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Council Connections


March 2012

Enjoy the March edition of School Age Connections, an e-newsletter from the Child Care Council of Westchester. A new training calendar from the Council is on our website; check out our new Series and bundles. We look forward to meeting your training needs. Review the School Age Care Regulations on Health and Infection Control to ensure your files and health practices are up to date.


Susan M. Edelstein
Director, ISACC
School Age Newsletter
School Age Child Care Regulation Review
Spotlight on. YCAP After School Program
Resources for After School Professionals and News from SADN
TA Tip of the Month:
Upcoming Events and Workshops
School Age Child Care Regulation
Review: 414.11 Health and Infection Control

Review this regulation on Health and Infection Control to ensure your program follows the regulations.


(a) The provider must prepare a health care plan on forms furnished by the office, or approved equivalents. Such plan must protect and promote the health of children in a manner consistent with the health care plan guidelines issued by the office, which guidelines describe practices to promote the health of children and, for programs that provide care for such children, special considerations for the care of mildly ill children. The health care plan must be on site and available upon demand by a parent or guardian or the office. The health care plan must be followed by the provider and, for programs offering the administration of medications, must be approved by the program's health care consultant. Should the health care consultant determine after a visit to the day care program that the approved health care plan is not being reasonably followed by the provider, the health care consultant may revoke his or her approval of the plan. If the health care consultant revokes his or her approval of the health care plan, the health care consultant must immediately notify the provider and the provider must immediately notify the office. In that instance, the health care consultant may also notify the office directly if he or she so desires. The health care plan must describe the following:


(1) how a daily evaluation of each child for any indication of illness, injury, abuse or maltreatment will be conducted;


(2) how a record of each child's illnesses, injuries and signs of abuse or maltreatment will be maintained;


(3) how professional assistance will be obtained in emergencies;


(4) the advance arrangements for the care of any child who has or develops symptoms of illness or is injured, including notifying the child's parent;


(5) which staff members are certified to administer medications. The plan must state that only a trained, designated staff person may administer medications to children, except in those programs where the only administration of medications offered will be the administration of over-the-counter topical ointments, including sunscreen lotion and topically applied insect repellant pursuant to paragraph (12) of subdivision (g) of this section. The designated staff person may only administer medications to children if the designated staff person is at least 18 years of age, possesses a current certification in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and has completed the administration of medication training pursuant to paragraph (14) of subdivision (g) of this section;


(6) the designation of the health care consultant of record for programs offering the administration of medications, except in those programs where the only administration of medications offered will be the administration of over-the-counter topical ointments, including sunscreen lotion and topically applied insect repellant pursuant to paragraph (12) of subdivision (g) of this section; and


(7) the scheduling of visits by a health care consultant to programs offering the administration of medications, except in those programs where the only administration of medications offered will be the administration of over-the-counter topical ointments, including sunscreen lotion and topically applied insect repellant pursuant to paragraph (12) of subdivision (g) of this section.


(b) Each employee and volunteer must submit a statement from a health care provider prior to beginning employment at the school-age child care program, and every two years thereafter. Such statement must give satisfactory evidence that the individual is physically fit to provide child day care, has no diagnosed psychiatric or emotional disorder which would preclude such individual from providing child day care, and is free from communicable disease. The medical statement also must include the results of a Mantoux tuberculin test which has been performed within the 12 months preceding the date of the statement.


(c) Consumption of, or being under the influence of, alcohol or controlled substances by staff of the school-age child care program is prohibited. Smoking in indoor areas, in outdoor areas in use by children and in vehicles while children are being transported is prohibited.


(d) (1) The provider must obtain emergency health care for children who require such care and also must:


(i) obtain written consent at the time of admission from the parent or guardian which authorizes the provider to obtain emergency health care for the child;


(ii) arrange for the transportation of any child in need of emergency health care, and for the supervision of the children remaining in the school-age child care program; and


(iii) in the event of an accident or illness requiring immediate health care, secure such care and notify the parent or guardian.


