Kay

5 years 

Birthdays & Anniversaries 

Marilene Nevins
October 4
Ray & Debbie Jansma
October 6
Steve Reiter
October 9
Mike & Kim Woodfield
October 20
Robin Smith
October 21
Lane Kay
October 23
Laura & Richard
October 25
Rob Beck
October 25
Ray Jansma
October 31
 If we have missed your special day, let us know!

 Meeting Captain        

Rob Goldstein
October 2
Al Guida, Jr.
October 9
Blake Guinn
October 16
Geoff Holmes
October 23
Join Our Mailing List
The Four WayTest


Of the things we think, say or do


1. Is it the TRUTH?


2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?




4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


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Rotary at a Glance

Fremont Club Editor
Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club