Prieta Post Header Art
February 2012
In This Issue
The Inside Track
Membership Report
Crow's Nest Tour Recap
AX Off-Camber Report
Upcoming LPR Events
Partner Appreciation Awards
Is Your Car Road Ready?
A Day at Martin Ranch
Looking Back to 2002
Getting Rallye-Ready for Parade
The LPR Garage
Unclassified Ads
Quick Links


Featured Video
Fremont Porsche 
Fremont Porsche Tech Session
Fremont Porsche 
LPR Tech Session
Porsche Friend 

Pam & Laurie
Pam Ryder & Laurie Delimon
Prieta Post Co-Editors

We are happy to report that the January launch of the online Prieta Post and our new website was a resounding success! In the world of online communication, we had exceptional "open rates" for the emailed Post. Readers offered positive comments via phone calls, email and through our Facebook page saying that they enjoyed reading the Post on their tablets, smart phones and computers, and especially liked the addition of links, videos and photo galleries. 


A great feature of the new Prieta Post is that you're able to manage your subscription online. If you have a new email address, you can easily and efficiently change it yourself. The "subscribe" ability also enables our associate members to sign-up for their own copy. If you had trouble getting the January issue, first check your spam filter. If you continue to have problems, please don't hesitate to contact us so that we can help troubleshoot.


You may have noticed that the links in the Prieta Post now take you to our beautiful new website. Activity in our first week exceeded our expectations with more than 300 different visitors exploring our website more than 500 times! The fresh and slightly edgy design is the work of one of our youngest LPR members, and AX Cone Killer, Greg Ryder. Throughout the year, the site will grow to include some new features such as the LPR BizNet and a page dedicated to the 2012 AX season. We're excited that Dave Dunwoodie is joining the team as co-webmaster!


One of the goals of our new program is to engage membership and we believe this is already happening. The first two tours of the year, Les Schreiber's Crow's Nest Tour and Larry Sharp's Death Valley Tour, sold out quickly. If there is a tour or activity you want to attend, don't wait to RSVP or register! Our new mid-month upcoming activities email blast will give all the information you need to know in an easy-to-read and attractive format. Sign-up and get ready for a good time!


Thanks for your support,


Laurie & Pam


Like us on Facebook

The Inside Track
Doug Ryder
Doug Ryder
LPR President 


Some days you just get lucky. That's what happened to me at the end of December. My son Greg works with Robby, a young man who is an ex pro racer. Robby still has strong connections in the racing world and pulled together enough people to rent Thunderhill Raceway Park for an entire day.


We decided to trailer our '87 Carrera affording us a more comfortable drive in our GMC Denali. This also ensured that we could get home should we have car problems!


Because it's a 4-hour drive to the raceway (125 miles north of Sacramento), we headed up the day before. The weather cooperated and we left with great anticipation, particularly for Greg who autocrossed last year but had not "tracked" before.

Prepping for Track Day 

The next morning the drivers' meeting was scheduled for 8:30 and the track was live at 9 o'clock. To our amazement th

ere were only 10 cars participating - and you could drive as much as you wanted! Greg and I split the $500 fee, making the $250 we each paid a lot less than the typical $350 one pays for a day at Track Masters or Hooked On Driving, two of the more prominent track programs.


There were a number of instructors on hand; a couple were long-time coaches at Skip Barber. They provided free coaching as available, or you could hire them for the morning or afternoon session. The track was hot from 9 to 12 and again from 1 to 5. We raced around that track until we were exhausted.


We had only one issue to deal with. As we came in for lunch, Greg was driving solo and when he hit turn 13, the brakes had gotten so hot that the brake pedal went to the floor. He spun sideways but kept it together (there's that autocross experience!) and hobbled into the pits. We postulated that the hard driving boiled the brake fluid in the front calipers and the trapped air, which is much more compressible, just let the pedal go to the floor, i.e., no brakes! We broke for lunch, letting the car cool off and then bled the brakes to remove the air and restore effective braking. We continued to run the rest of the day with no issues. In fact, we found that driving at 8/10 instead of flat-out not only kept the front brakes cooler but also resulted in lower lap times.


At 4:00, after laps too numerous to count, we headed home. What a perfect way to end the year!


We hope that you're enjoying the Prieta Post and our new mid-month activity blast. Our calendar is overflowing with events that you won't want to miss. The first two tours of the year sold out in record time so don't wait! Make sure to get your RSVPs in!


Be safe and see you soon!



