Dear Porsche Friend,
 | Pam Ryder & Laurie Delimon
Prieta Post Co-Editors |
I can't believe its already July and Pam and I have six months of Prieta Post editor experience under our belts. But we don't operate in a vacuum and we couldn't do it without those of you who regularly contribute columns and everyone who runs or hosts a great event to report on!
Now that the Prieta Post is delivered in electronic form via email, on the website and even on our Facebook page, we are able to provide the most up-to-date information available.
So how do you get the most out of the electronic version of the Prieta Post?
- For starters, you can read it anywhere, anytime you want on your computer, laptop, pad device or even your smart phone.
- Use the Table of Contents in the left sidebar to quickly scan the list of articles, then click on the links to jump down and read the ones you're most interested in.
- Each issue of the Post has multiple links to our website and event calendar, both of which are frequently updated. Be sure to check the website and see what's new. The site has a lot of great resources for old and new members alike.
- The Quick Links in the left sidebar also contain direct links to information on LPR's website, the PCA site and even to our Facebook and YouTube pages.
- Each month we try to include a featured video that we think will be of interest to the membership. They include videos of LPR events or of the special services offered by our partners.
- Use the links embedded in each article or event notice to learn more details. The links will usually provide a quick view of the destination, costs or other registration information.
- Even our photo albums are online now! Photos from each GTG, Tour, AX, Rallye, Tech Session or other fun event are hosted on Flickr. Event articles will have a Flickr icon and link at the bottom. To see the photos, all you have to do is click on the icon which looks like this:
- And finally, to get the most out of your Post, please read, enjoy, give feedback and most importantly, send in your ideas, stories, some photos or even a video. It's your Post and we want it to be a great read!
~ Laurie
Featured Video
PCA Event Spotlight 2012 NY Auto Show & the 2012 Boxster (981) North American Debut
The Inside Track
 | Doug Ryder
LPR President
Back when I was in high school and Porsche had already cemented its legendary winning record in racing, the 60's were in full roar, sports cars, and Porsche 911s in particular, were all business. Interiors were Spartan even by German standards with nondescript designs and materials, a radio maybe, and the only important interior element was the iconic dashboard with the giant tach in the center and surrounding gauges for everything else. And "No!" - there were no cup holders!
Problems were to be expected; after all, the performance was worth it. Porsches were high-strung, and you had to keep them wound up so the plugs didn't foul--and be prepared for a breakdown every once and a while. At least Porsche had the advantage of Bosch electrical components, whereas the poor U.K. guys had to deal with the infamous Lucas electrical systems!
But times have changed. Quality and luxury and are expected. J.D. Power and Assoc. recently reported the results from its annual "Initial Quality Study" for the 2012 model cars. And just who do you think won this year's coveted top honors? You're right, the Porsche 991! J.D. Power senior analyst Dave Sargent stated, "It's probably the best vehicle we've ever seen in the entire study. It's that good." He's not sure what Porsche has done to avoid early complaints for build quality and functionality, but it's impressive. This year Porsche takes the top honors away from perennial winner, Lexus, which remains the over-all No. 1 ranked, followed by Jaguar and Porsche.
It's clear that automakers of high-end cars are in fierce competition for consumer dollars and are willing to go to great lengths to create a unique identity. Those lucky enough to be able to afford a new 991 have choices. Porsche offers exhilarating performance, luxurious interiors and even more esoteric offerings to sweeten the pot.
Lexus has long offered super high-end sound systems in their cars designed and built by Mark Levenson. You may not know the name, but true audiophiles will vouch for the magnificent sound reproduction they are capable of. Porsche has now teamed up with another such audio company. It's called Burmester and they go head-to-head with the Mark Levensons of the world. The new 991 can be optioned with the Burmester Mobile Audio System for only a small upcharge of $5,500. For that you will get 12 speakers and power units capable of supplying 821 watts of pure sound - enough to wash out any road noise, even in a cabriolet with the top down!
Quality and luxury are considered two essential elements necessary to capture new customers. Yes, times have changed. Maybe I'm just getting old, but they sound good to me!
~ Doug
It's the People -- June 2012 Membership Report
 | Tom Provasi
Membership Director |
Welcome to our new members this month: Peter Brooks from Australia, David Lamberson from Aptos, Claus Moeller and Klaus Straub from Germany, Mark and Nancy Sheffield from Fremont, and Martin Veen and Hanneke Brouwer from Netherlands. The three new members from overseas this month brings our total of overseas members to 24.
