The Fremont Club Experience

Special Thanksgiving Edition                                                    November 23, 2011

Join us Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., at Hugo's Cellar inside

The Four Queens Hotel & Casino, 202 E Fremont St, Las  Vegas, NV.

Las Vegas Skyline and Rotary Title




Members of the Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club had one of the busiest Novembers in the history of the Club with a flurry of activities devoted to children. Beginning the first week of November, we gathered together to wrap and pack 203 shoeboxes with schools supplies, clothing, toys and personal hygiene items for the Operation Christmas Child program. These boxes were delivered to the shipping center on November 15th by Projects Chair Rob Goldstein and Pres. Elect Lane Kay, and will be shipped to underprivileged children around the world with delivery in time for the Holiday season.

            OCC 2011 packingOperation Christmas Child 2011


On November 15th, we all gathered together to serve our 9th annual Thanksgiving feast to 575 awesome kids at Kermit R Booker Sr. Empowerment Elementary School. This event continues to be a Club favorite. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Principal Marcus Mason watched as each child was given a tummy-filling and heart-warming meal by our club members and the Honor Society students from the Alexander Dawson School at Rainbow Mountain We also donated more than 50 bags of food items for the weekend backpack program, as well as new coats and sweatshirts. The event concluded with a $5,000 donation from our September "Kid Connection" to the teachers at Booker for classroom projects, along with several bins of much needed school supplies. Principal Mason said their first use of some of the funds will be towards the anti-bullying program recently instituted at Booker. Our relationship with Booker started years ago with burrito lunches with the kids, book donations to the library and a few mini-grants for the teachers. Oh, look how far we have come!! Great job Rotarians!!!!



PP Paul Bell (98-99) captained the November birthday bash at the Agassi Club on November 16, which was also attended by PP Linda Bertuzzi (10-11) and Fundraising Chair Robin Smith. An incredibly excited group of kids enjoyed the usual faire of pizza, juice, cupcakes and ice cream, plus the ever expanding birthday gift bags assembled by Robin and supported by multiple members of our Club.



Finally, the remaining bins of canned food and school supplies collected during the "Kid Connection" soir�e were delivered to Whitney Elementary School this past Tuesday. The canned food was just in time to pack into Thanksgiving baskets being prepared for numerous families struggling to provide meals at home.


We touched a lot of lives and hearts this month and there are many different types of words and sentiments that can be used during Thanksgiving, but, in the end it is the pictures of our "story" that speaker louder than any words can express. 


Safe travels to those who will be on the road and prayers and thanks to all who will be serving our Country during this Holiday.

                                              2011-2012 RI theme                                               
   Save the Dates   


November 29 - Phyliss Friedman, Anti-Defamation League AND our returning TLC students
December 3 - Holiday Party
December 8 - Santa Clothes
December 21 - Agassi Birthday Bash
December 27 - NO MEETING


Club Calendar           District 5300 Calendar

INTERESTED IN SPEAKING? If you or someone you know is interested in making a presentation at our regularly scheduled luncheons, please contact Chair Lane Kay at 
   District 5300 & RI News


 Rotary International Convention


Reminder that the cost of registration for the International Convention in Bangkok goes up on December 1st. Register now to take advantage of the low $160.00 registration fee. Be sure to check out all the pre- and post- convention tours using the quick link here - RI Convention Registration

 RI Bangkok

To our members:

Articles are due by the end of business each Thursday.  If you send articles, please make sure they are word format, and all pictures must be jpeg format.  Thank you for all of you who take the time to contribute - this is your newsletter and we need your help.
Volume 3, Issue 19
Rotary Service above Self
In This Week's Newsletter
Upcoming Calendar
District 5300 & RI News
Club Leadership
Birthday & Anniversaries
Captain's Duties

 Club Leadership

Dulcinea Almazan
President Elect

Lane Kay 

Mike Clayson
Al Guida, Jr.
Past President
Linda Bertuzzi
Public Relations
Gary Prater
Steve Reiter
Michael Woodfield
Robin Smith
Drew Levy
Rob Goldstein
Allen Puliz
Club Administration
Marilene Nevins

Birthdays & Anniversaries 

Paul Bell
November 6

Debbie Levy
November 7

Rob & Judi
November 9

Geoff Holmes
November 10

Allen & Patty
November 25

Dennis Weaver
November 26
If we have missed your special event, let us know

  Meeting Captain

Scott Stolberg
November 29
Roger Tabor
December 6
Steve Vitali
December 13
Michael Woodfield
December 20
December 27
Join Our Mailing List
The Four Way Test


Of the things we think, say or do


1. Is it the TRUTH?


2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?




4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


Fremont Club Editor
Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club