Fremont Porsche FP Ad
It's the People -- February 2012 Membership Report


Tom Provasi
Tom Provasi
Membership Director

Let's welcome our newest members for 2012! Actually, these members joined the club in December but because the membership report from national is at month-end and the Prieta Post is one month ahead, there is a two month gap.


Two of our new members come from the southern side of the Santa Cruz mountains, while the third joins us all the way from France. I'm happy to report that Chuck and Rosemary Davis are transferring back into LPR. Those that have been in the club for twenty plus years will remember the Davis' and their volunteer efforts in many positions. Chuck is also one of our past presidents. Welcome back! I look forward to seeing you all at an upcoming event. Cheers!  




Interested in becoming a PCA member? Complete information is available here.


Respectfully Submitted,


Tom Provasi

Membership Director 



BMS HiRes JOG - New Fonts

Crow's Nest Tour a Huge Success!


Article Contributed by Dede Seward


The first LPR tour of 2012 was hosted by past President, Les Schreiber, on Sunday January 15th. We were able to sleep in Sunday morning, with a lazy meeting time scheduled for 10am, departing right at 10:30 am.  


The sold-out field of 30 Porsches met at Hobee's Restaurant in Los Gatos.  There was ample parking for the paddock of 911's, 944's, Boxsters and two 928s. Tony and Joanne Antonowicz drove a pristine Horizon Blue 928 that had my husband drooling. "I now know what I want to do with my year end bonus," he declared, and then added, "Some of us just don't yearn for a car with a bud vase on the dash."

Assembled in the Parking Lot
Before the drivers' meeting..."this looks like Disneyland " with everyone standing in the middle of the traffic area" ~ Larry Sharp

After the standard PCA drivers meeting, we cued up for the start. There was a short jaunt on Hwy 17 to Bear Creek Road. We then crossed back over Hwy 17 to Old Santa Cruz Hwy. The road briefly skirted Lexington Reservoir and began a climb through the Santa Cruz Mountains, which were laced with Sword Ferns, Tan Oaks, Redwoods and funky old cabins, where Larry Sharp probably buys his tie-dyes. 

Windy Twisty Roads



After reaching Summit Road and traveling south, we turned toward the coast on Soquel-San Jose Rd. The scenery changed from lush forest to family farms. We passed several open "farm stands" that had we been by ourselves we would have stopped to check out the offerings.




One stand's sign, in an attempt at poetry, declared, "DON'T PANIC-- WE'RE ORGANIC!!" You could probably get a tie-dye shirt here too.


We arrived in Soquel and picked our way through town and arrived at the Crow's Nest Restaurant at the Santa Cruz Harbor.


After gathering in the parking lot, we entered the restaurant, and all were seated except my husband, who upon arriving at the harbor took off to S & T docks to talk to the commercial fisherman. I wasn't sure if I was going to see him again, and if I did, what he would smell like!

Santa Cruz harbor
He finally showed up and announced he could not find a single fisherman. There was a foam fish box lid placed on a forklift with a sign, "HAVE CRAB WILL BE BACK AFTER THE 49er GAME". That game was the day before, on Saturday. I guess they didn't make it back from the bar yet--understandable celebratory behavior after the incredible final seconds 49er win. 

The Group Lunch 

As we all mellowed out with our table mates, and with sailboats gracefully slipping in and out of the harbor entrance in the background, Doug Ryder, our new LPR President, thanked Les for the tour, announced upcoming club events, and introduced new and first time tour club members. 


The food arrived in waves of Calamari, Ahi Tuna, Mahi Mahi, Aloha Burgers and Crab Louis. The food was crowd silencing, with only the scolding of begging gulls and the purr of boat engines to be heard. All in all, it was a successful and fun first outing with a mellow drive and great food!


Crab Louis


See you on the next fun LPR tour and on Loma Prieta's
Facebook page! 

~ Dede & Kevin 







"What a wonderful way to start the new year! A beautiful day. A beautiful drive. A wonderful brunch at the Crow's Nest with all of our LPR friends. It doesn't get much better than this! A great big thanks to Les Schreiber and his assistant, Peter Ridgway, for a job well done!" 

~ John and Angie Reed


Friends Having a Laugh


"The tour through less-traveled roads from Los Gatos to Santa Cruz was a scenic delight as it took us to the Crow's Nest Restaurant where we were greeted with a spectacular scene of sparkling sunshine against the ocean. The lunch fare was truly memorable with a fantastic "Chef Special" of Hawaiian Mahi Mahi over polenta topped with asparagus and chanterelle mushrooms in a very light secret sauce. Thanks to Les for a wonderful well-planned tour with fun conversations and sharing with our LPR friends."  