(2) Where a provider or employee has been certified to administer medications in a day care setting in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (14) of subdivision (g) of this section, such provider or employee may administer emergency care through the use of epinephrine auto-injector devices when necessary to prevent anaphylaxis for an individual child but only when the parent or guardian and the child's health care provider have indicated such treatment is appropriate.


(e) The program must be equipped with a portable first aid kit which is accessible for emergency treatment. The first aid kit must be stocked to treat a broad range of injuries and situations and must be restocked as necessary. The first aid kit and any other first aid supplies must be kept in a clean container or cabinet not accessible to children.


(f) When a child has or develops a level of illness that is not accommodated in the provider's approved health care plan, the child must be provided with a place to rest quietly that is in view of, and under the supervision of, staff until the child is seen by a health care provider or is removed from the school-age child care program. In the event that a child has or develops any symptoms of illness, the provider is responsible for immediately notifying the parent.


(g) The school-age child care program may administer medication or treatment only in accordance with the following:


(1) Policies regarding the administration of medications must be explained to the parent or guardian at the time of enrollment of the child in care. Parents or guardians must be made familiar with the policies of the day care provider relevant to the administration of medications. Where the day care provider is advised that the child being enrolled is a child with special health care needs, the day care provider must work together with the parent and the child's health care provider to develop a reasonable health care plan for the child while the child is in the child day care program. The health care plan for the child must also address how the day care provider will obtain or develop any additional competencies that the day care provider will need to have in order to carry out the health care plan for the child.


(2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to require any provider to administer any medication, treatment, or other remedy except to the extent that such medication, treatment or remedy is required under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.


(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent a parent, guardian or relative within the third degree of consanguinity of the parents or step-parents of a child, even if such a person is an employee of the program, from administering medications to a child while the child is attending the program even if the provider has chosen to not administer medications or if the staff person(s) designated to administer medications is not present when the child receives the medication. If the provider elects not to administer medications, the day care provider or an employee must still document the dosages and time that the medications were given to the child by the child's parent, guardian or relative within the third degree of consanguinity of the parents or step-parents of the child. If the only administration of medication in a day care program is done by a parent(s), guardian(s) or relative(s) within the third degree of consanguinity of the parents or step-parents of a child, the provider and employee(s) of the program do not have to complete the administration of medication training requirements pursuant to paragraph (14) of subdivision (g) of this section. 


(4) All providers who choose to administer medications to children must have a health care consultant of record and must address the administration of medications in the health care plan in accordance with the requirements of subdivision (a) of this section. The provider must confer with a health care consultant regarding the program's policies and procedures related to the administration of medications. This consultation must include a review of the documentation that all staff authorized to administer medications have the necessary professional license or have completed the necessary training.


(5) Providers and employees may administer prescription and non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications for eyes or ears, oral medications, topical ointments and medications, and inhaled medications in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision. Providers and employees may not administer medications by injection, vaginally or rectally except as follows:


(i) in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of this section;


(ii) for a child with special health care needs, where the parent, day care provider and the child's health care provider have agreed on a plan pursuant to which the provider may administer medications by injection, vaginally or rectally; or


(iii) where the provider or employee has a valid New York State license as a physician, physician's assistant, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed practical nurse or advanced emergency medical technician.


(6) A day care provider who agrees that the day care provider or employee in the school age child care program will administer medications to a child must do so, unless they observe the circumstances specified by the health care provider, if any, under which the medication must not be administered. In such instances, the day care provider or employee must contact the parent or guardian immediately.


(7)(i) Except as described in paragraphs (11), (12) and (13) of this subdivision, medication may be administered only upon written permission of the parent or guardian and written instructions from a health care provider in a language in which the day care provider or employee who will administer the medications is literate stating that the child day care provider or employee may administer such medication or prescription and specifying the circumstances, if any, under which the medication or prescription must not be administered. Medication must be returned to the parent or guardian when it is no longer required by the child or, with the permission of the parent or guardian, be properly disposed of by the provider.