As you get this month's Post, many of us will be getting ready to head off to Salt Lake City to attend the Porsche Parade. I'm sure next month's newsletter will be full of articles and photos of the great times at Parade. I'm looking forward to driving Miller Motorsports Park, 30 minutes west of Salt Lake. The road course is 4.5 miles long and has 24 turns. It is the longest track in North America.
July must be a big month for members joining PCA. Check out the long list of anniversaries below. Happy Independence Day! Be safe.  New members from PCA: 5 Transfers in: 0 Transfers out: 0 Memberships that expired May 2012: 8 Total renewals May 2012: 19 LPR Membership as of 06/01/12 Total = 521 (Primary = 298 , Affiliates = 223)
Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Provasi
Membership Director
Don't Miss These Upcoming Events!
July 6-7 Road to Parade with the Mitchells
July 8-14 Porsche Parade in Salt Lake City July 22 LPR Family Picnic July 26 Pre-AX Open Shop Night at Don's Autowerks July 28 AX #5 August 2 Pre-AX Open Shop Night at Don's Autowerks August 4 AX #6 August 5 Zone 7 Carlsen Porsche Concours August 7 LPR Board Meeting August 10-12 Lost Coast Fun Run Tour August 17-19 Historics at Laguna Seca Raceway August 25 Moonlight Steam Train Dinner Party For more details and sign up information go to the Event Calendar on our website.
Off-Camber Report
Anne Roth AX Co-chair
AX #3 and #4 were two of the most amazing autocrosses thanks to nearly perfect weather, challenging fun course designs, and the fine and flawless work of the 2012 AX Team.
But what makes the day exciting and successful are the competitors -- each and every one of them contributes to the Good Time that is had at an autocross. We are now at the mid-point of LPR's 2012 AX Season. One of the closest point battles we have going on is for the Kone Killer award. Now, this may not be the most coveted of awards, but it is fun watching someone "earn" it
At any given autocross, you will find folks giving each other advice to find that perfect "line", offering to work your competitors' work assignment so that they can repair their car, and lending a hand, a part, a tool, a gallon of gas, a few pounds of air or a quart of oil.
Strong bonds and friendships have, and continue, to be formed. Some of us have known each other for decades! Autocross is as much a social event as it is a competitive event. You never know what kind of advantage you gain at lunchtime, as you enjoy your lunch and do a bit of bench racing.
If you have never been to an autocross, I strongly urge you to come on out and give it a look-see. Watch as our beautiful Porsches negotiate the course, as they are driven the way they were designed to be driven. Watch as we kill a cone or two, or nail a run for a personal best time. You might just see a spectacular spin.
Should the excitement of watching get to you, LPR does offer " The Autocross Driving Experience". A $5.00 fee gets you a hot lap in an instructor's car. Many an autocrosser has been born by one of these laps.
So, what is keeping you from coming on down to Marina? Autocrossers are friendly, helpful and a fun bunch of folks-I promise you will have an LPR Good Time!
See ya in Marina!
 | Larry Sharp
AX Co-chair |
If you read one of my earlier columns you might recall that I had made some predictions. I thought it would take longer than it did but they all came true. On June 16th Tom and Sandy Provasi finally came out to a LPR AX. Now what is the big deal with this? Tom and Sandy are very fast and experienced AXers. They both have been PCA National Autocross Champions at Parade. Tom and Sandy have been absent for a few years from our events. The car they drive is a Vintage IMSA 914-6 Race car.
You put those ingredients together and you have a very fun thing to watch. But to make it an even better spectator sport, just add Dave Dunwoodie and his zoomy 911 race car into the mix. Tom and Dave went at it all day trying to be faster than the other one. Dave eventually came out on top but the rest of us were the winners being able to watch those two duke it out. The one driver who was close to those two was Monty Pack in his GT3. Even though he didn't catch either Dave or Tom he was mighty close to them. Soon a few of us in Loma Prieta and the rest of Zone 7 will be on our way to Parade in Salt Lake City. We will try to keep the region up to date via Facebook on how our group does against the best in PCA. Remember our next LPR AX is on July 28th.
See you there!
To see photos from both AX #3 & AX #4 Go to the LPR Flickr photostream
LPR & Partsheaven Zone 7 Concours
Contributed by Les Schreiber
The first Zone 7 Concours of the year was held at Partsheaven on June 3, 2012. There were 23 cars participating in the Concours and 36 cars were shown as display only.
In recognition of a long time LPR member Carol Kleindienst, who recently passed away, a Peoples' Choice award was given to David Rossiter for his 356B. David's 356B was the last car Carol prepared for Concours.
It was voted on by the Head Judges from each class, and was unanimously decided. Al Uejo from Partsheaven, generously provided
the awards.