~ Joanne and Tony Antonowicz


Santa Cruz Harbor 2


To see the rest of the photos from this tour click here.



Body Style Ad 


Want to learn more about becoming 
an LPR Partner or Advertiser?
Half Page Parade Ad  
The Off-Camber Report 
Anne Roth
Anne Roth 
Autocross Co-Chair


Get Ready for the 2012 AX Season! 


What better way to prepare for the upcoming autocross season than our Second Annual AX Ground School? Join us at Borelli Motor Sports on March 10 at 10:00 a.m. for a morning full of valuable information. From classing your car and tech inspections to helmets and grid control, you'll learn everything you need to make you comfortable your first time out. And of course, we'll have valuable information and perhaps an informal tech session for our AX veterans. Watch your mid-month activity blast for more details. 



Our AX Season schedule has been finalized! Check out the dates on the LPR Event Calendar and watch for the 2012 AX Season Page coming soon to the new website. 


A big round of applause to our 2012 AX Team! 


Trailer Storage:  Borelli Motor Sports 

Trailer Transport:  The Ryders and the Delimons 

Course Set-up:  Bill Charon, Chuck Dewey, Dave Dunwoodie

Tech Inspection:  Dave Dunwoodie, Chris Schaut

Timing & Trailer Set-up:  Chuck Dewey, Kevin Laird

Registration:  Kris Vanacore

Chief Driving Instructor:  Barry Pangrle 

Results, Timing & Scoring:  Rena Schaut

Safety:  Chris Schaut

Early A.M. Gate Security:  Les Schreiber

AX Chair:  Anne Roth

AX Co-Chair:  Larry Sharp 


See ya in Marina!




Larry Sharp
Larry Sharp
Autocross Co-Chair

It's February and autocross season is just around the corner! 


These free days provide a great opportunity to reflect on your driving and to inspect your car to improve the results you get at our events. For your car, consider a 4-wheel alignment. Ask them to check that your car's wheels are all pointed the way they should be for AX use! This is also a good time to check your brake pads and bleed your brakes, which should be done yearly. Maybe you want to try out stickier tires and move up to competing with the big boys! Click on the ads in the Post to explore the websites of our great partners. You'll find just about everything you need to get your car running at optimal performance.


Now let's talk about the most important part of autocrossing--driver improvement. My off-season routine is to do a few go-kart days to keep the muscle memory going for driving in competition. If you can arrange to share some sessions with drivers you know are better than you, you can improve your skills by following them around the course. If you can afford it, attending a driver's school is always a good option as well. Money spent on improving your skills is always better than spending money on your car. You keep those lessons the rest of your life. 


'Til March's column

Larry Sharp 

LPR AX Co-Chair


Dons Autowerks Third Page Ad


Upcoming Events: Soup Night and AX Ground School


February is the time for LPR's longest running annual event: Soup Night! 


Join us on Saturday, February 25 as Bill and Lorraine Glathe, once again host this LPR tradition at their beautiful home in Almaden. Since 1987 LPR members have gathered to ward off the winter chill, socialize and enjoy a soup-centered potluck. So grab your aprons, dust-off your cookbooks and fire up the crock-pot for a great evening of warmth and camaraderie!

Soup Night GTG 2011 


Join your LPR friends and help make this an event to remember! Soup night is a potluck so we need volunteers to bring an assortment of appetizers, salads, entrees, breads and desserts.


RSVP by Feb. 22 to Bill or Lorraine at 408-268-7251. Cost: $10 per person. Please sign up to bring an appetizer, soup, salad or dessert. For directions from your home to the Glathe's, please click on Soup Night on the LPR Event Calendar and then click on "map" for directions from your home.



By the time March rolls around our AXers are rarin' to go! And LPR's AX season is not to be missed! AX Ground SchoolHowever, if you've never autocrossed, the whole process can be rather intimidating. Get ready by joining us at 10:00 a.m. March 10 at Borelli Motor Sports for LPR's Second Annual Autocross Ground School


Anne, our AX Chair will cover car classing, registration, tech inspections, and everything that happens at an AX so you'll be comfortable the first time out. And for the AX veterans, the folks at Borelli are sure to have some great advice on getting optimal performance from your car. Come on down! Refreshments will be provided including some of Anne's signature goodies! For a more information and directions, click on the Ground School on the LPR Event Calendar



Mobile Works West Half Pg Color Ad

Partner Appreciation Awards


Thanks Porsche of Fremont!
Fremont Porsche Presentation
2011 President Ed Tefankjian presents Gunter Feldmeier, Service Manager with an appreciation plaque for their ongoing support of LPR.
Porsche of Fremont hosted a Tech Session, supported Porsches and Police and donated prizes to our events. They continue to be an advertising partner in the Prieta Post, and give our members the quality service that keeps us coming back! 






