(ii) Where the day care provider has received written permission of the parent or guardian and written instructions from the health care provider authorizing administration of a specified medication if the day care provider observes some specified condition or change of condition in the child while the child is in care, the day care provider may administer the specified medication without obtaining additional authorization from the parent or guardian or health care provider.


(8) To the extent that such information is not included on the medication label pursuant to paragraph (9) of this subdivision, written instructions by the licensed authorized prescriber on the form provided by the office or an equivalent form, must include the:

(i) Child's name;

(ii) Licensed authorized prescriber's name, telephone number, and signature;

(iii) Date authorized;

(iv) Name of medication and dosage;

(v) Frequency the medication is to be administered;

(vi) Method of administration;

(vii) Date the medication shall be discontinued or length of time, in days, the medication is to be given;

(viii) Reason for medication (unless this information must remain confidential pursuant to law);

(ix) Most common side effects or reactions; and

(x) Special instructions or considerations, including but not limited to possible interactions with other medications the child is receiving or concerns regarding the use of the medication as it relates to a child's age, allergies, or any pre-existing conditions.


(9) Medications must be kept in the original labeled bottle or container. Over-the-counter medication must be kept in the originally labeled container and be labeled with the child's first and last name. Prescription medications must contain the original pharmacy label that lists:

(i) Child's name;

(ii) Authorized prescriber's name;

(iii) Pharmacy name and telephone number;

(iv) Date prescription was filled;

(v) Name of the medication;

(vi) Dosage;

(vii) How often to give the medication; and

(viii) Date the medication shall be discontinued or length of time, in days, the medication is to be given.


(10) In the case of medication that needs to be given on an ongoing, long-term basis, the authorization and consent forms must be reauthorized at least once every six months. Any changes in the original medication authorization shall require a provider to obtain new instructions written by the licensed authorized prescriber and a change in the prescription.


(11) If a parent or guardian requests that the day care provider or employee administer a prescription or orally administered over-the-counter medication but does not furnish the day care provider or employee with written instructions from a health care provider or licensed authorized prescriber, the day care provider or employee may administer such medication or prescription with the oral approval of the parent or guardian and upon obtaining verbal instructions directly from the health care provider or licensed authorized prescriber for that day only. The day care provider or employee must document that the health care provider or licensed authorized prescriber gave verbal instructions and that the health care provider or licensed authorized prescriber was asked to send written instructions to the day care provider or employee. If the medication is to be administered on subsequent days, written instructions must have been provided to the day care provider or employee from the health care provider.


(12) The day care provider or employee may administer over-the-counter topical ointments, including sunscreen lotion and topically applied insect repellant, upon the written instructions of the parent or guardian. Such administration must be consistent with any directions for use noted on the original container, including but not limited to precautions related to age and special health conditions. With such written instructions, day care providers and employees may administer over-the-counter topical ointments and sunscreen lotion without receiving the training in administration of medications otherwise required pursuant to paragraph (14) of this subdivision.


(13)(i) If a child develops symptoms which indicate a need for over-the-counter medication, including topical ointments, while in care at the program, such medication or ointment may be given under verbal instructions from the parent or guardian for that day only if the instructions received from the parent or guardian are consistent with any directions for use of the medication or ointment noted on the original container.

(ii) For all children for whom the day care provider or employee administers over-the-counter medications pursuant to this paragraph, the day care provider or employee must document that the parent or guardian gave verbal instructions and approval. If the medication is to be administered on subsequent days, written instructions from the parent or guardian and, in the case of orally administered medications, a health care provider or licensed authorized prescriber, must be obtained.


