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August 2012/Av 5772
Tisha B'Av
A Time To Pray and Remember
Tisha Bav Flames


Tisha B'Av begins  Havdalla evening, July 28th.  This time marks the "the most tragic date" on the Jewish Calendar.   Tisha B'Av means the "ninth day of the month  of Av".  On this eve, we will pray for our Jewish people all over the globe, especially during this difficult time of loss.

There are many families hurting now, in Israel (with the Bulgarian terrorist attack) and in the U.S., with so much violence realized against the Aurora community.  There are not adequate words to express this sorrow.

This Tisha B'Av day is also marked by fasting, which began during the month of Tammuz. The period begins on the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, a fast day that marks the day when the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans in 69 CE.  

Tisha B'Av began in our Israel history, when the 12 spies were sent by Ha Shem to spy out the promised land.  Ten of them came back with an "evil report", as they did not believe Ha Shem's promise of the new land.  The Hebrew people cried in despair on this day,  since they gave up hope of entering the Promised Land for another 40 years of wandering. (Torah Parsha D'varim "Words" 1:1-3:22)


The testings of Ha Shem are often difficult, but he also offers hope to us.  As we learn more about this date, pray together and unite our hearts in prayer, may love prevail to comfort us.  We should be even more grateful for our families, more appreciative of the relationships that he has put in our lives.  


Upon a recent trip to beautiful Carmel CA, my heart was encouraged, as a lovely garden had this stone on display.  Psalm 122:6 reminds us to "Pray for the peace of Yerushalayim.  May they prosper who love her"  We are grateful for Ha Shem's city that we believe will remain our Jewish heritage forever, no matter what the future would test us with. 


  Grace in Carmel




Below are the various events that have arisen on this Tisha B'Av date:

In 3340/421BCE, the destruction of the First Temple by the Babylonians, under Nebuchadnezar was realized. About 100,000 Jews were killed during this invasion.  The remaining tribes in the southern kingdom  were now exiled to Babylon and Persia.



In 3830/70 AD, the destruction of Second Temple was carried out by the Romans, under Titus.  Because of this, over 2,500,000 Jews died as a result of this war, caused by famine and disease. Over 1,000,000 Jews became exiled to all parts of the Roman Empire. Over 100,000 Jews were sold as slaves by the Romans. Jews were also killed and tortured in gladiatorial "games" and pagan celebrations during this period.



In 3892/132AD, The Bar Kochba revolt was crushed. and Betar  was destroyed , with over 100,00 killed.



In 3892/133AD, Turnus Rufus plowed the site of  the Temple. The Romans then built the pagan city of Aelia Capitolina on the site of Jerusalem.



In 4855/1095 AD, The first Crusade was declared by Pope Urban II. 10,000 Jews were killed in the first month of this Crusade. These Crusades brought death and destruction to thousands of Jews, and others, totally obliterating many Jewish communities in Rhineland and in France.


In 5050/ 1290 AD, the Expulsion of the Jews from England occurred, accompanied by pogroms and confiscation of book s and property.
Spanish Inquisition
In 5252/1492  as Jews were scattering, the Inquisition in Spain was gaining in momentum, spreading to Portugal and culminating in the eventual expulsion of  all Jews from the Iberian Peninsula(many continued underground in fear for centuries).  Families were separated, died  by drowning (as ships tried to leave the shores to safety and were met with peril or pirate attacks) and there was massive loss of property, along with other atrocities.


These horrific type events have continued throughout history on this dark day of Tisha B'Av.  The declaration of war on Germany by Britain and Russia (5674/1914)began the First World War.  The Second World War and the painful Holocaust followed.  Six million Jews perished and  over 400 pogroms were conducted, during the war in Hungary, Ukraine, Poland and Russia. 



(5702/1942) Saw the deportations from the Warsaw Ghettos to the Treblinka concentration camp. 



(5749/1989) Saw Iraq walk out of talks with Kuwait and  (5754/1994) realized the deadly bombing of the AMIA (Jewish community center) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killing 86 people and wounding some 300 others. 



In 2005, the Gush Katiff expulsion was also to fall on  this tragic date.  Even though it was temporarily postponed, it was ultimately carried out the next day.   



