National Community Land Trust Network  
CLT Network eNewsletter
February 21, 2011
CLT 101 in Mobile
Atlanta CLT Panel Discussion
Membership Drive
Stewardship Learning Community
Messaging Webinar
Capacity Building Institutes
Courses in Minneapolis
CLT Network on Facebook
Quick Links
CLT Network Comes to Los Angeles

The CLT Network will be collaborating with the
Cornerstone Partnership to present a free workshop on "Stewarding Affordable Homes over the Long Term" at the NeighborWorks National Training Institute on March 1st, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM at the Westin Hotel (404 South Figueroa Street).


After the workshop, you can go right upstairs for a 6:00 PM reception at the Bonaventure Brewing Company, where we've got their beautiful rooftop patio reserved for the event.   This is a chance to connect with community land trust folks from California and around the U.S., as well as to find out about the good work of the National Community Land Trust Network and Cornerstone Partnership. As with the workshop, there is no charge for the event. 

If you are interested in attending either of these events, please contact Greg Rosenberg at
CLT 101 in Mobile, AlabamaGulf Coast Funders Logo

The CLT Academy will be teaching a CLT 101 course at the 2011 Housing and Environmental Justice Leadership Summit in Mobile, Alabama on February 24th.  The course will be taught by Academy faculty member Rev. John Whitfield.  CLT Network Executive Director Roger Lewis and Academy Dean John Davis will also be in attendance, with Dean Davis serving as the conference plenary speaker, speaking about the roots of community land trusts in the civil rights movement.

The Center for Fair Housing and the Gulf Coast Fund are hosting the 2011 Housing and Environmental Justice Leadership Summit, to shed light on and bring practical solutions to housing and environmental injustices occurring here along the southeast region of the United States. This historical event will bring together community advocates, residents, elected officials, community activists, members of the legal community, housing, environmental community and policy community from Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana to address issues and practical solutions.

For more information, please contact Rev. John Whitfield at .

Atlanta Bank Advisory Group Panel Discussion

In response to the great interest shown by the Atlanta real estate financial industry in the community land trust (CLT) shared equity model, a panel of national experts has been convened to discuss and provide more information about the use of this exciting model.

The CLT model is used by over 250 organizations across the United States. Current research on CLT impact found delinquencies and foreclosures to be far lower among the owners of CLT homes than the owners of unrestricted market-rate homes during the recession of 2007-2009.

Please join us for this special opportunity.
CLT Network Membership Drive Begins March 1st

The National CLT Network will launch our annual membership drive on March 1st.  Are you currently a member?  Renew by June 30th to maintain your membership status.

Stay tuned for more information coming your way.  If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Grant at
Stewardship Online Learning Community

The Stewardship Learning Community is now online!   Check out our collaboration space at - where you can participate in discussion forums, view recorded webinars, and access all sorts of stewardship-related resources.

We will be hosting our second webinar on March 10th, which will be a followup to our maintenance webinar on February 10th (recording).  The presenters will be Julie Brunner and Roger Lewis, and they will be focusing on  how to budget for the costs of maintaining CLT homes.  Here is the call in /log in information: The Stewardship Learning Community will offer a series of webinars, discussion groups where people can "work the problem", and other online resources.  It is open to one and all -- and without charge.  For more information, contact Greg Rosenberg at
Free Webinar on Communicating Strategically -- Discovering the Activation Point

We had a great webinar on February 17th, where the experts from Spitfire Strategies reviewed and refined sample CLT messages from around the U.S.  You can find a recording of the webinar on the Messaging Resource Page of the CLT Network website.

On March 31st, Spitfire will be conducting another webinar for CLT practitioners on "Discovering the Activation Point".  Many social change issues have demonstrated significant public support, but this support is often passive. There is a gap between people saying they care about something, and those actually doing something about it. Spitfire Strategies will bridge the gap between awareness and action with tips and strategies to engage and activate your audience.       

Here is the call in /log in information:
Capacity Building Institutes

In April and May of 2011, the CLT Academy will launch two Capacity Building Institutes, one for advanced CLT practitioners, and the second for persons involved in starting up CLTs in the Gulf Coast states.

The Capacity Building Institutes (CBIs) blend place-based courses, web-based collaboration websites, webinars, and technical assistance to provide an integrated set of educational services to institute participants.  This approach was piloted several years ago by the Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition with great success, and we are pleased to have the two lead instructors from that effort, Julie Brunner and Erika Malone, leading our CBI efforts. 

More information to follow shortly -- so stay tuned.  And if you have any questions, please contact Greg Rosenberg at
NHI LogoShelterforce Issue on CLTs and Shared Equity Housing

Shelterforce Magazine just published an issue chock full of articles about community land trusts and shared equity housing, featuring articles by Ryan Sherriff, Andy Schneggenburger, Rick Jacobus, Mtamanika Youngblood, and Harold Simon.

Shelterforce is a superb magazine that is published by the National Housing Institute, a key strategic partner of the National CLT Network.  If you don't already have a subscription -- what are you waiting for?
CLT Academy Courses in Minneapolis on April 14th

The CLT Academy will present three tracks of courses at the annual gathering of the Minnesota Community Land Trust Coalition on April 14th in Minneapolis, MN.  All are welcome to attend this event -- in particular folks from the midwestern states.

Much more information to follow in the next few weeks.  For more information, please contact Pat Steiger at
The CLT Network Is on FacebookFind us on Facebook

Well, we weren't the first -- but we're finally here -- the CLT Network now has a Facebook page!

This is a great place to check for the latest announcements from the CLT Network, photos from our most recent CLT conference -- and also a place for all of you to post your job announcements, links to articles, your latest newsletters -- whatever you'd like to share.