(14) All day care providers and employees, except those excluded in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph and except as provided in paragraphs (3) and (12) of this subdivision, who have agreed to administer medication must complete the office-approved medication administration training or an office-approved equivalent before administering medications to children in day care. The certification of training in the administration of medications to children in day care shall be effective for a period of three years from the date of issuance. The provider or employee must complete a recertification training approved by the office in order to extend the certification for each additional three year period. If, however, the provider or employee ceases to work in a day care program for a continuous period of one year, the certification shall automatically lapse. Where a certification lapses, the provider or employee may not be recertified unless the provider or employee completes the initial medication administration training or the recertification training, as required by the office. Where enforcement action has been taken against the provider based on a failure by the provider or employee to comply with requirements for the administration of medications set forth in this section, the office may require retraining or may prohibit the provider or employee from being involved in the administration of medications.


(i) Providers or employees who will be responsible for administering medications must receive training in the methods of administering medications prior to administering any medications in a day care setting. In order to be trained in the administration of medications in a day care setting, a provider or employee must be literate in the language or languages in which health care instructions from parents and health care providers will be received. Upon completion of the training, the provider or employee must receive a written certificate from the trainer that indicates that the trainee has successfully completed this training program, as required, and demonstrated competency in the administration of medications in a day care setting. Persons who receive training in the administration of medications in day care settings pursuant to this section may not otherwise administer medications or represent themselves as being able to administer medications except to the extent such persons may be able to do so in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Education Law.


(ii) The training in the administration of medications must be provided by a health care provider who has been certified by the office to administer the office-approved curriculum. The training must be documented and must include, but need not be limited to, the following:

(a) training objectives;

(b) a description of the methods of administration including principles and techniques of application and dispensation of oral, topical, and inhalant medication, including the use of nebulizers, and the use of epinephrine auto-injector devices when necessary to prevent anaphylaxis in emergency situations with respect to the various age groups of children;

(c) administering medication to an uncooperative child;


(d) an evaluation of whether the trainee demonstrates competency in:

(1) understanding orders from the health care professional or licensed authorized prescriber;

(2) the ability to correctly carry out the orders given by the health care provider or licensed authorized prescriber;

(3) recognition of common side effects of medications and ability to follow written directions regarding appropriate follow up action;

(4) avoidance of medication errors and what action to take if an error occurs;

(5) understanding relevant commonly used abbreviations;

(6) maintaining required documentation including the parent or guardian's permission, written orders from health care professionals and licensed authorized prescribers, and the record of administration of medications;

(7) safe handling of medications, including receiving medications from a parent or guardian;

(8) proper storage of medications, including controlled substances; and

(9) safe disposal of medications.


(iii) A person who can produce a valid New York State license as a physician, physician's assistant, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, licensed practical nurse or advanced emergency medical technician will not be required to attend the training required by this paragraph in order to administer medications in a day care program. Documentation establishing the person's credentials in one of the above fields will be required and a copy of the documentation must be provided to the Office.


(15) Medications must be kept in a clean area that is inaccessible to children. If refrigeration is required, the medication must be stored in either a separate refrigerator or a leak-proof container in a designated area of a food storage refrigerator, separated from food and inaccessible to children. Day care programs must comply with all Federal and State requirements for the storage and disposal of all types of medications, including controlled substances.


(16) At the time of administration, the day care provider or employee must document the dosages and time that the medications are given to the child. All observable side effects must be documented and shared with the parent, guardian and, when appropriate, the child's health care provider. Documentation must be made if the medication was not given and the reason for such a decision. The parent or guardian must be notified immediately and the Office must be notified by the close of the following business day of any medication administration errors. Notification to the Office must be reported on a form provided by the Office or on an approved equivalent.


(17) No child under the care of a school age care center will be allowed to independently administer medications without the assistance and direct supervision of staff that are certified to administer medications pursuant to this section. Any program that elects to offer the administration of medication to children where children who attend the program independently administer medications or where children assist in the administration of their own medications must comply with all the provisions of this section.


