The Fremont Club Experience

September 29, 2009

Join us Tuesdays, 12:15 p.m., at Hugo's Cellar inside The Four Queens Hotel & Casino, 202 E Fremont St, Las  Vegas, NV.

Las Vegas Skyline and Rotary Title
Roy color photoPresident Roy's Corner
Dear  :
In our drive to promote new members for our Club, I thought it was the appropriate time to review District Governor Tom Novotny's recent article about our younger generation, who they are and how they fit in to "Rotary":
" September is New Generations month in Rotary. I ask you at your next Rotary meeting to take a look around the room and count the number of 30 something members.  I am willing to bet that the number is fairly low.
In our current times of dwindling membership, a major focus for our District is membership recruitment.  The generation of 30 something professionals in our communities are doctors, lawyers and business people who are looking for a way to be involved, to serve, and to give back.   Millenials (born 1977 to 1998) are increasingly aware of and engaged in volunteer work, community service, and philanthropic activities.  And the Generation Xers (born 1965-1976) prefer to focus on volunteering in their communities and dealing with local issues producing tangible results.

Who are the Millenials and Generation Xers that you know?  Some of these young professionals are our own children.  Many of them, I am sure, are ready to take that next step up.   So, during the month of September take a look around you. Step up and be aware of the young professionals that you come in contact with on a daily basis (they may be right in your own backyard) and invite them to a club meeting.  Get them involved in your next club project.  They have the drive and energy to ensure the future of our clubs and the future of Rotary."
Your invitation to a future Rotarian, New Generations or otherwise, is all we need to continue to keep the spiriti of Rotary moving forward. 

Last Week's Program:  Janice Marie

Imagination is more powerful than knowledge. 

Janice Wilson

Why?  Because knowledge currently defines what we know and understand.  Imagination is our power that points to all we might yet discover and create.   Our thoughts create our reality.  They are the energy that attracts what we choose to create in our lives.  We always have the choice about what we are thinking and how we are feeling.  If you shift what you are thinking and feeling to be only GOOD, that is what you get to experience. It's as simple as changing a thought to change your life....for GOOD!
If you would like to contact Janice, you can reach her at 702-233-8305 or

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  Upcoming Programs & Events 
Sept 29 - LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Oct 6 - Fremont Board Meeting - All Members Welcome
Oct 6 - Denise Michaels, Author of "Testosterone Free Marketing" 
Oct 10 - Cash Extravaganza Pahrump Rotary
Nov 17  Booker Elementary Thanksgiving 
Bring a guest to these events - introduce them to Rotary!

Member Profile - Michael Clayson

I was born in a small town, Olean, New York, and stayed there through the 8th grade.  My father retired from the New York State Police in 1978 after 22 years, and we left because he could not stand the weather any longer and wanted to move to Arizona.  We move to Glendale, Arizona and I spent my freshman year of high school shell-shocked.  He then decided 47 was too young to be retired and applied for and got the Chief of Police job in Parker, Arizona, from where I graduated high school.  I then spent one year at Arizona State, before transferring to UNLV, where I graduated from in 1986.  As I had been commissioned in the US Army as a 2nd Lieutenant in the ROTC program, I had to go to Armor Officers Basic Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky after graduation for a short stint in the Army reserve.  After that I found a job as a claims adjuster for Progressive Insurance, $19,000 and a company car, I thought I was rich.  I have been an adjuster ever since, with a couple other companies, and for the last 17 years, as an independent adjuster, currently with Carl Warren & Co. 
I am married to my wife Lisa, and have 4 children, Rachel, 20 and a junior at UNR, Alexander 12 (13 on the 28th, same birthday as me), Noah 12, and Zachary, 9.  I have coached my sons in baseball, basketball, and flag football, and find that to be my most enjoyable moments with them.  As a family we like to play games, go to movies, and travel. 
My Rotary life started in 1996, and except for a 2 year hiatus, I have enjoyed my time with the Fremont Rotary Club, and consider each member a dear friend. 

To our members:

Week three!  Just a note on the late delivery of the newsletter.  The service we are using thought they found questionable content (?) in our newsletter at midnite Saturday night, so they held up delivery until I called at 6:00 a.m. Monday morning.  We are back on track!
Again, thank you for your input on the newsletter.  If anyone has Rotary news, events, or even a joke of the week that you would like to submit, it would be greatly appreciated.  Most importantly, remember to bring a guest to the next meeting.  The future of our Club is in your hands.  Mike Clayson, thank you for stepping up at the last minute with your bio! 
Thank you! 
Your ever faithful editor
Volume 1, Issue 3 
Rotary Logo
In This Week's Newsletter
President's Corner
Last Week's Program
Upcoming Projects & Events
Member Profile

  Club Leadership

Roy M. York
President Elect
Linda Bertuzzi
Mike Clayson
Al Guida, Jr.
Public Relations
Dulcinea Almazan
Steve Reiter
Linda Bertuzzi
Greg Clemens
Drew Levy
Rob Goldstein
Marilene Nevins
Past President
Laura Fitzpatrick

  Birthdays & Anniversaries

Jana Prater
September 19
Mike Clayson
September 28
Scott & Sandy Stolberg
September 28
Join Our Mailing List
Future Sponsors and Advertisers 
Fremont Club Editor
Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club