Dear Friend, 

The picture below represents two years that will change history. That is the time spent in biblical studies and practical application by the graduating class of 2012. Within one month of graduating, over 70% are already involved in full time ministry. In fact, one couple has already launched a home church in the largest county (amphur) in Thailand that does not have a Christian church. The odd thing....they didn't know a soul in the province, just felt God said "Go There!"   


2012 Graduation Class 

Many times we are asked how our graduates go on to produce so much fruit. You have to realize that the bible school students are on "our schedule" from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM over a two year period. Realistically speaking, the Word of God will transform any life if there is simply enough application of time and attention to the principals of God's Word to allow it to happen. Something like I heard about "Jesus knocking at the door of our heart...gently asking if He can come in.....selah." Our society is evolving so quickly; the digital age of information and imagery is racing at us at cyber speed. It is essential and so very wise to slow down a bit and realize "The Good Book...the Word of God" is still and always will be the foundation to our relationship with God. Let God's Word be established in your heart and mind!


An Awesome Award... I Could Hardly Believe My Ears! Montri Suwikun came to us four years ago; he is currently in the 11th grade. His mother and father were refugees from Burma who struggled to make Thailand their new home. Language and cultural barriers confronted them every step of the way. So many times it is the challenges we face and the adversity we overcome that paves the way for the success we enjoy. That was truly the case when Montri successfully defeated over 100 other contestants in a "General Knowledge Quiz" hosted by the Thai school system and sponsored by Toyota. Top students were chosen from the five Thai provinces to compete for a special award. They were questioned extensively about every aspect of Thai life, culture and history. And The Winner Is... "Montri" from Abundant Life Children's Home! And The Prize Is.... A trip to Poland to see the Euro 2012 Finals! (For you Yanks that don't follow world soccer....that is equivalent to a trip to the Super Bowl!")


Needless to say, Montri is ecstatic with his prize and will enjoy an experience of a lifetime. I think this young man needs a chaperon....I humbly volunteer!

A beautiful verse of scripture is Psalms 113:7-8


"He raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap,

That He may seat him with princes--With the princes of His people."


It is a joy to minister to the "lowly ones" the "throw aways" of society that many times fall through the cracks; it is awesome to see what God does. Over and over again we see God promoting our students, our children and ourselves, to heights and blessings that we never could have imagined. Jesus truly is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus said it like this.... "I have come that you may have life and life more abundantly!"


Thank you for being a part of our life and ministry. Together with God, we have become a powerful team working together to bring positive change to the lives of so many people. We are honored and sincerely thank you for the privilege to represent you.


God Bless You Richly,


Charlie and Cathy

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