Click here for a PDF of the Partsheaven Concours Class winners.
To see the Concours event photos,
click on the Flickr icon below.
Rockin' the Rails & Roads with the BMW Club
Contributed by Ken Iles
One of PCA National's stated objectives is "to establish mutually cooperative relationships with other sports car clubs." On June 17th, 2012, Loma Prieta Region amply demonstrated acceptance of this tenet with a combined tour event with the Golden Gate Chapter of the BMW Club of America.
A total of 43 people were on this tour, 23 of them being registered as BMW members. However, these included the Orlandos, Brissoms and Pangrles, who are also dual members of PCA's Loma Prieta Region, thus the group was predominantly Porsche Club oriented. Loma Prieta Region's member Mike Zampiceni, who is also the Tour Director of the BMW Club, led this club venture in a tour which included a trip on the Niles Canyon Heritage Railway - the first Transcontinental Railway. The car part of the tour consisted first of a very scenic sojourn through ideal Porsche type mountain roads of the Calaveras Dam area of the East Foothills near San Jose, California, finally arriving at Sunol to board the train. As it was Fathers' Day, the railroad folks gave free beer samples to all the men while on the diesel-electric driven train, which unfortunately was substituted for a steam locomotive due to a scheduling problem. Even so, it was a most enjoyable and nostalgic ride back in time on beautifully restored rail equipment. The painstaking care given to restoration by volunteers ensured that the equipment probably looked even better than new when the very first passenger train excursion rolled out from Sunol back in 1866.  At the end of the ride back to Sunol, the PCA/BMW group, now thoro ughly friendly and familiar with each other, assembled in Bosco's Bones and Brew for dinner. Bosco's is a notorious restaurant alongside the railroad track famous for its effigy of a dog behind the bar from which beer is drawn by operating the dog's rear leg. Perhaps surprisingly, the beer is pretty good stuff. To see the event photo album, click on the Flickr icon below.
Porsche Personen
by Don Orlando Curious to know more about your fellow LPR members? Haven't heard a good car story in awhile? Maybe you need a new cool driving road or are just curious to know who's driving what. We'll answer these questions and more each month as we feature a different member of LPR. Remember, it's not just the cars, but the people too. If there exists another member that has been more active and involved in our club than the following, I don't know who he or she might be. Scratch that, there does NOT exist a member that has been more active and involved than the following member! Joining LPR within months of its founding (40+ years ago), the club has never been the same. Yes, we think this is a good thing. From the leadership position as President to helping scratch-out the origins of an awarding winning Prieta Post, he's done it all and he's done it well. Hell, he's so good; while on an LPR tour he talked me into volunteering for the club's tour director position after I bought him his very first Long Island Tea(s)! That was years ago, we've shared many great memories since. If you're fortunate enough to know him, you've probably had some good laughs with him. If not, show up for just about any club event and keep a sharp eye out for the not so small guy (6'7") with the camera and a smile; say hello and you'll have a friend forever. Porsche Personen Presents John and Angie Reed
Porsche Ownership History There have been only three. The first and longest time in the family was a 1970 Irish Green 911T. After purchasing it from the dealer In Monterey in September of '70 my wife Kathy and I asked about the Porsche Club. We were told there was a new PCA region in our area and that we should call a fellow named Ken Iles for all the info. Ken, the ever-smooth British gentleman, explained that Loma Prieta Region was formed in March with 34 current members. We decided to give LPR a whirl and attended an overnight tour as our first event. We were hooked! We signed up on the spot and Kathy had her arm twisted to run for the board as Secretary/Treasurer in 1971. And the continuing run in LPR had begun. The '70 911T was sold in 2003 to my 37-year-old son who, at age four, was the first person to ride home from the dealer to San Jose. Guess he was hooked on Porsche as well! The next Porsche to grace the garage was a 1987 Venetian Blue 911 Carrera Targa. This baby lasted with us until 2008 when I got the wild urge to get into the new age of the 911 platform, the '87 found a good home to a couple in SoCal, a birthday present to the husband from his wife. Go ahead, wipe away the tears. Now the current model: A 2003 Midnight Blue 996 with tiptronic for those shiftless types, only I shift the beans out of it! My goal, or dream, is to 
