The Fremont Club Experience

February 9, 2010

Join us Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., at Hugo's Cellar inside The Four Queens Hotel & Casino, 202 E Fremont St, Las  Vegas, NV.

Las Vegas Skyline and Rotary Title
Roy color photoPresident Roy's Corner
Dear  :
This past board meeting we approved a "hands on" project which consists of going to Three Square to pack backpacks for children in need.  When we presented the idea to the club, it looked like a lot of people would get involved.  I am please to report that Rob Goldstein, our very capable projects Chair, has confirmed 15 Rotarians and significant others and  children can be there on April 7th, from 5:30PM t0 7:30PM.  This is very good news and offers us another chance to help our community locally WITHOUT reaching into our pockets and then follow up with a little conviviality.  (That means enjoying each other's company while imbibing and noshing.)  We seem to have a good time at lunch, so this makes a logical extension and was a wonderful idea submitted by Mr. Goldstein with his far reaching thinking.  We will follow this up with all the specifics and then it will be first come, first serve. 

On the 23rd of this month we celebrate the 105th anniversary of Rotary's very first meeting.  In Room 711 in the Chicago Building, on February 23,1905, 3 invited friends of Paul Harris assembled to start a club that was comprised of business men in the community.  Paul Harris wanted to start a club of men that he would do business with, in addition to adding friends.  They started meeting at each other's business or homes and along the way, since they were "rotating" the called it Rotary.  Charity or good works came later as the fledgling club, then clubs wanted to do something more than just meet for lunch.  Now, it is the oldest, one of the largest, (occasionally we outnumber the Lions, which is number 1 in that regard), but most certainly  the best in my humble opinion.  The decision to add women came after a young woman schoolteacher sued Rotary in an effort to force them to take women, and won a decision from the Supreme Court of the United States.  Rotary only had to add women in America, but to their credit they made it worldwide.  That woman, Sylvia Whitlock, was from the Duarte club, in District 5300.  This last month she was nominated for District Governor of our district by a committee that I headed.   I am very proud of this historical moment, not only because of the importance, but more so because Sylvia will be an excellent District Governor.

Last Week's Program - Dr. Roger R Elmer, D.C.

Our Club has enjoyed a previous presentation by Dr Elmer, who has been a Chiropratic Physician for more than 20 years.  He relocted to Las Vegas with his family over 16 years ago and began started Advanced Spinal Technologies 7 years ago.  His clinic is a research clinic for the Pettibon system, allowing it to receive the most up-to-date equipment and technology and be on the cutting edge of spinal rehab.  He is a certified in the Pettibon technique, is a certified Pettibon Instructor and is a member of the Pettibon Advisory Board.  Pettibon techniques focus on changing the spine structurally.  He does extensive work with patients suffering from MS and Scoliosis.

Dr Elmer talked about the day to day stresses we all encounter and things that could help counter the effects of stress.  These would include choosing healthier foods, taking time enjoy our meals, deep breathing and finding time each day to spend a few moments in complete silence.  He said practicing healthier eating styles can do a lot to not only counter our stress, but manage our weight. 


If you would like more information on Dr. Elmer, please go to his website -

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  Upcoming Programs & Events 
February 9 - Kirby Burgess, West Care 
February 13 - LV Rotary Texas Hold'em-call 702-338-6122 for details
February 16 - 4-Way Speech Contest
February 19-21 - PETS in Los Angeles
February 23, Dan Stover Contest
Bring a guest to these events - introduce them to Rotary!
Committee Reports   
  February Agassi Boys & Girls Club Birthday Bash
Our next Birthday Bash is February 17th If you have a February birthday and can chair, please contact Chair Rob Goldstein at
 The Big Game & Polio
WOW!  We sold every square on TWO Boards thanks to some incredible efforts by so many of our members.  I am sure our President will be recognizing these efforts at our next meeting.
We gathered at Steiner's on Friday to draw the numbers, complete the accounting and have some great "Rotary " time together.  In the end,  $2,000 was raised for RI's continued efforts towards eradicating Polio worldwide.  Thanks to everyone who was a part of this. 
Greg Clemens, Chair

Corazon 2010 Super Build
On Saturday, May 15th, volunteers from District 5300 will step into a small village in Tecate, Mexico, and completely build 4 homes in ONE day for deserving families.  Our Club has apporoximately 8 volunteers that are committed to being a part of this event.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Chair Steve Reiter at 
Easter Seals fence
We are making great strides in our fundraising efforts to build a fence around the Serenity Garden at Easter Seals.  We still have plenty of opportunities for more folks to buy the stepping stones or benches to meet our dollar goal.  If you or someone you know would like to be a part of this project, please contact Chair Scott Stolberg at

To our members:

Articles are due by the end of business each Thursday.  If you send articles, please make sure they are word format, and all pictures must be jpeg format.  Thank you for all of you who take the time to contribute - this is your newsletter and we need your hellp.
Volume 1, Issue 18
Rotary Logo
In This Week's Newsletter
President's Corner
Committee Reports

  Club Leadership

Roy M. York
President Elect
Linda Bertuzzi
Mike Clayson
Al Guida, Jr.
Public Relations
Dulcinea Almazan
Steve Reiter
Linda Bertuzzi
Greg Clemens
Drew Levy
Rob Goldstein
Marilene Nevins
Past President
Laura Fitzpatrick

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Amy Tabor
February 15 
Kathy York
February 26
If we have missed your special event, let us know

  Meeting Captain

Greg Clemens 
February 9
Rob Desjardins
 February 16
Join Our Mailing List
Future Sponsors and Advertisers 
Fremont Club Editor
Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club