   Thanks Borelli Motor Sports! 
Borelli Award Presentation
2011 LPR President Ed Tefankjian presents Ralph Borelli with an appreciation plaque for their generous support of our club. 
Not only did they spruce up our AX trailer with fantastic graphics but they store it for us in their safe location. 
In addition to donating raffle prizes to our Annual Awards Banquet, Borelli Motor Sports was the venue for our AX Ground School, the Funkhana and our Charity Event--the perfect location for our driving enthusiasts!




Thanks Bacom Trim & Upholstery!
Bascom Tim Appreciation Award
2011 President Ed Tefankjian presents John Wardell of Bascom 
Trim & Upholstery with an appreciation plaque for their continued 
support of LPR.




Over the year, John advertised in the Prieta Post, supported Porsches and Police, hosted a Tech Session and donated fantastic raffle prizes. Our members continue to turn to Bascom Trim & Upholstery for their high quality work.









Dings & Dents Ad  

Is Your Car Road Ready?

Contributed by Les Schreiber 
Les Schreiber
Les Schreiber
LPR Technical Chair
It's only the beginning of the year, but the LPR event calendar is full of great driving activities. Whether it's a tour, rallye, autocross or just your favorite Saturday morning run, you want to ensure that your car is in top condition and ready to go. Here is some advice from Bob Schoenherr of PCA's Redwood Region. 
  • Begin by checking your car maintenance log. Don't have one? Start one now by recording when the oil, wiper blades, tires etc. were changed and make a commitment to keep it up-to-date.
  • Check the tire air pressure even if you have a sensor. Do a test inflation of the collapsible spare to ensure that it holds air, and does not have cracked sidewalls. Make sure the air pump works or carry a can of air. 
  • Perform a visual tire inspection. Are the wear bars showing? If so, invest in a safe new set. If they are showing unusual wear, head to the alignment shop before you ruin those expensive high-performance tires. Unusual wear could also be a sign of worn bushings, shock absorbers, or ball joints. If a wheel shows a crack, replace it for your own safety.
  • Check the torque of the lugs or lug nuts and don't forget about hubcaps or center caps. No torque wrench? Then visit your tire dealer. Usually, they'll check it for free. If you have wheel locks, and drive a convertible, be sure the key is the cockpit, not in the trunk where you can't get to it should you be locked out for some reason. Real life story here (scroll down to read).
  • Check your gas cap and gasket to make sure it's not loose or leaking.
  • Check for brake pedal fade while the car is running. New cars have power-assisted brakes, so starting the car is a must. Find a back road and do a couple of emergency stops (with no one behind you!). Check the brakes for fade and pulling of the car to one side.
  • Check the engine compartment. Examine the belts and hoses for cracks or tears and be sure clamps are tight. Make sure the battery is securely in place. Look for fluid leaks. While you're at it, check all fluids - brake, oil, power steering, coolant, windshield washer, etc.
  • Sit in the driver's seat. Check that the seats are secure and the seat belts are working and not frayed. Make sure the steering wheel does not have excessive play. Check the gas pedal to be sure it returns smoothly. Check the operation of the heating and cooling system--the defroster system is especially important in winter weather.
  • Check all lights for function with the engine running. If something is not working, check fuses first then check the bulb in question. Your owner's manual lists the bulb type and fuse box location for your vehicle. 
  • Organize your trunk. Check for the jack, tools, spare tire, and other items and be sure they are secured properly.
  • Shake your car...up and down and sideways!  If there are any abnormal clunks then you might have a suspension problem. 
Now that you're set, it's time to take to the road! Happy driving!
 Bascom Trim Half Page Ad
A Day at Martin Ranch with the Vanacores


Chase those tax day blues away by joining Kris & Tony Vanacore on a tour of the local back roads on April 15. We'll drive familiar, and maybe not so familiar, roads ending at the Martin Ranch Winery. This year we'll be staying put to enjoy a catered lunch and maybe a little LPR musical entertainment! 


Martin Ranch Winery



There's also an opportunity for us to do a "Bottle Your Own Wine", if we can commit to 24 cases (one barrel). The wine is usually $105 to $110 per case. Folks can split a case as long as we take 24 total. We need a show of interest in order to set up the BYOW so please email Tony at [email protected] ASAP! 




