In The Loop
brought to you by the Economic Developers Association of Manitoba

Spring 2011
Community Cafe
Small Business Buzz
QR Codes
Spin Master Innovation Fund
Tax Time!
Just 4 You!


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Member Quote

Welcome to the Spring issue of "In the Loop", EDAM's official quarterly E-Newsletter of everything economic development in Manitoba!
In this issue, we took to the streets to find out what's so darn great about EDAM.  Here's what EDAM member Robert Mensies had to say:
"Coupled with my own personal experience of growing up in rural Manitoba, which added the emotional component to why we wanted to be involved in community development, we saw this market as an under-served industry that had great potential when given the right tools."

"EDAM really is the authority when it comes to community development in Manitoba. As the association grows, I see the volunteer team having the opportunity of becoming even more involved 'on the ground.'"

"It always takes active members of an association to realize the full potential of the membership, and EDAM has many EDOs and supporters who take time our of their schedules for the betterment of all."

"To not actively be involved through membership, participation and sponsorship, just doesn't make any sense for us. These are the proactive individuals we want to work with."

- Robert Mensies, Principal
  Edge & Community Edge
Robert Mensies, Creative Director and Principal, exudes a passion for the business objectives and solutions of each client. Holding a Diploma in Graphic Design, Robert is accountable for significant elements in many of the planning processes, from advertising to business strategy. Growing up and still residing in rural Manitoba, the values in which he was raised, influences the directional values of the company, ensuring Edge exemplifies the ideal agency/client relations. Overseeing many aspects of each marketing strategy, he submerges himself in the immediate and long term strategic objectives.
Robert will be sharing his expertise and delivering a session called "Action Planning" at the EDAM forum April 19 at the Victoria Inn in Brandon.
EDAM Forum & Capturing Opportunities

EDAM Forum

"Taking Action"  

April 19, 2011 | Victoria Inn | Brandon, MB

Join us for a packed day of training and networking.  Here is a sneak peak of the afternoon session which will be delivered by Michele McClymont, Business Advisor at the

Women's Enterprise Centre of Manitoba.

Social Media
Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn: these social media tools have become very popular channels of communication. This session will review each of these platforms and provide you with insight and information so that you can develop strategies to connect with clients, customers and colleagues in a relevant and appropriate manner.

Credit Score
At some point in your life you may need financing. Will you be able to get it based on your credit history? When was the last time you looked at your credit report? Do you have a good score or a bad score and do you know how it got that way? In this session, you will learn how to access your credit information, evaluate it, and improve it if necessary. You will also gain an understanding of what lenders look for when making financing decisions that will profoundly affect the future of your business.
For more information about the EDAM Forum, click here.



Capturing Opportunities
Bio-Based Economy
April 20 & 21, 2011 | Keystone Centre | Brandon, MB
This year's theme is the Bio-Based Economy - renewable plans and crops used for industrial processing and energy production. Visit the Capturing Opportunities 2011 website for more information:

 Capturing Opportunities


 What Makes a Winner?


The Capturing Opportunities 2011 conference is just days away and Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives once again has the pleasure of honouring people and organizations that have made a real difference in our rural and northern communities.  Each year, there are many worthy nominations and each year, the panel of judges has a very difficult task to pick just one winner in each of the four categories.  

So how do you pick from a list of people who have volunteered and worked for years and years on countless projects and in countless ways for the betterment of their community?  How do you distinguish between the long term impacts of a starting a small family focused festival that grows each year and brings in more and more visitors, or rallying your young school friends to organize events that raise money for local charities, or being the driving force to start a local economic development organization, or being the business that gives staff work time to get out and volunteer in the community?   All of these people and organizations and businesses are winners! 



EDGECommunity Marketing

 What Makes a Successful Brand

A brand is the "feeling" of the community. It needs to evoke an emotion. You can be different, or you can be the best. Being different can be a much easier road to travel, if there is something totally unique to you. Being the best at something is constant cycle of improvement as there are others vying for the title.

Branding requires third-party endorsements. Being the best in your category cannot exclusively be self-proclaimed. Brands are built around word of mouth and perceptions, not only advertising. Advertising is used successfully to maintain your position once you own the brand.

Logos and slogans are not a brand. They are tools used to promote the brand.

To make a successful brand, Edge asks all stakeholders:

� What are you known for?

� What sets you apart from everyone else?

� What do you have that I can't get closer to home?

� What makes you worth a special trip and an extended stay?

