Minute with Molly Header

Baking Bread
� Msheldrake | Dreamstime.com

Often called "The Staff of Life," bread is a diet staple in just about every culture around the world. From India's naan to the tortillas of central America, and hundreds of variations in between, some form of bread is eaten by billions of people every day. Our January Digest featured a really neat bread making primer, including directions for sourdough starter and loaves. Recently we shared a recipe for easy artisan bread on our website. Several readers have emailed to let us know just how much they enjoyed this tasty, thrifty bread.

Homemade bread is much less expensive than the store bought variety, and it isn't packed full of preservatives and other unpronounceable ingredients. It's easier to make than you might think, too! Don't forget about quick breads. Frozen in individual slices these make a cheap and nutritious snack, and are a good way to use up fruits and vegetables like bananas, pumpkin, and zucchini.

Nothing says "home" quite as delightfully as the scent of homemade bread baking in the oven. Give it a try! If you're an experienced breadmaker, we'd love to hear about your tried and true recipes, techniques, or tips. Email me  with breadmaking in the subject line. It just may be that your contribution will make it into a future Digest or Molly Cookbook, and you'll get a free issue.

Special Announcements
 The November Digest is now available for purchase! BUT if you purchase a Pick-A-Pack, you can get the November Digest for FREE! That means, you get six Molly's Money Saving Digests for only $20.00! Click here for details.
Molly's Thrifty Thanksgiving Countdown is well underway! Be sure and read each post as we have many great tips, resources, and ideas to help you have a stress-free holiday!
We are in the process of starting a review team for 2010. If you have purchased any Digests in the past and have a blog, and would like to get a free one-year subscription to Molly's Money-Saving Digest by reviewing and posting about each Digest, click this link and find out more details!
On the Blog Last Week
The Thrifty Thanksgiving Countdown has begun! You don't want to miss any of these great posts.

Featured Website

The Digerati Life
Paper Leaf Project
photo courtesy of The Digerati Life

This week's featured website is The Digerati Life. If you are looking for some great advice on money, budgeting, investing, and more, this website is for you! One of the articles that really caught my attention was this one on debt consolidation loans. Another one that caught my eye was this one on lowering your credit card interest rate (for those of us still paying down debt).

Be sure and stop by and browse all the personal finance articles. There are many that really seem helpful and informative.

Recipe of the Week

Photo courtesy of Tammy's Recipes

Don't you just love the aroma of freshly baked bread? I know I do, and my family enjoys coming home to that home-baked goodness also! Every so often I will make this recipe from Tammy's Recipes and make extra so that I can use it for French Toast the next morning. It truly does make the best French Toast I've ever had!
The first time I made this bread, I was amazed at Tammy's accurate, detailed instructions and easy-to-follow, step-by-step pictures. The pictures really made the entire process much easier to make a beautiful braided loaf like the ones I've seen in the stores. Now I no longer need to pay high prices for Challah bread, I just warm up the oven, pull out my kneading board and mixer, and away I go! I hope you will try it. As you knead the dough, say a prayer for each member of your family. They will taste the love you poured into it!

Weekly Tutorial

Scored Bread 
� South12th | Dreamstime.com

Scoring Bread

One thing I have trouble doing is scoring bread. I found this great tutorial over at The Fresh Loaf. It is a step-by-step process on how to score different types of homemade bread using different tools.

Be sure and visit their site and let me know what you think. I have found lots of useful bread information over there!

Idea Center
 Here are some wonderful resources I found on the Internet that involve bread.
Just for Kids

 Here are some cute resources about bread for the kids to try!

Molly's Money-Saving Digest

Photo Treasures-
Don't you love to look back on those memories?
With today's digital camera capabilities,we have awesome opportunities to snap those perfect shots of our own families, and often we do-only to have them sit for years--unused or lost somewhere in computer limbo.
It's time to do something about it!
Smile BIG now . . . Molly's Special Feature for November is:
Family Photography

This month's Molly's Digest explores the delights and "how to" of taking great, stress-free family photos and putting them to creative, good use, plus a seasonal bouquet of frugal topics for your enjoyment.