someday own a fairly new turbo but for now the '03 Carrera is a bunch of fun and a blast to cruise the boulevard. LPR & Family History After joining LPR on that memorable first weekend tour I decided to tackle some personal identity for the club. Through the local Porsche dealer I ordered the official approved factory silver and blue windbreaker for all who wanted one, and everyone did! This act made me the in charge of the PorschEmporium as it was called then, later to be renamed the Goodie Store. I became involved almost immediately with the Prieta POST under Editor Dave Parker. Dave tossed in the towel in 1971 and I took over. Over the next three years our little magazine gained PCA National honors with two first place awards in class and the Paul Heinmiller Award as best overall PCA newsletter in 1972. The many hours of work paid off not only with national accolades but brought little LPR to the forefront of PCA life. We won our first PCA Region of the Year Award in 1973. We were dubbed "The Good Time Region" along the way and we haven't let that handle slide one bit. My dad, Harry Reed, never a PCA member, wanted to help the club wherever he could, his design of rallye checkpoint signs and their production are still around. Any time help at an event was needed he was there, rain or shine. He passed away in 1978 and in his honor the Harry Reed Memorial Award LPR Worker of the Year was established. My wife Kathy was all over the LPR landscape, serving several times on the board and committee positions. She organized events and loved autocrossing and tours. Since we met on a rallye in 1969 I guess she loved rallies as well! She actually loved all aspects of LPR and PCA and after her passing in May of 2000 the Kathy Reed Memorial LPR Woman Enthusiast of the Year was established, an award she won several times over the previous years. At the 2000 Porsche Parade in Sacramento over $15,000 was raised, in Kathy's honor, through sales of artwork, rides in the factory rallye cars and hot autocross laps. The proceeds went to kidney disease research. I'm sure Kathy was smiling. Our kids, Sean and Cindi, were always part of LPR life, spending many hours attending events with mom and dad. Favorite Driving Roads All the roads I drive the Porches on. I play no favorites! A Driving Story Only one from many, many wonderful club memories. Our first Porsche Parade was Sun Valley in 1971. We shared a brand new condo with the Arnetts, Iles and Kershaws, a short distance from the autocross site and a brisk walk to Parade headquarters. We were also a short walking distance from the local horse stables, so one day a few of us decided to go for a one horsepower ride. There were flower-filled meadows, beautiful weather and a horse with No Name (mine). Everything went well; we trotted, we galloped, we got sore then we headed back to the barn...and that's when it happened. Upon approaching an open gate in a fence the horse with No Name (mine) began head-butting the horse ahead with Kathy in the saddle. As the single file began, No Name got more aggressive with nibbling the tail and butt of the other horse. Fed up with this un-Horsey rude behavior the tail on Kathy's horse raised high in the air and a volume of biblical proportions of you-know-what blasted out covering my right leg in unmentionable stinky you-know-what! I could almost hear Kathy's horse laughing because everyone else was! Needless to say, on the walk home I was asked to stay 40 paces behind the rest, smelling up the lovely countryside as I strolled alone, a man with his thoughts and jeans layered with crusty you-know-what! I stripped and handed over the garment before entering the condo and into the washing machine it went. This tale spread throughout the land and to this day I'm still the only person to be crapped on by a horse at a Porsche Parade. What a memory! Glad you asked? Of course there are many more funny stories, but none as outrageous as a horse with No Name with an attitude and jeans slathered in horse pucky. Favorite Club Activities I like it all! Today I guess touring tops the list, but there was a time when autocrossing was the champ. Kathy began autocrossing four years before me and between competing in the Zone 7 and LPR events we logged over 12 years on various courses. One proud moment for Kathy was winning first place in her class at the San Diego Porsche Parade as well as first place in class in the LPR series. I gave it my best shot and had a blast doing so, the third place one year in class in the Zone series was the highlight of my career. We hung up the race tires and retired out to stud next to a horse with No Name. As the years rolled along there hasn't been too many events I've missed, even serving as a four time LPR President, Activities Director several times, Member at large a few go-arounds and various committee chairs over the years. Currently, I'm serving once again on the LPR board as Activities Director. A Good Ticket Story What Porsche speeding ticket do you refer? You mean the one I never, ever got in any Porsche? No kidding, never a ticket, although I talked my way out of a few, told the cops my father was Ken Iles from England and that was that. Note from Don: And it's not fair either. Years ago, John led the first LPR tour Leslie and I ever attended. Not knowing what to expect, I was a bit worried it would be a casual/slow drive up to the Lick Observatory then down the backside into Livermore - silly me! I've been an active tourer ever since! Any Last Thoughts? I want to thank all my LPR pals for the almost 42 years of fun and camaraderie and especially Kathy who put up with me for 30 years. In 2003 I met Angie and introduced her to PCA and LPR. She has become one of the most active members, serving on the board and volunteering when needed, winning several LPR awards for her efforts. We were married in October 2007 and as Sonny and Cher once crooned, "And the beat goes on."
