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Events calendar

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January 18
Summit Hill Ped Safety & Traffic Calming Committee

January 22
Unite Bike Winter Photo Shoot

January 28
Winter Carnival: Walk in the Moonglow Parade

February 5
Winter Carnival: Bike in the Torchlite Parade!

February 7
Volunteer and learn to repair bikes

March 8-10
National Bike Summit

More events...

Quick links

Top ten signs you might be a transportation geek. more...

The City of Minneapolis has published a new city-wide bike map. more...

More winter biking tips (with handy diagram). more...

What operator scripts from 1-800-How's-My-Biking would look like. more...

Meet urban reengineer, Janette Sadik-Khan. more...

The green Jetsons

While it's still cold outside, it's time to dream a little. Watch...

What we're following

A bike means freedom, at any time of year - MPR News

Dayton picks Habitat head to chair Met Council - MPR News

The value of bringing streetcars back to Saint Paul - Councilmember Russ Stark

Biking, Walking & Blogging: Ten Firsts in 2010 - Bike Walk Twin Cities

Twin Cities Rein in Highway Expansions, Tame Runaway Transpo Spending - Streetsblog

Big changes planned for St. Paul schools: less busing, some closings and re-openings - MinnPost

Coming soon for Hastings: Bus service to Cities? - Star Tribune

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We're a non-profit that improves access and mobility for those who travel in and around St. Paul.

Nice Ride releases plans for St. Paul expansion

Bike sharing may be on its way to St. Paul! The local non-profit Nice Ride Minnesota
has released preliminary recommendations for locations based on public workshops conducted last fall in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

The workshops were open to the public and were attended by an average of 35 - 40 people. 130 locations are currently being proposed for the expansion based on a combination of factors, including public input, land use characteristics, proximity to transit and potential funding.

Funding for the
expansion is being sought from a combination of public and private sources, but is off to a solid start. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota kicked off fund-raising efforts by pledging up to $1.5 million
contingent on obtaining public funding proportionate to the first phase public/private partnership.

Learn more:

Proposed expansion map (3.6mb PDF)

Full report (11.6mb PDF)

Workshop questions and comments (PDF)


Second year in effect, Marshall plowing sees success

If you've ridden your bike on Marshall Avenue this winter and were able to use the bike lane, you have a City of St. Paul parking restriction to thank.

The restriction, which was piloted last winter, is part of a winter priority bike route network that is envisioned to allow bicyclists to safely traverse the city in the winter. By designating key north/south and east/west streets such as Marshall as winter bike routes the idea is to clear snow more effectively to allow for the widest winter street possible.

If you like the sound of more bikeable winter streets, your support is needed to keep the restriction in place and set a precedent in St. Paul.

If you bike on Marshall, or like what's going on and want to see winter bicyclists accommodated on other streets, please voice your support!

Send us an e-mail at

HOURCAR announces latest addition to growing fleet


Need to give your friend or relative with a truck a break? Have things to haul that can't be done by car, transit or bike?

There's good news! HOURCAR, the popular local car sharing service, has added a truck to their hub at Macalester College.

The inaugural haul was done by HOURCAR staff to deliver food collected over the holidays by members. The "Happy Hauling Days" drive benefited Second Harvest Heartland, a local hunger relief organization.

The truck is a 2007 Ford Ranger and is the first pickup truck in their 28 vehicle fleet. A second truck is planned in the coming months, and will be placed at or near an existing HOURCAR location in Minneapolis.

Lots to haul?
Reserve the new HOURCAR truck


Lowertown construction parking changes

Major construction projects planned for St. Paul's Lowertown neighborhood over the next several years began impacting parking options earlier this month. Construction on the Lafayette Bridge and Union Depot both have broken ground and have required some parking ramps to close temporarily.

We've compiled a list of parking locations affected by the construction and alternative parking options, along with suggestions for business owners and parkers.

Using the map and list above, determine if the lot or ramp you park in will be affected and seek out alternative parking or other modes of transportation. We're suggesting that employers notify employees and customers of these parking changes as well and communicate alternative parking and transportation options.

For the latest rates and locations: Visit our parking web page

Alternative transportation options: Visit

Construction information: Lafayette Bridge and Union Depot




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