� Why did you want to raise your family here?

� Why did your business invest in this community?


- submitted by Edge Marketing Strategies


QR Codes - Ready or not here they come!


QR codes (Quick Response codes) are the latest marketing craze.  But what is this deranged image and why do I care as a consumer or business owner?  An excerpt from a CNN Article explains:EDAM QR Code



"Marketers Embracing QR codes for better, or worse"

By Umika Pidaparthy, Special to CNN
March 29, 2011 -- Updated 2024 GMT (0424 HKT) | Filed under: Mobile


(CNN) -- A confused crossword puzzle. A psychedelic postage stamp. A bar code on drugs.

This is how a QR, or Quick Response, code may appear to most people. You may have noticed these black-and-white squares showing up in subway ads or in pages of magazines. Thanks to our growing addiction to our smartphones, you'll likely be seeing more of them.

QR codes are showing up in more and more places: posters, storefront window displays, TV advertisements, business cards, websites and even on T-shirts. When accessed with your phone, a QR code takes you to a landing page where you'll usually find special promotional content.

The QR code was invented by a Japanese company called DENSO Corp., a subsidy of Toyota, in 1994. The codes have been used in Japan for years and are quite common there. But only now are they becoming mainstream in the United States.

Here's how they work:

First, you must download a QR scanning application for your smartphone. When you see a QR code on a poster or billboard, open the scanning app and use the phone's camera to focus the code on your screen. The application will recognize the code and automatically open up the link, video or image in your phone's browser. You just need an internet connection to access the content.


To view the full article, click here  OR if you are really daring, pull out your smart phone to see where this QR code takes you! 


 Spin Master Innovation Fund

The Canadian Youth Business Foundation, (CYBF) has teamed up with one of Canada's

most innovative companies, Spin Master Ltd., to launch a new program, aimed at

young entrepreneurs with big ideas.


The Spin Master Innovation Fund is offering 10 valuable start-up packages that provide

up to $50,000 in seed capital and the customized support needed to transform an

innovative idea into a booming business.


The official program launch is April 27th, when full details on the program will be revealed.


To learn more, visit:

It's Tax Time Again! 

Some people love tax time, but most of us dread it - especially small business owners!

So with the April 30th income tax deadline looming, we thought it would be appropriate to share a few of our favourite tax quotes:


"In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes."

Benjamin Franklin


"The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall."

Denis Healey


"Be at the pains of putting down every single item of expenditure whatsoever every day which could possibly be twisted into a professional expense and remember to lump in all the doubtfulls."

Hilaire Belloc


"The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward."

John Maynard Keynes


"There is no such thing as a good tax."

Winston Churchill


intheLoop"In the Loop" - EDAM's Recommends...


Every issue EDAM will try to keep you "in the loop" of what's hot and what's not.  Last issue, we recommended two newsletters that would not be destined for your trash can (This is Not a Newsletter & and an event you would not want to miss (TEDx Manitoba).


This month we think you should check out Google Alerts and Score.

Google Alerts

Do you have a special interest that you would like to follow but just can't always find the time to search for the latest information? Google Alerts can help.

Google Alerts are e-mails that are automatically sent to your inbox whenever new information becomes available on your search terms. Depending on your search preferences, Google will monitor News, Web, Blogs, Video and Groups (or all of them) for new information, and send it to you on the schedule you've set up.


For example, suppose you are interested in following a news story, advances for a specific medical condition, or have a particular professional interest, set up a Google Alert. When new information is available, an e-mail and snippet will be sent to your inbox. It's also a great way to keep tabs on your organization (and even on yourself).  Best of all, it's FREE!




SCORE is an American-based organization that provides mentorship and tools to small business owners across the USA.  They do however, have a lot of FREE tools and webinars that are great for small business owners in Canada.  They also have a newsletter which you can subscribe to.  Check out their site for more information (their site is also being revamped and will be re-launched on April 29th so check back then too).

EDACEDAC Member Benefits Package


The Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) is offering a comprehensive benefits package to its members (not to be confused with EDAM, our association).  If you are a member, or are considering becoming one, this is just one of the perks!  To download the information pacakge, click here.

On behalf of the board of directors of EDAM, thank you for staying "In the Loop".  For more information about EDAM and how you can become a member, visit or email  


Lindsay Dandeneau, Editor of "In the Loop"

Economic Developers Association of Manitoba

Economic Developers Association of Manitoba