LPR's Good Old Fashioned Family Picnic
|  Come Join the FUN at LPR's Good Old Fashioned Family Picnic! When: Sunday, July 22nd Where: Blackberry Farm in Cupertino The "Sycamore Site" has been reserved Time: From 11:00 a.m. on (Park closes at 7:00 p.m.) What to Bring: YOURSELF and a side dish Don't forget your swim suits & towels - the Pool & Horseshoe Pits are nearby Come and enjoy an afternoon of games, prizes, sunshine & relaxation!!! Menu will include juicy BBQ'd hamburgers & sausages, beer, wine, lemonade and MORE! R.S.V.P. to Emilie Highley at 408.768.2565 by July 18, 2012 with the number of adults & children attending AND the side dish that you will be bringing! There is no charge for our Annual Picnic! Directions to Blackberry Farm: From 280 (South & North) take the 85-S Exit from 280, take the Stevens Creek Blvd exit from 85 S and turn right. Once on Stevens Creek, make an immediate left at the first light, which is Bubb Road, then a right at McClellan Road, a right at Byrne Ave. and left at San Fernando Ave. Please enter the driveway to the right and follow the parking directions below. From 85-South take the Stevens Creek Blvd exit and turn right onto Stevens Creek Blvd. From Stevens Creek, make an immediate left at the first light - Bubb Rd., then right at McClellan Road, right at Byrne Ave. and left at San Fernando Ave. Please enter the driveway to the right and follow the parking directions below. From 85-North Take the Stevens Creek Blvd exit and turn left onto Stevens Creek Blvd. From Stevens Creek, make a left at the first light - Bubb Rd., then right at McClellan Road, right at Byrne Ave. and left at San Fernando Ave. Please enter the driveway to the right and follow the parking directions below. Parking: Upon entering the driveway to Blackberry Farm, make a right into the paved parking lot and park in one of the marked spaces. If the lot is full, overflow parking is available at Monta Vista High School.
LPR Gets Things Cookin' for Morgan Autism Center
Contributed by Jim Bryant Sometimes it takes a little slap to get me to appreciate all that I have and how lucky I am. After all, if I own a Porsche, that puts me in the "lucky" category of the economic class. That little slap came in the form of a charity event put on by the Bennetts at their house on June 23. As our LPR VP Emilie explained, the beneficiary of our charity event was the Morgan Autism Center, which is not to be confused with the Bob and Karen Morgan travel fund. When Emilie was describing this school for youth and adults with special needs and how some people struggle through life, I realized I seem to be on the gravy train. The center's mission is to "help children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities maximize their potential in a dignified, positive and loving environment." LPR member Brad Boardman is Director of Education at Morgan Autism Center, a job he approaches with enthusiasm, compassion and complete dedication. This year, LPR is doing a series of charity events throughout the year, instead of our usual one big event. Jen arrived at the Bennetts early to help prepare the venue and assist in any way she could. I on the other hand, ended up arriving late. The sign on the door said, "ENTER", and the jocularity behind it said the same, so I did. As I arrived in the kitchen, by this time the party was in full swing. Everyone seemed genuinely happy to see me. I think they were worried the event stenographer wasn't going to show up and Deb was going to have to choose someone else. Were they happy or just relieved?  |
Bob Morgan & Debbie Bennett
Deb, the guru of organization, had it all planned out. Appetizers were on the dining table, the dinner smorgasbord was set up in their outside alcove and dining tables were set up outdoors in and around their pergola. How did they get all that to fit in their backyard? Amazing! The Bennetts supplied all the food and drink so that the money we normally collect at the door for such an event went right to Morgan Autism Center. How generous is that!? Our main course was a selection of three types of pasta: penne with sausage and peas, eggplant lasagna, and linguine with shrimp. Deb and Kevin have a reputation for creating exquisite pasta dishes and they certainly lived up to their reputation. The meal was supplemented with salad, and garlic bread topped it off. I was obviously not the only one who thought the dinner was fabulous because I was just one of many who went back for seconds. Rumor has it Alex, the Bennett's grandson, finished off all the bread and lasagna. The scheme for raising money was to auction off large boxes with unknown contents. Tony V., the Emcee for the evening, did his best at getting the club to rally around and start bidding (like how I get those car words into a non-car event?). Was it a silent auction? Not on your life! LPR silent? As if!  |
Emcee, Tony V. with help from Alex B.
