A Minute With Molly and Midge!
Spring in to Sports
April 17, 2012
In This Issue
From the Blog
Sew Up the Season
Cinnamon Rolls
Molly Wants You!
The Coupon Craze
Athletic Potato
Our Sponsors
Molly's Back!
The Coupon Craze:
Chaos or Common Cents?

Hi Friends,


Spring brings many opportunities for families to break out of the winter doldrums and soak up the vitamin D. Over the next few months, Saturdays will be filled with the hustle and bustle of spring. . .sports!



But gone are the days when spring sports were for just for children. Today, Mom and Dad are just as likely to be on the soccer field or hitting the diamond as their kids. When the whole family is taking advantage of the longer, warmer days of spring, schedules are bound to get tighter.


About.com's Catherine Holecko has great strategies for setting up a workable family schedule that includes managing the sports. 

Sports injuries can make scheduling woes the least of families' worries. There is nothing worse than paying the fees for a season of baseball, then throwing an arm out because warm-ups were not properly performed before the game. Injury prevention is the key to keeping sports affordable. StopSportsInjuries.org has a sport-specific list to keep everyone healthy and in the game.


By scheduling well and preventing injuries, spring can be the most invigorating time of the year.  Even if it is just a few games of miniature golf, get out with the family and enjoy all that spring has to offer!

Does your family participate in spring sports?  What do you do to get your family moving? How do you save money on sports? 


Write to [email protected]We may include your submission in our next newsletter.

From the Blog

 Come see what is cooking at Econobusters this week!
  • My morning wake-up call begins with coffee. Here is how to keep you pot clean and your coffee tasting great.
  • Looking for gifts for Mother's Day and Father's Day? The best gifts aren't found in the store!
  • Have some great ideas to share? Submit your article ideas for Molly Green Magazine.
  • Want to wake-up the weekend? Give Fabulous Friday a try.
  • Tangled? Not today! Make this DIY no tangle spray. 
Sew Up the Season
The crisp early morning air of spring is manna for the lungs of the athletes on the field, but it is hard on the fans in the stands. For those who cheer from the bleachers, try Heide Braley's tutorial for a fleece stadium blanket to help keep the chill out.
Cinnamon Rolls

Getting breakfast ready for the family on Saturday mornings can be a challenge at best. Here is a great time-saving make-ahead recipe from my cookbook  In the Kitchen With Molly: 12 Weeks of Frugal Meals.  




1 (0.25-ounce) package active dry yeast (or 1 tablespoon)

� cup warm water (110�F)

� cup white sugar

� teaspoon salt

1 egg, at room temperature

2� cups flour

� cup butter, softened

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

� cup brown sugar



  In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.

  1. In a large bowl, combine the yeast mixture with the sugar, salt, egg, and 1 cup flour; stir well to combine.
  2. Stir in the remaining flour, � cup at a time, beating well with each addition.
  3. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes. Cover with a damp cloth and let rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Lightly grease an 8- by 8-inch square baking pan.
  5. Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to form a �-inch-thick rectangle.
  6. Smear the dough with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar.
  7. Roll up the dough along the longedge until it forms a roll. Slice the roll into 16 equal-size pieces and place them in the pan with the cut side up.
  8. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight, or cover and let rise at room temperature until doubled in volume, about 45 minutes.
  9. Preheat oven to 400�F. Bake rolls until golden brown, about 20 minutes.
For more great resources, visit the Schoolhouse Store.
The April Issue is HERE!


Dear Molly Members,  


I sure hope you've all visited your Member Pages and logged in to download the new April Digest. We're very proud of the new look and hope you enjoy it as well. (Just click the "Magazines" link and you'll find it at the top of the list.)


You will not want to miss what is coming in May!  If you're not a member, we'd love to have you join us. For only $3.85/mo. you receive each

molly goes campingnew magazine as it hits the shelf (retail price $4.95), as well as all my back issues. Note: Once you've been a Molly Member for 60 days you'll find my 


E-Book, Molly Goes Camping in your  your Member Pages.



molly member banner   

The Coupon Craze


The wait is finally over!  Molly Green Magazine is here.This inaugural issue is filled with loads of couponing strategies and money-saving tips. You'll be able to find this issue in our new store (or your member pages, if you're a member).

  • Repurpose a cork board in to "Coupon Central." 
  • Feed a family of four to six for less than $20.   
  • Teach your children to coupon.  
  • Create your own in-home spa.  
  • Discover home pet care for less.  
  • Learn how to shop the big-box stores.  

Grab this issue up or save money and subscribe.

From Midge MidgeHeadShot


Athletic Potato





In my vivid imagination, I am an Olympic athlete. Watching those "sports drink" commercials where athletes are training hard while sweating, and winning races, I usually sit back and prop my feet up thinking, "Yup, I could do that. No problem." Then, I pop open my diet soda and settle in for my couch potato movie marathon.


Recently, my athletic dream girl bubble was burst when I was asked to help coach my niece and nephew's soccer team. There I was, a bit chubbier after not quite losing my post-baby tummy, wearing my ill-fitting shorts with the only baby-burp-free T-shirt I could find on short notice. I put on my baseball cap and headed out for the field ready to conquer the sport of soccer!


I knew I was in trouble after running two laps around the soccer field. My face was beet red, and I was panting like a dog. When the head coach said, "Let's sit to stretch," I plopped down with a thud. The rest of the practice just involved basic drills that we guided the kids through, which awarded me with a chance to regain a bit of my pride and breath. But the most painful part was being asked to referee for the scrimmage at the end of practice. This involved more running and ended up being more of a workout than the initial two laps! The kids dribbled circles around each other and me; it was an incredibly humbling experience.


Besides having super-sore muscles today, I actually feel reinvigorated. Being Coach Mom may just have helped me to start being active again and possibly could be the beginning of losing some of this baby weight. My renewed spirit could not have happened a moment too soon! They asked me to help again next week . . . better put down that soda and get moving!


Molly, I was asked to provide the healthy snack after soccer practice next week. Do you have any ideas for a good, frugal soccer snack? And what motivates you to start moving after a long winter rest? I may not be training for the Olympics, but my muscles are telling me otherwise!


Love ya,

A Super-Sore Yet Motivated Midge 

 Hop on over to Econobusters to read Molly's reply. To hear more from Midge, be sure and visit us at every Thursday!