News from the Corner
April 1-14, 2012
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RBC 411
| Ravensworth Baptist Church 5100 Ravensworth Road Annandale, VA 22003
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday Sunday School -- 9:30 a.m. Worship -- 11:00 a.m.
Monday College/Young Adult Bible study -- 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Tuesday Mornings -- 10:00 a.m. Choir rehearsal -- 7:00 p.m. ________________________
Ravensworth Baptist Church is an inclusive and welcoming Christian community where expressing the love of God to all people is central to our worship, study, and service.
I want to thank everyone who contributed to Walking the Way, our Lenten book of daily reflections. I also want to express my appreciation for all who have been reading the reflections as a daily discipline during Lent. I have been been struck by the variety in these writings, but even more by the deep thoughtfulness which runs throughout the collection.
Wilderness Wanderings on Wednesday nights during Lent have also added another level of sharing in the midst of community. These sessions have been wonderful. I think each person who has shared so deeply and meaningfully in our circle of friends has found that the thoughtful and loving listening of those around the circle has enhanced the telling of their stories.
When it occurred to me that Martin Luther King Jr.'s six principles of nonviolence could be woven into the Gospel texts of Lent, I was uncertain about how it would actually work when it came time to prepare the sermons. All I know is how our Lenten worship has been affecting me. I have felt stretched and challenged, and nudged into another level of thoughtfulness about what it means in theological and practical ways to walk the Way with Jesus.
It seems to me that when members of our congregation call us through their writings into a thoughtful listening to the biblical texts; when members of our Beloved Community find they can tell their stories honestly and authentically in a circle of trust; and when our worship brings us closer to the Heart and Spirit of Jesus, we are doing important work together, and moving closer together to the edge of transformation.
I cannot say it any better than Amy Carfagno:
I would like to believe that entering a fellowship with Jesus is about experiencing his love and doing justice--not for the sake of any reward, but for the sake of love and justice.
Or Sarah Turner:
I believe we all have a place in God's kingdom. and the kingdom has a place in all of us--in our everyday lives--right now.
Or Jake Baskin:
Taking on the discipline to do justice, love mercy, and walk humble with God is divine.
Or Ben Wilkins:
Too often, Christians hide behind a screen of "peace, peace," allowing injustice to go unchecked. But here Jesus shows us that to love peace is to seek it and to make it, not to close our eyes and hope the injustice goes away.
Or Steve Greene:
What God wants for us is to be spiritual newborns.
Or Julio Hernandez:
It is a gift to read the Lenten passages for this Sunday. The writings invite us into the loving heart of too are invited into a community of welcome and acceptance.
Or Natalie Turner:
Merciful God, provide us with opportunities each day to love and serve each other.
Or Bob Sampson:
Let us open our hearts to God's Spirit, reclaim our persons from whatever would imprison us, and move out to do something good for our communities and for ourselves.
Or Barbara Hart:
I vividly recall Carolyn [Schirmer] telling class members that she would NOT sing lyrics such as "a wretch like me" because she and her loving God knew she was not a "wretch."
Or Lydia Mercado:
As followers of Jesus Christ, we too risk being called unpatriotic, subversive, difficult, and unrealistic.
Or Miriam St. Clair:
The manifestation of this music is truly the Divine whispering in our ear, telling us always to remember him and to rejoice in his steadfast, unending love for us.
Prayer Concerns:
- Karen (Binns) Craig and family
- Nadine Steward
- Jerry Haas, Cathy Baskin's brother
- Marge Bureau, Lill Wachter's sister
- Carrie Karegeannes
- Mary Nelle Evans
- James Kelley, Jeff
Van Ness's uncle - Louise Coombes, Mary Ann Ashley's sister
- Jim Weber, Carol Weber's brother
- Bob Moss, Gail Fewell's uncle
- Wanda Dobbins
- Bea Fones
- Norma Parker
- Gail Fewell
- Lisa Eversburg
- Dot Runion, Mary Padgett's sister
- Diane Hines
- Billie Moore, Bea Fones's sister
- The men and women of the armed forces and their families
- Deployed:
- Kent McLaurin, Jeff Van Ness's friend
Condolences... Jeanne Myers and family on the death of her son, Bob Myers, March 18.
return to top
Sunday, April 1
- Palm Sunday
- ACCA Food Sunday
- 9:00 Prayer Group
- 9:30 Sunday School
- 11:00 Worship
Sunday, April 8
- Easter Sunday
- 9:00 Prayer Group
- 9:30 Sunday School
- 11:00 Worship
- 1:30 Leewood Healthcare Center
Monday, April 2
Monday, April 9
Tuesday, April 3
- 10:00 Tuesday Mornings
- 7:00 Adult Choir
- 7:30 Al-Anon
- 8:30 AA
Tuesday, April 10
- 10:00 Tuesday Mornings
- 7:00 Adult Choir
- 7:30 Al-Anon
- 8:30 AA
Wednesday, April 4
Wednesday, April 11
- 9:15 Adventures in Learning
| Friday, April 5
- 7:00 Maundy Thursday Worship
Thursday, April 12
- 9:00 Retirees' Breakfast
- 7:00 Theology & Ethics on Tap
(The Auld Shebeen, Fairfax)
| Friday, April 6
Saturday, April 14
- 8:00 Packing Day
(Note: Date was listed as April 11 in last week's email. This is the correct date.)
