Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering, Drexel University
CS News & Notes
Issue 11October 12, 2010
In This Issue
Bloomberg Info Session
MCS Meeting 10/14
MCS Student/Faculty Forum
Previous Trivia Answer
Department Advising Notes
Cyber Learning Center
International Research Opportunity
CS Focus Group Lunches
CS Events and Activities Search

Get to know our faculty!

 Adelaida image
Adelaida Medlock
CS Auxiliary Faculty
Interests: introductory programming, computer science education
Classes Fall Term:
CS 130 Programming Concepts 3D Animation
CS 131 Computer Programming A
CS 161 Introduction to Computing
CS 171 Computer Programming I

david augenblick Image 
David Augenblick
CS Auxiliary Faculty
Interests: object oriented programming, data structures, database systems
Classes Fall Term:
CS 121 Computation Lab I (T, TH, F)
CS 123 Computation Lab III

Bruce Char image 
Bill Mongan
CS Auxiliary Faculty
Interests: computer architecture, reverse engineering, program comprehension
Classes Fall Term:
CS 281 Systems Architecture I
CS 361 Concurrent Programming  
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For questions about this newsletter or if you'd like to contribute content, please contact Julie Fisher.  

Drexel Campus
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science e-newsletter. This bi-weekly newsletter will list all upcoming CS events and announcements every other Monday.


Bloomberg Information Session
Tuesday, October 12
6 to 8 p.m.
University Club Sky View Lounge, MacAlister Hall (6th floor) 

The Steinbright Career Development Center will host a Bloomberg career information session. Students majoring in computer science, accounting, economics, finance, mathematics, physics, statistics and engineering are encouraged to attend.

Bloomberg is the world's most trusted source of information for businesses and professionals. The company combines innovative technology with unmatched analytic, data, news, display and distribution capabilities, to deliver critical information. Bloomberg's Research and Development department offers exciting opportunities for highly-motivated individuals seeking a challenging technical role in the financial industry. An extensive training program will provide technical and financial skills needed to succeed in Bloomberg's fast-paced and dynamic organization. Successful applicants will be involved in the design and development of state-of-the-art financial information software products.

For more information, contact SCDC at or 215-895-2185.
The Graduate School Application Process
Wednesday, October 13
noon to 1 p.m.
SCDC, Suite 250 conference room (3201 Arch Street)

The Steinbright Career Development Center will host "The Graduate School Application Process" workshop. Timelines for applying, standardized tests and other essential requirements will be discussed. For more information or to RSVP, contact SCDC at 215-895-2185 or

Comcast Information Session
Thursday, October 14
4 to 6 p.m.
MacAlister Hall, room 2019 
Comcast is having a career information session. Computer engineering, computer science, information science, software engineering, and mathematics majors are encouraged to attend.
Comcast is one of the nation's leading providers of entertainment, information and communication products and services. Comcast now connects more than 24 million people nationwide to cable, digital telephone service, the Internet and some of television's most popular programming on channels. Comcast provides tremendous opportunity for individual growth within a truly dynamic atmosphere.  Learn about exciting opportunities in support and systems development, web applications, code development, improving customer experiences. Create networks, engage in model and simulation testing, work on all the products including systems, software, and applications that run on the network. No registration necessary.
MCS: Windows Phone Dev/Hack Event
Thursday, October 14
5 to 6 p.m.
University Crossings 153
The Microsoft appLab Phone event will give an overview and hands-on training on developing apps and games for the upcoming Windows Phone 7. We will discuss and learn the platforms for writing apps (XNA and Silverlight), and get you started on that next killer app for Windows Phone 7. This is your chance to design and implement that cool new app you've been dreaming about, or put the finishing touches on your masterpiece, so bring your ideas and get ready to code. As you are designing, writing and testing your apps onsite, there will be guidance to help you get things right.
Students should install the free developer tools here before they attend the meeting. Click here for more information about MCS.
MCS: Student/Faculty Forum
Thursday, October 21
5 to 6 p.m.
University Crossings 153
The Math and Computer Science Society (MCS) will be hosting a Computer Science Student/Faculty Forum. All students are welcome to attend and ask questions about the program, as well as discuss classes, coursework and other concerns. Food will be provided. Click here for more information about MCS.