(h) Staff must thoroughly wash their hands with soap and running water at the beginning of each day, before and after the administration of medications, when they are dirty, after toileting, before and after food handling or eating, after handling pets or other animals, after contact with any bodily secretion or fluid, and after coming in from outdoors.


(i) Staff must ensure that children thoroughly wash their hands or assist children with thoroughly washing their hands with soap and running water when they are dirty, after toileting, before and after food handling or eating, after handling pets or other animals, after contact with any bodily secretion or fluid or after coming in from outdoors. Staff must assist children in keeping clean and comfortable, and in learning appropriate personal hygiene practices.


(j) Safety precautions relating to blood must be observed by all staff coming into contact with blood, as follows:


(1) Disposable gloves must be immediately available and worn whenever there is a possibility for contact with blood, including but not limited to:


(i) touching blood or blood-contaminated body fluids;


(ii) treating cuts that bleed; and


(iii) wiping surfaces stained with blood.


(2) In an emergency, a child's well-being must take priority. A bleeding child must not be denied care because gloves are not immediately available.


(3) Disposable gloves must be discarded after each use.


(4) If blood is touched accidentally, the exposed skin must be thoroughly washed with soap and running water.


(5) Clothes contaminated with blood must be placed in a securely tied plastic bag and returned to the parent at the end of the day.


(6) Surfaces that have been blood stained must be cleaned and then disinfected with a germicidal solution.


(k) Toilet facilities must be kept clean at all times, and must be supplied with toilet paper, soap and disposable towels accessible to the children.


(l) All rooms, equipment, surfaces, supplies and furnishings accessible to children must be cleaned and disinfected as needed to protect the health of children, and in a manner consistent with the health care plan guidelines issued by the Office. The premises must be kept free from dampness, odors, vermin, and the accumulation of trash.


(1) Equipment that is frequently used or touched by children on a daily basis must be cleaned and disinfected when soiled and at least once weekly.


(2) Carpets contaminated with body fluids must be spot cleaned.


(3) Extensive cleaning, such as shampooing carpets or washing windows and walls, must occur when children are not present.


(4) (i) Any application of pesticides (as the term pesticide is defined in section 33-0101 of the Environmental Conservation Law) shall be completed in accordance with the requirements of section 390-c of the Social Services Law and sections 33-1004 and 33-1005 of the Environmental Conservation Law.


(ii) In addition to the requirements of section 390-c of the Social Services Law, each day care facility must send a notice home with each child or otherwise provide notification to the parent of each child not less than forty-eight hours prior to the application of pesticides. Such notice must include:


(a) the location and specific date of the application of pesticides and may include two alternate dates in the event that an outdoor application cannot be made due to weather conditions;


(b) the pesticide product name and pesticide registration number assigned by the United States Environmental Protection Agency;


(c) the following statement: "This notice is to inform you of a pending pesticide application at this facility. You may wish to discuss with a representative of the day care facility what precautions are being taken to protect your child from exposure to these pesticides. Further information about the product or products being applied, including any warnings that appear on the label of the pesticide or pesticides that are pertinent to the protection of humans, animals or the environment, can be obtained by calling the National Pesticide Telecommunications Network Information line at 1-800-858-7378 or the New York State Department of Health Center for Environmental Health Info Line at 1-800-458-1158"; and


(d) the name of a representative of the day care facility and contact number for additional information.


(iii) Any day care provider that fails to send the appropriate notice of pesticide application as set forth in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph shall, for a first such violation of this subdivision, be issued a written warning in lieu of penalty. For a second violation, such provider shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars. For any subsequent violation, such provider shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars for each violation. No penalty may be assessed by the Commissioner without affording the provider with notice and an opportunity for a hearing pursuant to section 413.5 of this Article.


