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Tips to Make Spring Cleaning a Breeze!

February 21, 2011
In This Issue
From the Blog
Spring Cleaning Tips and Tools
Molly Members
Make Your Own Bathroom Scrub
Lost Socks?
Molly's Money-Saving Digest
In the Kitchen With Molly

Need a hand in the kitchen? Molly can help.


From planning meals to putting them on the table, feeding a family is a big job. In the Kitchen With Molly is the next best thing to having a personal chef.


This new E-Book contains 12 weeks of menu plans, one for each month of the year, plus shopping lists and printable recipe cards. With the planning done for you, you'll have more time to spend enjoying your family or tackling other projects that need your attention.


And with Molly, the focus is always on frugality. These recipes not only save you time, but they also save you money. Trimming dollars from the grocery bill can add up to a significant difference in the family budget, and having meals planned means you'll eat out less often. That's good for your wallet and your waistline.


A Look Back at the
February 2010 Digest:
Living the Good Life ~ Frugally



Has winter left you waning?

Does your budget need a boost?

What's for dinner, anyway?

What keeps your abode bright, beautiful, and bouncing along?


Relax, rejuvenate, and get real! Each month take the wonderful opportunity to learn along with Molly (and her special guests and experts) and make the most of your time and money.


Molly's Money-Saving Digest February 2010

Order this past Digest today by clicking HERE.

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Molly Makes $7 Slow Cooker Suppers ~ Quick and Easy
140 deliciously simple recipes --
140 wonderful ways to feed your family!
Our daily lives often seem to run on overdrive. Too frequently a healthy, home-cooked meal is one of the things sacrificed. If only you had more time! Okay, maybe you really like to cook and it's worth all the effort it takes. But every day, day in and day out, perhaps two or even three meals a day .  .  .  14 to 20 meals a week, whew! A homemaker needs a reprieve!

Your blog or business here!

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Spring Flowers-pink
Photo Credit: Toni Riggs

Depending on where you live, it may feel like spring is never going to arrive. But it really is just around the corner! Once the sun comes out, I find it hard to get anything done indoors. I would much rather be outside in the garden or at the park with my family! So, this is the perfect time of year to get your spring cleaning done and out of the way.


In this week's newsletter, I'm going to share some tips and tools to make spring cleaning a breeze.


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From the Blog

If you didn't make it to the blog this week, head on over to see what you've been missing. Don't forget to leave a comment. I love hearing from you! 

Spring Cleaning Tips and Tools


I just love how fresh and new my home feels after doing a great spring cleaning job. This is a good time to get organized, get rid of things you don't use, and clean those hard-to-reach places. If anyone in your family suffers from allergies, it's a good idea to do this more than once a year. Here are a few tips and tools to make the process a little easier:



Molly Members
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Hi Molly Members,

If you haven't taken advantage of the free Following the Iditarod study in your Member Pages this month, I urge you to reconsider. This study is a lot of fun. Even if you only take advantage of a few ideas as you follow the race, you'll be glad you did. It's a great family activity, whether you homeschool or not. 




 Not a member yet? We'd love you to join us.Only $3.95/mo!

You might also consider a six-month prepaid membership as a gift for a frugal friend (or yourself)!  

Make Your Own Bathroom Scrub


Photo Credit: Dena Wood 



Old squirt bottle
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup borax
1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon lemon juice



  1. Add baking soda, borax, and salt to your squirt bottle.
  2. Mix slowly as you sprinkle in the lemon juice a little at a time.
  3. Once everything is in, put the lid on the squirt bottle and shake it up until it is mixed completely.

Now you have a great non-toxic scrub for your toilets, showers and tubs! You can find more handy nontoxic cleaning recipes here 

Lost Socks? 


Do you find that your family's socks disappear every time you do a load of laundry? My mom used to call it the sock monster. I'll admit, my sock drawer has a messy little corner with all my mismatched socks, just waiting to find their mate. 


Here is a simple, but effective idea to get those unmatched socks out of your drawers. Make this Lost Socks Board and hang it in your laundry room. Once a month or so, remove all the unmatched socks from your board. Instead of throwing them out, you could use them to keep your hands clean while doing light gardening, put over your hands to dust off shelves, or make a frugal cat toy by filling them with batting and catnip!

Molly Saves in the Bedroom!


Make your bedroom an oasis this winter!


Let Molly help you save as you feather your nest with comfort for peaceful slumbers.


But the February issue of Molly's Money-Saving Digest

doesn't stop at the bedroom door. It's chock-full of advice for home and family: repurposed projects; nutritious food for family members, including the furry ones; financial teaching for kids; organization and décor; and much more!

  • Shower your spouse with love and pancakes!
  • Investigate cut flowers and houseplants.
  • Feed your family a meal that's both easy and healthy!
  • Prepare your kids for keeping their own checkbooks.
  • Find out what your dog or cat really needs in his food.
  • Let your old wool sweaters keep you warm in another form.
  • And so much more!

Read a full description here. Purchase Molly Saves in the Bedroom.