Trivia Answer from Sept. 27 newsletter
Q: What College/School was the Department of Computer Science in before moving to the College of Engineering?  
A: College of Arts and Sciences
Be sure to check in for the next trivia question in October 25's newsletter!
Advising Notes
CS/SE Freshmen/Sophomore Advisor: Undergrad Advising Center
CS/SE Upper Level Advisor: Andrea Negro
New Track
We are now offering a new "Computer Architecture" track. This track will include courses offered jointly by our department and ECE. The choices for this track will be CS 282 Systems Architecture II (required), CS 476 High Performance Computing, ECEC 356 Embedded Systems and ECEC 413 Intro to Parallel Computer Architecture.
Note: If you plan on pursuing this track and you have already taken CS 281 and CS 282, you will need to take CS 283 Systems Programming as CS 282 will now be part of that track.
If you have any questions, email Andrea Negro.
Track Declarations
Reminder: All CS students should declare their two tracks by pre-junior year. If you have not done so yet, please log on the CS Website and click on "My Account" on the left-hand side. Then click on the "Edit" tab and go to "Track Declarations."
We currently have 9 track options:
Algorithms & Data Structures
Artificial Intelligence
Computer & Network Security
Computer Architecture
Computer Graphics & Vision
Game Design & Development
Human Computer Interaction
Numeric and Symbolic Computation
Operating Systems
For more information about each track, click here. If you have any problems or questions, email Andrea Negro. The deadline for track declarations is Friday, October 22, 2010.
Attention Pre-Juniors: As you enter you pre-junior year, you will start being advised by the Computer Science Department advisor, Andrea Negro. Each CS/SE student must meet with the advisor at least once throughout their undergraduate time here. You will be receiving an email shortly to schedule these mandatory meetings.
If you are a junior or senior and have not met with Andrea yet, please email to set up a meeting as soon as possible.
For additional advising information, click here 
Need help with classes? Visit the Cyber Learning Center
The Cyber Learning Center (CLC) provides consulting and other learning resources for students taking computer science classes. It's staffed by graduate and undergraduate students employed by the CS Department. Students can receive help during office hours (drop-in or by appointment). Services include review sessions for exams, small group study sessions, homework/lab help, and a mini-library.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 12 to 6 p.m.; Tuesday 12-9 p.m.
Learn more about the CLC here.
International Research Exchange Opportunity
2010-2011 Winter Term
Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
CS student Duc Nguyen worked at CTU spring 2010.
Duc in Prague
Have an interest and background in robotics, artificial intelligence, intelligent agents, and distributed systems? Want to travel abroad and participate in a collaborative research experience with access to world-class facilities? 
Dr. William Regli, professor of computer science, is searching for 3-5 students to join an international research exchange program with the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague for 6-8 weeks. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), this program is highly interdisciplinary, bridging artificial intelligence, networking and application development.
The next opportunity is available during 2010-2011 winter term. Deadline for applications is October 15, 2010. Click here for more information about the program. Questions? Contact Colleen Kavanaugh at
CS/SE students needed for department roundtable lunches
Drs. Jeremy Johnson (Department Head) and Jeff Popyack (Director of Undergrad Affairs) and Professor William Mongan would like to meet with you and talk about the Department's program and your coursework. We'd also like to learn more about your co-op opportunities, including how the current curriculum is preparing you for your industry experiences, and what new things you are learning during your co-ops.
If you are interested in joining us for a roundtable lunch to discuss your thoughts with us, along with other upperclassmen and freshmen, please contact Evy Vega at Lunches will be held once a week, Wednesdays at noon.
CS Events and Activities Search
We'd like your opinion on new events and activities the CS Department can host in the future. Are there any particular events you'd like us to hold? They can range from student bake-off competitions to student vs. faculty games. If you would like to share ideas or suggestions, please email Julie Fisher at