(iv) Any finding by the Department of Environmental Conservation of a violation by the provider of the requirements set forth in section 33-1004 or 33-1005 of the Environmental Conservation Law shall be deemed a safety hazard to children in care and a violation of this subdivision.


(5) Garbage receptacles must be cleaned as needed after emptying.


(6) Thermometers must be washed and disinfected before use by another child.


(7) Individual drinking cups, disposable paper cups or bubbler drinking fountains of the angle jet type must be provided. The use of shared drinking cups is prohibited.


(8) Linens, blankets and bedding must be cleaned at least weekly and before use by another child. Cots, beds, mats and mattresses must be cleaned thoroughly between uses by different children and at least monthly.


(9) Either disposable towels or individual cloth towels for each child must be used. If individual cloth towels are used, they must be laundered daily. Sharing personal hygiene items, such as washcloths, towels, toothbrushes, combs and hairbrushes, is prohibited.


(10) After use, dishes and all utensils must be washed with soap and hot water, and rinsed in hot running water.

Spotlight on:  YCAP After School Program  

The Yonkers Community Action program, located at 164 Ashburton Avenue in Yonkers, offers a number of services to the Yonkers community including, but not limited to, providing food for the community through our food pantry, providing assistance with families through programs such as Strengthening Families, offering children the opportunity in the performing arts via the Youth Theater Interactions program, and providing school aged children with homework help and enriching activities and programs through our After School Program.


Nestled near the center of the Ashburton Corridor, Yonkers Community Action Program (YCAP) provides numerous programs and services, all focused on reducing poverty in the Yonkers community. What better way to reduce poverty than, to provide affordable school aged programs that promote healthy living, academic excellence and civic engagement? YCAP provides a safe space for more than 40 children through its licensed After School program; incorporating homework help, Life Skills Training, and intergenerational activities, among many other activities.  The Cooking Matters program teaches children how to create easy-to-make, healthy dishes such as banana & peanut butter tortillas and homemade granola, while the Smarties program provides small group and individual tutoring to students attending targeted public schools.  The familial atmosphere at YCAP's After School Program, encourages, self awareness, cultural sensitivity, and has been successful in maintaining enrollment capacity.


For more information on this program, contact Samantha Mars, Director of Youth Programs Operations at 914-423-5905 x 25 or samantha@yonkerscap.org.


Resources for After School Professionals and
News from School Age Director's Network

March is a Busy Month for Celebrations...


Encourage the children in your program to observe National Women's History Month and celebrate the women in their lives.


Children can interview a woman who has had an impact on their life and write a brief essay about that person.  The interview can be about the woman's youth, education, career or an important moment that was life-changing for the child. For example, seeing Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, might have inspired a child to become more interested in science.


Help younger children craft their interview questions. Have older youth elaborate on what they have learned from this person.


For more on Women's History Month, go to http://womenshistorymonth.gov/.



March is National Nutrition Month.  We all are aware that obesity and poor nutrition are growing problems with today's children.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about 17 percent of children and youth ages 2 to 19 are obese.


Check out www.eatright.org, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' site, to get great resources that promote good nutrition, including activities for children and information on topics such as:

  • 20 Ways to Enjoy More Fruits and Vegetables
  • 25 Healthy Snacks for Kids
  • Healthy Eating on the Run
  • Power Up with Breakfast
  • Eating Right for a Healthy Weight

For more on National Nutrition Month, go to http://fitness.gov/about-us/what-we-do/national-monthly-events/national-nutrition-month/




Free Books for Your After School Program


Does your afterschool program need brand new, age-appropriate books for FREE?


The Afterschool Alliance is teaming up with First Book to bring approximately 20,000 new books to afterschool programs this spring. Through support from a generous sponsor, 50 Afterschool Alliance programs will each receive $1,000 to purchase brand new books from the First Book Marketplace - an online store that provides high quality new books to schools and programs serving children from low-income families. The First Book Marketplace carries a wide variety of titles for ages 0-18 at an average price of just $2.50 per book (shipping included!).


