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Rebuild Your Lawn this Fall
August 2012

Extreme temperatures and drought have damaged lawns across the country this summer.  Much of the grass is dried out or dead and bugs and fungus have taken their toll.  Now is the time to rebuild your lawn and strengthen it for the colder months ahead.  Follow this month's Timely Tips to have a healthy, thick green lawn that will survive the winter.
Seeding makes sense grass growing
Fall is the best time to seed your lawn.  The soil temperature is warm but the hot days are past us.  Even if your lawn is suffering from weeds this fall it is best to focus on establishing a strong, healthy lawn first.  The best defense against weeds is a healthy lawn.  If you have not taken a soil test be sure to do this first.  Unbalanced soil pH is the root of many lawn issues.  If your pH is low apply Mag-I-Cal the same day you seed.  Mag-I-Cal will help balance soil pH and release trapped nutrients in the soil.  Choosing quality grass seed mixtures will ensure a quality lawn.  Jonathan Green Fall Magic grass seed is specially formulated for a successful fall seeding.  Fall Magic will repair summer damage and contains naturally insect resistant grass.

Not sure which grass seed to use? To learn more click here.
Facts about fertilizing spreader
Fall fertilizing is a crucial step in restoring your lawn to a healthy state.  Fertilizing will help grass roots develop and strengthen so that your lawn will survive the winter.  Jonathan Green Winter Survival Fall Fertilizer contains humates which aid in root development.  Winter Survival provides a well balanced formula that is ideal for winter turf protection and helps give the lawn a deep-green color. 

Looking for a quality organic fertilizer?  Try our Natural Beauty Lawn Fertilizer or our Organic Lawn Fertilizer for a slow, gentle feeding that will give your lawn the nutrients it needs.  Organic fertilizers are a great choice when you are establishing a new lawn this fall too.  You may seed at the same time you use any of these fertilizers.

Want to learn more about your lawn in the fall?
watch in grass Remember to have patience
Repairing a damaged lawn can take some time.  Many grass seed mixtures need at least 14 days to start germinating.  Keep the seeded areas moist while the seed begins to grow until you need to mow.  Once you have established your lawn be sure to water deeply each time you irrigate.  Be sure to follow all directions on the back of the bag before applying any product to your lawn.  Do not apply any weed controls to your lawn if you plan on seeding.  You will kill the new seedlings as well as the weeds.  Remember a healthy, thick lawn takes time and work but the end results are well worth the wait! 
summer family fun For more information, how-to videos and informative articles visit  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media sites listed below for even more daily lawn and garden tips.  Good luck!
Jonathan Green

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