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A statewide resource on end-of-life issues                                                        UPDATE   
June 8, 2010Volume 4, Number 3                  
CCCC in Action
CARE Recommendations on End-of-Life Care in Nursing Homes Released 

The CARE Recommendations: Steps and Tools to Redefine Health and Hope in Nursing Homes are now available. The CARE Recommendations combine practical information with cutting-edge culture change practices.  A copy has been sent to every nursing home in California. The Recommendations will soon be available at Hard copies can be requested by email at  


New Grant to Support Thinking Ahead
The Special Hope Foundation has awarded CCCC a grant for $25,000 to further the Thinking Ahead project.  The Thinking Ahead workbook and materials enable people with developmental disabilities to advocate for themselves and stay in control of their lives through the very end. The grant will provide funds for printing additional copies of the workbook, hosting several webinars, and promoting dissemination and use of the materials.
Annual Conference Materials Now on the Web
Over 185 people attended CCCC's 2nd annual conference on April 19 in Sacramento.  Attendees heard the latest on advance care planning and healthcare reform, reducing hospital transfers, spirituality at the end of life, and more! Presentation materials are now available on the CCCC web site.
State Policy
Pending California Legislation
AB 950 (Hernandez) - Hospice Facilities
This bill
, if passed, would create a specific licensing category for inpatient hospices.
     Sponsor: California Hospice and Palliative Care Association
     Status: Hearing before Senate Health Committee on June 16, 2010

AB 2283 (Miller) - Cremation

This bill, if passed, would allow for disposition of human remains via alkaline hydrolysis, a bio-cremation alternative to cremation by incineration. 

     Sponsor: Author
     Status: Hearing before Senate Environmental Quality Committee on June 7,
State Plan on Alzheimer's is in Development
California is in the process of developing a strategic plan on Alzheimer's Disease, including recommendations on end-of-life care. A public forum was recently held on May 10 in Orange County to gather input from experts, providers, and consumers on how to improve end-of-life care for persons with dementia.  Information gathered at the public forum will be used to inform the strategic plan.
Federal Policy
Health Care Reform Bill includes Pain Care Provisions
Provisions of the National Pain Care Policy Act 2009 were incorporated in the Health Care Reform Bill. They include establishing a training program to improve the skills of health care professionals to assess and treat pain and enhancing the pain research agenda for the National Institutes of Health.
Californians on the Move 
The Caregiver's Path to Compassionate Decision Making
Viki Kind has written The Caregiver's Path to Compassionate Decision Making: Making Choices for Those Who Can't to guides families and healthcare professionals who are struggling to make decisions for persons who are losing or have lost capacity.  The book provides an adaptable system for making choices while respecting the individual's values and beliefs.
Visions, Trips and Crowded Rooms
David Kessler has written Visions, Trips and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die� a moving collection of first-hand accounts from people who have witnessed someone dying.  The book is comforting for people who are dying and who might encounter similar experiences.  It also gives those caring for the terminally ill a deeper understanding of death's transition. 
Monarch HealthCare Receives Wave Award
Monarch HealthCare of Orange County was honored by SCAN Health Plan with the Wave Award.  Monarch was selected for the award, which honors a medical group that combines high levels of performance or improvement in the field of geriatrics with a strong commitment to care for seniors, in part because of Monarch's work leading POLST efforts across Orange County.
Data and Resources
Dartmouth Atlas Project Launches New Website
The Dartmouth Atlas, which tracks geographic variation in healthcare services and costs, has a revamped website that provides comprehensive data on trends. Topic areas include end-of-life care, as well as chronic care in the last two years of life.  
Palliative Care Continues Rapid Growth in U.S. Hospitals
According to a new analysis by the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC), the number of programs in U.S. hospitals with 50 or more beds increased from 658 (24.5%) to 1,486 (58.5%) - a 126% increase from 2000 to 2008.  Large and not-for-profit hospitals have been taking the lead.
Sharing Wisdom
A new section on the Partnership for Parents web site, Sharing Wisdom is designed to give insight into the experience of caregiving and bereavement from a parent or family member perspective.
Educational Opportunities
Grieving Children and Adolescents: The Role of Internet Support
Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet in grief and learn strategies for opening a dialog with children and adolescents about the ways they use the Internet as they mourn.
     Sponsor:  Hospice Foundation of America
     Date:  June 15 from 10:00pm - 2:30pm
     Cost $35 per individual registration; $100 per organizational registration
The Palliative Care/Critical Care Nexus
This audio conference will map steps for starting and sustaining integration of palliative care into the intensive care unit (ICU).
     Sponsor: Center to Advance Palliative Care
     Date: June 16 from 10:30am -11:30am
     Cost: $89 per phone line or $99 for one phone line plus the audio
     conference CD-ROM
Newsletters are available on the CCCC Website ( in PDF format for anyone who is having trouble reading this email version.
In This Issue
CCCC in Action
State Policy
Federal Policy
Californians on the Move
Data & Resources
Educational Opportunities
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