Han Dynasty Chinese Compass

More Toys for February 2012

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Tim (the presenter of all our videos) returned from the New York Toy Fair last week with news of correlated magnets - we all know that magnets can sometimes attract and sometimes repel each other. But to do both at the same time is quite amazing. Do watch the video, even if the physics gets a little advanced!

Plus the amazing optical illusions created by Joe Hill and Max Lowry - do browse their gallery section.

Three more toys in the Toy Shop. Frabjous is a brand new mathematical puzzle/sculpture, created in the USA for the new Museum of Mathematics - MoMath.

The Octoscope creates kaleidoscope type images from the world around you; and the kaleidoscope kit is probably one of the nicest toys we have sold. You can create two different types of kaleidoscope or an octoscope; all in an elegant wooden presentation box. Both these toys are made in Italy.


Hendrik Ball


Three New Items from the Toy Shop

Frabjous maths toyFrabjous   

30 laser-cut pieces of blue acrylic plastic, which you can assemble into a self-intersecting polyhedron with thirty rhombic faces. Trickier than it looks.  [More...]


Octascope Octoscope  

The octoscope uses a lens to capture curved and distorted images of the world around you, which then become the basis of the kaleidoscopic image that you see inside the tube. [More...] 


Kaleidoscope Kit Kaleidoscope Kit  

A very high quality kaleidoscope kit, made from metal and glass, in an elegant wooden presentation box. 3 different effects can be created. [More...]  

From the Web...

Correlated magneticsCorrelated Magnetics  

These amazing magnets attract each other at a distance, but when they get nearer, they repel each other, giving an equilibrium point. Amazing!  [More...]   


Man on a ledge artwork 3D Joe and Max   

If you were not invited to the Google party, at least you can see the amazing optical illusion artworks that were on display there, as well as many others. Browse the gallery.  [More...]


And Finally...
Wrist Mirror for scuba diving Novel use for Wrist Mirror 
Grand Illusions customer Stephen Turner is currently scuba diving in Egypt, and finds our Wrist Mirror useful - he can keep an eye on his 'buddy' without turning his head too much. Apparently this lets cold water in at the neck seal!
Plus... the Grand Illusions web site is currently being completely redesigned, with lots of new features. Hopefully it will be launched in the next few weeks. We look forward to hearing what you think of it.

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Hendrik Ball
Grand Illusions Limited