I think some people took the bidding game really seriously because a few ladies arrived in disguise. Being a close-knit group, we saw through their disguises quickly. There was Sue S. hiding behind her Kardashian wanna-be shades and Kris incognito with her Versace sunglasses purchased, no doubt, at Kmart. The first box up for bid was a large round hatbox. It was 12" high and 12" in diameter, and according to Tony, weighed at least 100 pounds and was filled with treasures from the gods. Bidding was ferocious! It started with a bid from Jen at $20 and quickly catapulted to $40 then $55 by Suzette! Lucky me. I was the winning bid at $60. Woo hoo! Everyone was so curious about the contents, I had the bright idea of charging people to peek inside! I was offering a two-second peek for $5. The money I raised would go back to the night's proceeds. Amazingly enough I actually had four takers on the offer: Ken, Jacqueline, Kris, and Jane (Kris V's mother). I offered a brother/sister discount to Debbie and Kevin's GKs, Emily and Alex Bennett (both could peek for $7 but the cheap skates didn't go for it). I even offered a "family plan" deal to the Bennetts -- 4 for $15. But they didn't go for that either. Instead Alex and Emily found it cheaper to steal peeks whenever they could.  |
Stealing a Peek
The next auction item was a bit of a twist. Kevin decided to auction a $20 bill. Now at first this may seem bizarre but the rules gave the idea an interesting twist. The winning bid would, of course, get the $20 dollar bill, but the kicker was the person who was second highest also had to pay and would get nothing. So, you might think a bid of $15 would be a good deal for a $20 bill. But if you were out bid by someone who bid $16 you would need to pay $15 and get nothing. As it turned out the winning bid was $18 from Jane and the loser was Dick Wallace who had to pay $17 and got nothing except a whole lot of sympathy and laughs in his direction! Next up for auction was a smaller, oval hatbox, maybe 8" high and 12" long. Tony swore that this package did, honestly, come directly from the heavens, and even though smaller than the previous package, was no less valuable. Again the bidding was at a frantic pace until finally won by Big John with a winning bid of $45. I was told to report that Big John bought it for his lovely bride, Angie. Ken bought the next box with a winning bid of $45! But Ken and June, being the super generous folks they are, gave the box back for re-auctioning. This time it was sold for $25. Amazingly, the same box was sold twice! The final box to come out was the same size as the first box, the box I won. Once again Tony started the bidding at a low $20 and it quickly got up to $45 and was won by Kathy Musser. Without revealing to me what was in her box, she approached me with the best offer I had of the whole evening, "I'll let you look in mine, if you let me look in yours". After the auctions out came the desserts! Oh my! I'm thinking of making a motion at the next board meeting to change our handle from "the good times region" to "the good food region"!! There was "Terrible Sue", or as some like to call it "Tiramisu"; there was "make your own" strawberry short cake with Italian almond cake and a Terrible Sue Torte. To top off the dessert, and to help wash it down, Debbie served up a home brew called Limoncello. The likes of which is reportedly a mix of vodka, lemon juice and sugar. It sure tasted great and nicely warmed my inside. Quotes of note from the evening: 1. Debbie to Tom Provasi, "I didn't think I wanted a big faucet, but now that I'm used to it I really like big ones" 2. Kris to Tony, " you know, the man with the sausage" the reference to what she was talking about I never did know but, out of context, it sure got my attention! Again we want to thank Debbie and Kevin for opening up their house (and risking their beautifully remodeled kitchen to the likes of us) and supplying all the food and beverages. I also want to thank Emile and Sue for organizing the event and especially for donating the boxes and their contents. Tally for the evening was 37 people attended and we raised $1400. Nicely done folks! To see the Charity Pasta Night photos,
click on the Flickr icon below.
2012 Tour Season
Sponsored by Porsche of Fremont
Lost Coast Tour
August 10-12, 2012
Join us for a fabulous weekend tour to the Lost Coast and through the forests of Northern California. Friday's drive up will include a lunch stop in Geyserville followed by dinner at the Scotia Inn, our hotel for the tour. A complimentary continental breakfast will
be served on Saturday morning before we tour the Humboldt Redwoods State Park, Lost Coast and the Avenue of the Giants; 31 beautiful miles of two-lane road lined with giant redwood trees on each side. Dinner will be at a Ferndale Restaurant. Sunday you'll be free to explore or head back down the coast home. With only 22 rooms available in the Scotia Inn, this tour is sure to be sold-out quickly! Make your reservations now by calling the hotel directly at 707-764-5338 and mention the Porsche Club tour for a 20% discount. Reservations and discounts are not available through the website. Tour fee: $15 Questions? Contact Justin Gross at 408-848-0072 or
Blue Lakes Tour
Oct 6 - 7, 2012
Join the Reeds and Bennetts for this Blue Lakes Special. Mark your calendars now for this exciting tour on October 6-7. Enjoy a leisurely drive through the Napa-Sonoma vineyard-laced backroads. We will lunch in eclectic downtown Calistoga before challenging more back roads as we wend our way into the Upper Clear Lake area. The day's activities will culminate at the Lodge at Blue Lakes with a relaxing cruise on the placid waters of Blue Lakes followed by the usual good-times party.
