Lynwood Resources Newsletter
Issue: 2 May 2010

Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter.
As a valued client of our chartered accountancy practice you've automatically added to our mailing list. Should you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter at anytime we won't be offended - just click on the "SafeUnsubscribe" link at the bottom of this mail to opt out of further mails.
Office Move 
A new location in Wicklow....
We've finally made the break from our home office. We're now located in Rathnew, Co. Wicklow, just ten minutes from our previous location in Newtownmountkennedy.
 Broomhall Business and Enterprise Park
From Monday, May 17th, our new office address is Unit 8, Block 1, Broomhall Business & Enterprise Park, Rathnew, Co. Wicklow.
Thanks to all our clients for continually providing us with levels of business which have made this move possible. We look forward to working with you from our new base.
Tax Refunds for PAYE Workers 
A new service on offer....
Thanks to improved software on the Revenue Commissioners website we are now able to offer taxation services to PAYE workers. Prior to now we have worked mainly with the self-employed - sole traders and company directors.
We can now help PAYE workers review their personal tax situations and, where possible, work with them to obtain refunds from the Revenue Commissioners where they may have overpaid tax or not claimed all the tax credits available to them.
Examples of the tax credits which are often unclaimed by PAYE taxpayers include: 
  • health expenses (doctor, dental, prescription etc.)
  • private rented accomodation (€400 per annum tax credit)
  • service charges (€80 per annum tax credit)
  • homecarers tax credit (upto €900 per annum tax credit where one spouse is a homemaker)
We would be delighted to hear from people who may be due refunds from the Revenue Commissioners for any of the above. This option may suit people who aren't comfortable dealing with the Revenue Commissioners. You can go back as far as 2006 with your refund claims so please get in contact if you feel you may qualify for a refund.
Our fees will be based on a percentage of any refund received - if we don't get a refund for our clients we won't charge a fee. 
That's it for this month's issue of our newsletter. If you haven't seen last month's newsletter then you can still view it by visiting our website where all editions will be archived.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any items you would like included in future issues. We hope to send at least one newsletter a month with our latest news and reminders of forthcoming tax deadlines which may apply to you.
Until next month,

Joe Turner
Lynwood Resources
In This Issue
Office Move
Tax Refunds for PAYE Workers
Home Page
CA Logo
Tax Deadlines - May
Some of the forthcoming tax deadlines this month include:
 P30 Returns - payroll taxes return for month of April due for filing before 14th May - deadline extended to 23rd May if you file online via ROS.
 RCT30 Returns - relevant contract taxes return for month of April due for filing before 14th May - deadline extended to 23rd May if you file online via ROS.
VAT Returns - VAT returns for the four months ended 30th April (if you file three times a year) or for the two months ended 30th April (if you file six times a year) due for filing before 19th May - deadline extended to 23rd May if you file online via ROS.
This Month's Competition:
There's another one year subscription to Business Plus Magazine up for grabs by answering the following question:
 Who will South Africa play in the opening game of the World Cup which kicks off on June 11th next?
To enter the competition just send us an email with your answer. The first correct answer drawn from our hat will receive the prize - the winner will be announced in the next issue of our newsletter.
Congratulations to Dave Smyth of Greenlight Marketing who won last month's competition.