Grants will be distributed on a first-come, first served basis so don't wait-register today!


To be eligible to receive a $1,000 book grant for your program, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Register your program with First Book by clicking here. Registration is free and takes just minutes to complete. Programs serving 70% or more children in need are eligible to register with First Book.
  2. During registration be sure to indicate your affiliation with Afterschool Alliance.
  3. In completing your registration, you will be asked to indicate the percentage of children served by your program from low-income families. In order to be eligible for the grant opportunity, you MUST select from one of the four following criteria to determine this information:
    • Census Poverty Data
    • HUD Guidelines
    • WIC Eligibility Requirements
    • Head Start Eligibility Requirements
  4. Keep an eye on your inbox (and junk folder just in case!). Grant recipients will be notified by First Book via email.

Yes. In order to be eligible you must log into your First Book account at www.firstbook.org/rg and indicate your affiliation with Afterschool Alliance. Don't forget to make sure the rest of your account information is up to date too!


If you need assistance registering your program or updating your account please contact the First Book Help Team at 866-READ-NOW or help@firstbook.org




From President Samantha Mars: Psychiatrist, physician and lecturer Dr. David Hawkins proclaims "make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself." The Tuesday March 20 meeting will not only welcome new members, but also delve into civic engagement, and share strategies to encourage children and families to make a difference in the lives of others through giving. Contact Samantha Mars for more information.

TA Tip of the Month: 
Bringing Science into Your
School Age Program

Don't be afraid to include science activities into your after school program. By incorporating science, you are providing the children with additional opportunities to develop team building and problem solving skills and knowledge that will enhance their academic learning. In addition, science activities are fun. Afterschool programs are an ideal setting for stimulating children's interest in science, in a less structured way.


The informal environment of your program provides a flexibility that lets children engage in science in the same way they play sports or create an art project. By playing with bubbles, building a tower with blocks, making a volcano, or planting seeds, the child is learning principles of physics, chemistry or biology. It also sparks an interest in science that might translate to future classroom success.


Here are some simple science activities to include in your program:

  1. Provide non working electronics: i.e. clocks, VCR;s or radios with the electrical cords removed and have the children disassemble the object. Ensure that you establish guidelines for the safe use of tools and direct and constant supervision by staff.
  2. Ask kids to predict how far Matchbox cars will roll or paper airplanes will fly; mark the predictions with tape and measure the actual distances. Chart predictions and actual distances.
  3. Provide magnifying glasses to look at various forms of nature, such as grass, leaves, flowers, or insects during a nature walk. Bring some of the specimens back and look at them under a microscope.
  4. Grow different types of seeds (bean, corn, pea and wheat) in wet paper towels.
  5. Observe frozen and boiling water and steam; discuss what happens when water changes state; make jello - anything that turns liquid into solid is science!
  6. Study rocks. Ask kids to look around their homes, find and bring in interesting and different rocks and minerals. Give the children books on rocks and minerals and identify what they found. 

The following online resources provide ideas for science activities:








The Child Care Council of Westchester offers technical assistance and training to maintain compliance with OCFS regulations and to familiarize school age staff with best practices in school age care. Contact Mary Ann Brendler at maryannb@cccwny.org or 914-761-3456 x 172 if you would like additional assistance on this topic or any other topic relating to school age care.

Upcoming Events and Workshops

Pre-registration is required for all workshops and conferences.  When registering online at www.ChildCareWestchester.orgyou automatically save $3.00 on standard workshops costing $33/$43. 




 2012 AWARDS BREAKFAST: Friday June 8, 8:30 am Crowne Plaza White Plains



Check out our NEW Spring/Summer Professional Development Calendar here.


We've got lots of interesting and unique training opportunities for school age professionals.  School age specific trainings are now offered as a Series

or in bundles to help you get training hours at minimal cost!




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