On Sunday we will visit the Francis Ford Coppola Winery, near Healdsburg, for shopping, tasting, food, movie memorabilia and more. The cost will be $260 per couple, $195 single. Included in this package is your lake front or mountain view room, dinner and breakfast overlooking the lake, the LPR tour fee and an electric-glide boat ride on the Blue Lakes.
This tour has an 18 car limit and there are just a few spots left. To reserve yours, contact Debbie Bennett at 408-926-1788 or lajeanbenet@yahoo.com.
Click here
to download a PDF of the Blue Lakes Tour flyer
Canepa Collection Tour
Bruce Canepa's Collection & Hallcrest Winery Tour Saturday, July 28, 2012
A long tour with such sweet reward! Tour the renowned Bruce Canepa automobile collection in Scotts Valley and taste award winning wines at Hallcrest Vineyards. Mark you calendars now because it will be a full day seeing a wonderful collection of racing Porsches and tasting award winning wines. We will travel perfect Porsche roads through the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains to a catered picnic lunch at Hallcrest. After lunch, we will visit former IMSA racer Canepa's showroom, which includes several iconic Porsche race cars as well as Trans Am, NASCAR, hot rods and Pikes Peak cars. A truly memorable collection. Be prepared for a FULL day tour! We'll meet at the west end of the San Mateo Bridge at 9:30 AM (about 2 hours from Sacramento), take Skyline Blvd down the Coastal Range with many vistas of the ocean, the SF Bay amidst the Redwoods to arrive at the winery for a catered picnic lunch. Canepa's place is just a short drive from the winery. Two return route options are possible--a spectacular drive up the Pacific coast to SF or the more direct freeway route though San Jose and home. Cost: $24 per person, which includes wine tasting and a catered picnic lunch. You, of course, pay your own gasoline, tolls, and any other food and beverage costs. Checks payable to PCA-SVR and due by July 18th. Please mail to: Gary Myers, 7040 Firefly Green Lane, Roseville, CA 95747 RSVP: By July 18th. Space is limited, so reserve your spot early. Contact Gary Myers at (916) 771-3929 or by email to GGaryMyers@aol.com
to download a PDF of the Canepa Collection Tour flyer
Hitting the Road: LPR Favorite Drives
We are a lucky bunch. We drive Porsches and have access to some of the best driving roads in the country. From our beautiful coastline and winding mountain roads to the desert and ritzy city boulevards, no place offers the driver diversity of California. In fact, California's roads are often used for new car testing. Death Valley is the favorite spot for hot weather tests. In Southern California the Angele's Crest Highway is often used to test new vehicles because of its frequent and dramatic changes in elevation. So where to go on that early morning when you just have to hit the road? Our LPR members know the best roads in the area. So tell us, what's your favorite drive? Send your faves to lprpca@gmail.com and we'll feature them in an upcoming issue of the Post. |
Carlsen Porsche Zone 7 Concours
What Type of Porsche Owner are You?
Porsche owners are passionate. But what drives us towards this passion is different for each one of us. While some use their Porsche as their daily driver, others baby their cars in their garage. Some are fascinated by the magnificent technology of the car while others are swept away by the beauty and status Porsche provides. We really don't like to make a habit of labeling people, but most of us probably fall into one of the seven categories of Porsche owners. This month we will look at the Worrier knowing full well that you'll have some nominations for this moniker! THE WORRIER The Worrier is the Porsche owner (usually a new owner) who frets constantly about every detail regarding his baby. Most of us are Worriers to some degree when we get our first Porsche. Worriers will approach everyone in the club about which weight and brand of oil they should use in their car. They'll get on the internet and research endlessly trying to find the best leather conditioner, aromatherapy wax, herbal car wash, tire pressure gauge, etc. They'll change their oil every 500 miles and replace the air in their tires because it might be stale. They'll short shift their car at 2500 RPM just to make sure it doesn't get over-revved (even though the previous owner may have regularly banged it up against redline). The Worrier won't corner his car hard because that would place undue strain on the delicate chassis. These guys are usually cured when they discover that their anal behavior has actually done more damage than good to their car; "Well, sir, you car runs like crap because the valves and combustion chambers are totally carboned up - you should run this thing hard through the gears every once in awhile to clean it out." Or: "I'm sorry sir, but your paint was damaged by leaving the bra on your car while it was raining." If the Worrier isn't cured quickly he may evolve into the undesirable "Garage Queen" who we will profile next month.