In all of this, as we pray the Book of Lamentations 3:22,23.   Ha Shem is still merciful and his light still shines upon us.


"Through the LORD's mercies we are not comsumed, because His compassions fail not, They are new every morning"..."Great is your faithfulness.  


The Psalmist writes " Behold, He that keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps"...this is our hope of a great G-d who sees and cares for us.  May his mercy be with all who call upon Him. 


A Sign of Hope for the B'nai Anousim Continues
  In December , 2009, Rabbi Stephen Leon introduced a Resolution at the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism biennial convention to honor the victims of the Spanish Inquisition on Tisha B'Av. (This solemn fast day that mourns the destruction of the First and Second Temples on the ninth day of the month of Av.)

Rabbi Leon's Resolution, which would apply to Conservative congregations, would also honor B'nai Anousim who have returned to Judaism.


The text of the Resolution read as follows:

Resolution on the observance of Tisha B'av to be a day to commemorate the Spanish Inquisition and the return of the Anousim to Judaism,

Whereas the holiday of Tisha B'av recalls the very day that the expulsion of the Jews from Spain took place in the year 1492; and

Whereas many Jews were forcibly converted to Christianity publicly, but continued to practice Judaism in secret; and

Whereas many of the descendants of these Jews who are called B'nei Anousim have returned formally to Judaism today, and many are in the same process,

Now, therefore be it resolved that the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism calls upon all of its affiliated congregations to formally observe Tisha B'av on an annual basis as an occasion to educate its members about the history and events of the Spanish Inquisition regarding the Jewish people, and to inform its members of the return of the B'nei Anousim to Judaism today; and

Be it further resolved that the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism helps to provide programs, speakers, films, and other appropriate materials for such Spanish Inquisition and B'nai Anousim commemorations on Tisha B'av.

I  shall be  privileged again this year 2012, to help cantor at a beautiful service of the Conservative movement. The hopes of redemption and unity with my people after over 500 years is a very significant and special moment in time,    


 May Ha Shem bless and keep you during this season,
Dona Gracia Serrano Fenn, President


Sephardim Hope International

Thank You for Your Prayers and Support!
Thank you for your prayers and financial support to SHI.  Thanks to those who order or download our music on our website!  We are not funded by any other organization or grants, so we totally depend on the goodness of G-d through people interested in this restoration vision of HaShem.   Todah Rabbah! Thank you!  Check the new website at !  There is more information!

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email us or to call our contact at 408-422-5498 and speak with Drake for scheduling or further information. 
DNA Project Continues
We want to thank you for continuing to use our "DNA project" link on our website, . 
If you would like to take a DNA test to see if you might have "Jewish" DNA Sephardim Hope International has a special project with FamilyTree DNA.  Click on the link "DNA project" above to order your DNA test kit.  We are building a data base of names and your information is kept strickly confidential.

Anusim Names Project
Sephardim Hope International continues to develop a network of B'nei Anusim (Children of Anusim/Crypto- Jews) for the purpose of education and mutual support. This project is called the Anusim Names Project. We believe it is part of the biblical fulfillment of Obadiah 20.
If you feel you have Benei Anusim/Jewish roots in your family line, please email brief information, names, origin, to: . You may also fill out the e-Form on our website: Anusim Names Project .

Your information will be held confidentially, unless you include permission for possible research in Israel.
More about the Anusim Names Project....

Awakening The Sephardim To The Negev!


Sephardim Hope International is a tax-deductible 501 (c) (3) educational  and benevolent international non-profit  to bring the message of the Sephardic Anusim Jews (the descendents of the forcibly converted ones) from Spain to the awareness of the world. 

 To donate by regular mail use the address at the bottom of this page.  You may also donate securely on-line by clicking here.  Or you may call (408) 422-5498 and ask for Drake Fenn to donate by phone.

 We look forward to hearing from many of you.  Remember that you can respond to our newsletter or email directly with questions at The website address,  is
May HaShem continue to bless you!  Please do contact our administrator, Drake (my awesome husband and webmaster) at for speaking and music engagements.