Family Photography (November's Feature):Grab your camera and the kids and get ready to "create a memory, not just a picture." (You'll love all the photo examples too.)
Take Great Pictures of Your Family: By Becky Emerick, professional photographer and homeschool mom. Why pay big bucks when you can do it yourself? Create lasting memories with the who, what, when, where, why, and how of taking pictures of your own kids. You'll learn practical information and expert advice. What backdrops should you use? Think of using great-grandma's rocking chair. How do you discipline during your photo shoot? What about digital photo editing? Becky lists good software programs--including some that are free.Become inspired to really capture the photos you want with some wonderful tips and examples.
Be Your Family's Best Photographer:Take Great Photos and Do More With Them! Digital photography has revolutionized picture-taking in most homes. What can you learn about storing photos?There are many links to further your photography education.Have you thought of making personalized photo gifts? Want free online lessons? Links to craft and project sites? Think Thanksgiving and Christmas--you'll love the ideas presented to use those perfect family photos.
Slice Grocery Spending in Half and Double Your Groceries: Couponing, Part 3. This third installment on couponing will give you more than enough reason to pull out your scissors and get serious! The Sunday newspaper is a great place to find the bulk of your coupons--but not the only place. Online? At the store? In magazines? In the mail? Coupon clippers? Have you ever thought to just ask the manufacturer for them? Amy Howard shares her experience and advice once again to help you enjoy saving with coupon basics.
On Sale in November:Thanksgiving items, candy, and Black Friday sales come to mind, but don't stop there! Every month different items are discounted, and you won't want to miss out. What items will you stock up on for the approaching holiday season?
Save Money on Scrapbooking: What's the drawback to digital photography? Do you have years' worth of photos stored on your computer? Don't lose those memories! Scrapbooking is a wonderful hobby, and it doesn't have to cost a lot. Learn many things about storing, sorting, and saving photos, as well as how to scrapbook on a limited budget.Where do you look for clearance sales? Discover the time-saving method of digital scrapbooking and get the list of free digital scrapbook supply sites.Your children can have fun creating their own pages too!
A Room With a View: Aubrey Lively shows off her creative talents with a lovely room-divider version of the family photo frame. Wow! Check out this functional but priceless treasure, complete with instructions and lots of photos.
Favorite Slow-Cooker Meals and Desserts: Starting with the recipe for Slow-Cooker Lasagna, you'll find complete recipes for seven meals and three desserts.Your family will gobble up this slow-cooker smorgasboard: Vegetarian Chili; Cheesy Chicken; Pot Roast; Southwestern Egg Casserole(an easy breakfast!); Fish Chowder; Baked Ham; Cherry Cobbler; Turtle Cake;and Baked Apples.Yum!
Think of all the money you save by using a digital camera--no film to buy and process or unwanted pictures going to waste! It's worth the small price of $4.95 to come away with fabulous tips and information you can begin to use right away--minimizing frustrations while helping you create, rescue, and hold on to all those treasured photo memories! Plus, you get all the rest that Molly's Digest has to offer--wonderful recipes, creative projects--well just go back and reread all of the above!

Order Molly's Money-Saving Digest today!

We Want to Hear From You!
We love to include your stories and ideas in our monthly Molly's Money-Saving Digests
We're always looking for "goal-getter" stories, examples of up-cycled or re-purposed objects, and frugal decorating ideas. 
Send me your story--Remember, if we include your contribution in a Digest, you'll receive that issue FREE. 

Until next week!
 Molly Signature

Apple Butter

Do you have something to share?  Write to us at MollyGreen@Econobusters.com.  All submissions become the property of Econobusters.com and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC ("TOS") and will not be returned.  Making a submission constitutes full consent to the Econobusters' Submission Guidelines and Release, and a grant of unlimited permission and continuing, non-exclusive rights for Econobusters.com and TOS, to print, publish, broadcast and use all portions of your submission, including without limitation your full name, on Econobusters.com and other Internet websites owned or operated by TOS, in Molly's Money-Saving Digest and all other electronic, digital and print publications produced, created or published by TOS in accordance with the Econobusters' Submission Guidelines and Release posted at Econobusters.  TOS will make reasonable efforts to withhold personal names if requested at the time of original submission.
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Recipe of the Week
Weekly Tutorial
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Molly's Money-Saving Digest March 2009--Make Money From Home

Molly's Money-Saving Digest October 2009--What Can We Learn From The Great Depression?

Molly's Money-Saving Digest June 2009--Frugal Family Vacations

Molly's Money-Saving Digest: July 2009--Frugal Fashion

My newest E-Book is now available! Click the photo for more details.

Molly's Dinner Book
Molly's Money-Saving Digest February 2009--Gardening Basics and Natural Cleaners


Molly's Money-Saving Digest
August 2009--Frugal Organization 


Living On a Dime


Molly's Money-Saving Digest January 2009--Let's Get Organized for Fiscal Fitness

Molly's Money-Saving Digest April 2009--Making a Frugal Fresh Start


Molly Freebie


Homemaker's Mentor
Molly's Money-Saving Digest May 2009--Learning for Life-Your Child's Education
