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Fertilizing Your Lawn this Fall
October 2012

Fall is officially here!  The days are getting shorter and cooler.  Many homes suffered from lawn damage this year and are in need of repair this fall.  You are probably planning on seeding the problem spots in your lawn.  It is still not too late to seed this fall with our Fall Magic grass seed.  Have you thought about your fall lawn fertilization?  Oftentimes this important step is forgotten.  Fertilizing in the fall is a critical part of your lawn renovation and enables the lawn to survive through the winter.  This month's Timely Tips focuses on your options for fertilizing this fall.
Fall Fertilization is a Must
The best time to apply a fall fertilizer is in October into early November.  As the days get cooler the grass will start storing the nutrients the fertilizer provides.  The benefits of fertilizing your lawn in the fall include increased root growth, improved coloring from fall to spring and less disease and drought problems to name a few.  Winter Survival Fall Fertilizer is the perfect fall formula for your lawn.  It contains humates which increase the soil activity and it does not contain phosphorus so it can be applied in phosphorus free states.  Please note that many states have blackout dates for fertilizer applications.  Check your town and state laws for restrictions that may apply.
What do I apply to my lawn in the fall?
Click above to learn more about fertilizing this fall.
What are my options this fall?

Visit our YouTube channel for helpful videos on maintaining your lawn now and all year long.
halloween kids enjoy organic lawn
What if I want to go organic?
Organic fertilizers are another option for your fall fertilization.  Our Organic Lawn Fertilizer and Natural Beauty Lawn Fertilizer contain beneficial nutrients to help your lawn survive the winter months.  These organic products will improve the health of your soil and repair the damage done to your lawn from the summer heat.  Mag-I-Cal Pelletized Calcium Fertilizer should also be applied to help release trapped nutrients in the soil.  Mag-I-Cal works faster than lime and one bag is equivalent to up to ten bags of lime.
For more information, how-to videos and informative articles visit  jonathangreen.com.  Follow  us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media sites listed below for even more daily lawn and garden tips.  We wish you a successful fall seeding and feeding!
Sincerely, halloween yard party
Jonathan Green

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