Kids Wanna Help 
Kids Wanna Help is pleased to share with you a family oriented adventure that has gained a lot of momentum since it began last Tuesday.  Cliff Dodge and his 11 year old grandson, Robert Brown, built a 16' pirogue out of clear cypress this past winter and launched it into the Ouachita River in Monroe on Tuesday, July 14th heading south to New Orleans.  They plan to end their long journey in the Mississippi River at the Aquarium of the Americas.
Cliff and Robert are stopping along the way for anyone who would like to sign their pirogue, named Colors.  Since they began their journey, hundreds of people along the banks of the river have waived them down to sign the pirogue, take pictures and provide food and drink to the travelers.
If you are interested in meeting Cliff and Robert and signing the pirogue, or just interested in tracking their journey, go to the Boat Trip page on the Kids Wanna Help website.  On this webpage you can track their journey on a map in real time and read highlights about their days on the river.  Since the journey started there have been over 3,000 visits to our Boat Trip page!
Cliff and Robert set out on this adventure to spend time together, to help raise awareness about Kids Wanna Help, and to raise money for scholarships for the 2010 Young Business Owner's Workshop, an annual event that kicks off the summer Lemonade Brigade™ and teaches kids how to run their own successful businesses.
We don't know yet when they will reach New Orleans, but we hope to see you at the Aquarium when they do!

and click on "Boat Trip" at the top of the page.
You can also reach us by e-mail at [email protected]