to download a PDF of the Legends of the Autobahn flyer
Trains, (No) Planes and Automobiles
Moonlight Steam Train Dinner Party
Treat yourself to an evening of fun and relaxation at Roaring Camp's Western Themed Moonlight Dinner Train Party. Start with a hearty barbecue steak dinner in the moonlight followed by a leisurely train ride aboard vintage railway cars. The steam train stops atop Bear Mountain to a glowing campfire, hot cider and musical sing-along. Upon returning to Roaring Camp, hot apple pie and a country western band await you. Get in the swing of things by line dancing or two-stepping the night away. LPR members and their Porsches will have premier, car show-like parking in the town of Roaring Camp, in front of Bret Harte Hall. The event runs from 6:00 to 10:30 p.m. This promises to be one of the best family events of LPR's summer season, you don't want to miss it! Registration opens Friday, July 20 at motorsportreg.com
Cherry's Jubilee 2012 Driving Event
Sept 14 - 16 Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca The Cherry's Jubilee 2012 Driving Event at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca will be held on Friday Sept 14th through Sunday the 16th. That's right! Three full days of track driving. Put the date on your calendar and get ready for a great event. This is a PCA sponsored event, but all makes are welcome. Registration will open on Sunday morning, July 1st at 12:01 AM. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Please visit our new website to read about the experience and luxury of attending our events. Details about the upcoming September Laguna date are available here: CDS Upcoming Events Openings tend to fill up rather quickly, so we will send out another announcement before registration opens to ensure you don't miss it.If you have friends that are not on our mailing list and you think they might be interested, then have them sign up at CoastalDriving.org Make hotel/motel reservations now, while demand is low. Accommodation prices are sure to increase as the date gets closer, due to Cherry's Jubilee activities. Put it on your calendar today! ~ Matthew Phillips * CDS Registrar and Webmaster http://www.coastaldriving.org/ 
Unclassified Ads
Want to Sell
1986 911 Porsche Targa
$23,500 Excellent example of a well maintained 1986 911, both mechanically and cosmetically. Factory Options include: Sports Suspension, Short Shift Kit, American Bumpers, Cruise Control, Central Locking system and partial Power Seats. Owner Upgrades: Camber Bar, Upgraded radio, Plug in battery charging monitor system, Car Covers (indoor, outdoor and tonneau). Other Details: Garnet Red exterior with a Tan Leather interior. Black Targa Top with a Black Rollbar. Black spoked Fuchs wheels with center crests and satin lipped rims. ~114,900 miles, Northern California car, 2nd owner purchased in 1989 with ~12000 miles. Service records are available. Maintained by RMG in Sunnyvale, CA. Call 408-732-0175 and leave a contact number and I'll return your call. The photos are only half the story, the car must be seen.
Drives Great!!!

Boxster / Cayman (987 Gen II) Mufflers
Standard mufflers that come on the Gen 2 Boxsters and Caymans (2009 - 2012). These are NOT the Porsche Sport Exhaust (PSE) mufflers.
Part Numbers: 98711311732 (Left)
These stock mufflers were removed from the car at 2,328 miles.
Price new from Porsche: $932 EACH. My price for the muffler pair: $700.
Want to Buy Early 911 transmission mount to replace '68 912 mount.
Contact Brad Boardman @ (408) 431-0305 or brad@morgancenter.org
======================================================================== Unclassified ads are available at no charge to PCA members. For inclusion in the next issue of the Prieta Post, ad copy and photos must be submitted to prietapost@gmail.com no later than the 25th of the month. Ads must be resubmitted each month to be included and will run on a space available basis for a maximum of 3 months. Non-member fee is $10.00 per month per ad and is due in advance. Checks should be made out to LPR/PCA and sent to Loma Prieta Region PCA, PO Box 0705, Santa Clara, CA 95052. |
© 2012 Prieta Post. All rights reserved. The Prieta Post is the offi cial publication of the Porsche Club of America, Loma Prieta Region and is published monthly. Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be mailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Loma Prieta Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to the Prieta Post. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. All other trademarks or servicemarks are the property of their respective owners. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. The DEADLINE for articles and advertisements submitted for publication is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication. For commercial advertising rates/options please email us.