Martin Ranch Tasting Room



Please watch the mid-month activity blast and the Prieta Post for details as they are confirmed. See you at the ranch! 



Dell Auto Body Half Page Horizontal  

Looking Back to 2002


As they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same! 


The February 2002 Prieta Post welcomed a new Editor, Robert Henricks. The Post sported a new full color cover, inside and out and for the first time, PDF copies of the Post were available by request. 


Feb 2002 Post Cover

Ten years later, LPR welcomes new Post Editors Laurie Delimon and Pam Ryder who introduced a new full color online format!


The 2002 Board Meeting and Newcomer's socials were held at Mountain Mike's Pizza in Los Gatos. How many of us remember the 17.5 foot 12,000 pound carved wooden statue of Mountain Charley that graced the outside entry? In 2012, pizza is still our Board Meeting food of choice, now at Round Table Pizza in San Jose. 


Soup Nite is an LPR Tradition and the Glathes continue to host this favorite event. Of course we have to expect a bit of inflation with cost increasing from $5 in 2002 to $10 in 2012. Still a great deal for a night out! 


Whether it's 2002 or 2012, our LPR advertising partners are the best! Bodystyle by Cecil Beach, Don Wise, Custom Alignment, PartsHeaven, Tom Provasi and Emilie Highley were featured in the 2002 Post and ten years later are still found in our new online version! 


In, 2002 the Board Meeting Minutes included a plea for help in towing the new AX trailer. Ask any AX Chair. Some things NEVER change!


The 2002 Board of Directors included a familiar face. John Reed was Activities Director and has taken that role again in 2012! Rumor has it that John has a drawer full of name badges displaying the various titles he's held over the years. Now that's what we call dedication!  


TJP Painting Half Page AdParts Heaven from 356 to Turbo  

Alain Pinel Half Page Ad









Getting Rallye-Ready for Salt Lake City

Rallye-Ready JPG  

Preparations are underway to present a rallye school in mid-April for those interested in learning about the TSD (time-speed-distance) rallye. The TSD rallye is one of the competitive events offered at the Porsche Parade in July in Salt Lake City.


Discussions are underway with Diablo Region to finalize a classroom (Livermore or Fremont area). We will have a two-hour classroom session in the morning, followed by a lunch break, and then an opportunity to put your newly acquired skills to the test on an actual rallye!


A follow-up rallye techniques session is planned for the end of June. It will be held at Niello Porsche in Rocklin. Dates are still tentative.


Questions can be sent to Rik Larson at [email protected] or call 916.481.6084. 



 Custom Alignment Ad



Leland West Half Page Ad - 356s  
Add Your Car to the LPR Garage


The LPR Garage, showcasing rides from our club members, is a new feature we are launching in our redesigned website! It's a chance to share with your fellow Porsche enthusiasts what we do with our version of the marque that is so rich in history. Maybe it's a survivor 356 that is in remarkable condition, or one that is beautifully restored? Or perhaps it's a highly modified track car or autocross screamer. 

This is your chance to show-off! To reserve your spot in the LPR Garage send 6 or fewer photos along with captions to [email protected].

Top Coat Ad


Unclassified Ads
Want to Buy 
Pair of Weber IDF 40 carburetors.  
Please contact: Anne Roth @ 408-710-0547 or [email protected]



Unclassified ads are available at no charge to PCA members. For inclusion in the next month's issue, ad copy must be submitted to [email protected] no later than the 20th of the month. Ads will run for 3 months on a space available basis. Please notify the editor when your item is sold, or if you wish to run your ad again. Non-member fee is $10.00 per month per ad and is due in advance. Checks should be made out to LPR/PCA and sent to Loma Prieta Region PCA, PO Box 0705, Santa Clara, CA 95052. 

� 2012 Prieta Post. All rights reserved. The Prieta Post is the offi cial publication of the Porsche Club of
America, Loma Prieta Region and is published monthly. Written contributions and photographs are welcomed
and can be mailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Loma Prieta Region, its officers or members.
Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to the Prieta
Post. PORSCHE�, the Porsche Crest�, CARRERA�, and TARGA� are trademarks of Porsche AG. All other
trademarks or servicemarks are the property of their respective owners. The editor shall reserve the right to
edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America.
The DEADLINE for articles and advertisements submitted for publication is the 10th of the month preceding
the month of publication. For commercial advertising rates/options please contact Bill Highley.