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Council ConnectionsFall 2010

Enjoy this edition of Parent Connections, an e-newsletter from the Child Care Council of Westchester featuring information on staying connected with your child's child care, tips for parents, parent support groups, recent recalls, and more!



Nicole Masucci

Director, Employer & Parent Services

Parent Connections
Articles for Parents
Tips for Moms and Dads
Parent Workshops
Free Services Offered to Parents
Articles for Parents

Keeping in touch with your child care provider: Being Hands On.
Click Here for more information.

Aggressive Behavior in Toddlers: Why It Happens, What to Do.

The period between 18 months and 3 years is an exciting time.  Toddlers are eager to assert themselves, communicate their likes and dislikes, and act independently (as much as they can!).  At the same time, they still have limited self-control and are just beginning to learn important skills like waiting, sharing and turn-taking.

Click Here for more information.

Have you ever wondered why child care costs so much...
Click Here for more information. 

NACCRRA (National Association of Chid Care Resource and Referral Agencies) recently published a report on the high cost of child care.

Click Here for more information.

Tips for Moms and Dads
Interracial couple

A reminder to stop and take a moment. 


 Little moments make a BIG difference to your child....

Tip of Day: Hug your child and say "I love you"!


Tips to connect with for your child:

Baby:  Go to the park: Notice what delights your child at the park and give your child more of those experiences, whether it swinging on a baby swing, tossing piles of leaves or sitting in the sand box.   Put words to these experiences or make up a song: "What did you do in the park today, dear little girl of mine? I saw another baby in the park today, mama dear mama of mine..." (Born Learning www.bornlearning.org)

Toddler:  Turn shopping time into story time! Talk as you walk. Make up stories as you go. Talk about the past, present, and future. Grab ideas from the pictures on the packages you pull from the shelves. (Born Learning www.bornlearning.org)

Preschool:  After reading a story to your child, ask "What did you like best about the story?" If they don't answer, try saying "did you like the part when...?" or share favorite part of the story. 

School Age:  Put a little note in with your child's lunch wishing them to have a nice day and just letting them know you love them. 

Parent Workshops


Parents Council ServicesSupport  and Education Groups for New Parents
Would you like to like to know about future support groups or parent education workshops? If so,  let us know by emailing NicoleM@cccwny.org.
Did you know that just this month there were recalls on Graco strollers, infant overalls, children's projector flashlights, bathtub toys, Tike Tech Joggling Strollers, and more. Click Here for the most recent recalls.


You can sign up to be notified about recalls from the US Consumer Product and Safety Commission by simply Clicking Here. It's the best way to stay informed and helps keep your child safe.

The Council offers FREE Services to Parents

Click Here to locate child care services in Westchester County, NY.

Click Here to learn about the financial resources and benefits available to help families pay for child care.



 Click Here to obtain affordable health insurance for your child(ren) and/or family.

Additional Resources for Parents

List of resources on the Council Website
Click Here for general resources

Parent Network Action Center
An educational resource for parents, dedicated to helping parents access current information on children's issues as well as the most recent parenting resources. It offers information on child development, tips related to raising children, finding quality child care and more.
Click Here for more information.

Zero to Three
Zero to Three is a national organization that provides child development information for parents and professionals regarding infants and toddlers.
Click Here for more information.
Coming soon to New York! QUALITYstarsNY will help parents choose child care by awarding stars to programs that meet certain quality standards.
Click Here for more information.

To let us know what you want to hear about contact nicolem@cccwny.org.
To tell a friend or to be removed from this list contact nicolem@cccwny.org.