| Saturday, April 7
Sunday, April 1
Sunday, April 8
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday
Sermon by Steve Hyde:
Sermon by Steve Hyde:
Inside Jerusalem
If God Is on Our Side
Lectionary Readings:
- Isaiah 50:4-9a
- Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
- Philippians 2:5-11
- Mark 11:1-11
Lectionary Readings:
- Isaiah 25:6-9
- Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
- Acts 10:34-43
- Mark 16:1-8
Worship Leader:
Worship Leader:
Clara Mercado
Amy Carfagno
Sunday, April 1
Sunday, April 8
Jessica Fewell
Cathy Baskin
- Host: Kay Tarazi
- Caller: Ray Roan
- Cookies: Charlene Christensen
- Committee Rep: Dave Farmer
- Host: Elsie Cunningham & JR Carper
- Caller: Margaret Diamond
- Cookies: Ruth Ann Kovach
- Committee Rep: Kathy Morgan
| Library: | Library: |
Bob Sampson
Charlene Christensen
| Children's Worship: | Children's Worship: |
Sandi Pope
None--Easter Sunday
| |
|  Saturday, March 31Join us this Saturday at 8:00 a.m. for the Yard Work Day. We will provide a light breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Help us spruce up the outside area of the church for Easter. Please bring gloves and tools for yard work. Projects for the day: - Clean and bag leaves in parking lot
- Pick up limbs on street side of parking lot
- Clean, weed, thin, and bag flower beds at front of church and near church sign
- Weed-eat, clean, weed, thin, and bag flower beds at side of church and along Braddock Road
- Trim shrubs on Ravensworth Road side of church
- Pull weeds and vines out of shrubs on both sides of church and near playground
- Remove ivy from trees on Ravensworth Road side of church
- Pick up sticks and trash and bag (entire yard)
- Poison grass in parking lot--be sure to wear gloves and do not allow spray to touch any lawn grass
- Clean out window wells on side and back of Annex
- Dig up and bag weeds near window well in front of Annex
- Pick up and bag sticks in grassy area between Bristow Drive and parking lot
- Pick up and bag magnolia pods in front of church
- Poison grass and weeds on bricks in Memorial Garden
- Pull weeds around Annex
- Clean Memorial Garden
If you have any questions, please contact Gary Campbell, 703-765-2094. Thank you, House Committee return to top |
Now is the time for you to donate items for care packages for our college students. The deacons plan to pack the donations on Sunday, April 15, and mail them the next day. Items to donate: snacks, letters of encouragement, toiletries, or money for your deacons to spend on the students.
 Our current college students are Erika Babel, Paige Babel, Jake Baskin, Jessica Fewell, Brian Ichter, Carolyn Ichter, and Kara Sims. In case you are uninformed, like me, Allison Shaw graduated in December. So if you have a job for Allison, you can also contribute that. A box will be in the hallway by the teller room. Don't confuse it with the ACCA food box. We will come to the Sunday School classes to encourage you. If there are further questions, contact Clarence Hoop or your favorite deacon. Deacons Commission return to top |
|  Thanks to all of you who have returned library books. There are still 22 checked out. Please return them as soon as possible so we can begin packing. |
During the week of March 12-16, Ravensworth provided nine rides to six clients referred through the ACCA transportationprogram. We thank the following drivers: Judy Carfagno, Clarence Hoop (two trips), Marshall Marks, Bob Sampson, Donna Skrobala (first-time driver), and Carol Weber. We are also grateful to two community volunteers, Marilyn Baker and Joe Milici. Transportation is a major issue for many elderly people, and our help made it possible for some nice folks to make their medical appointments.
Carol Weber, Coordinator
Rebuilding Together
Put it on your calendar: This year's Rebuilding Together project will take place Saturday, April 28. This is part of Ravensworth's local mission outreach. We will share with John Calvin Presbyterian Church the task of reshaping a local house. We will be looking for volunteers to do yard and house maintenance and repairs--yes, we do have housing problems here in Annandale. Frequently, this one-day project helps keep elderly persons in their homes by doing necessary work that they can neither do themselves nor afford to hire others to do. There's something for volunteers at every level of skill and muscle, young and old. Breakfast and lunch are provided. Look for a signup sheet on the Missions bulletin board or speak with Bob Sampson, Carol Weber, or Brad Moffett. Brad is our team leader.
Food Pantry
The baskets in the hall are almost empty--need I say more? Thanks for all you do for local hunger needs.
Bob Sampson ACCA Representative
|  The Children's Sunday School class, along with adult helpers Kerry Carfagno, Geneva Pope, Ercell Binns, and Jesse Baskin, took "church" to Carrie Karegeannes at Goodwin House on Sunday, March 18. They planned the service so beautifully and all of them took part. They had prepared a bulletin with the same front and back as the one used in worship at Ravensworth, with their service order inside. They sang, read Scripture, and prayed. Later, they had some wonderful questions and comments for and with Carrie. Geneva did a great job helping them. It meant so much to Carrie and to the kids as well. The five who went, Hollman Smith, Jameson Smith, Katie Pope, Lindsey Gradowski, and Kelly Ward (a friend of Katie's), were so prepared and poised. Jesse assisted by playing the guitar for them. It was a great experience.
Sabeel Workshop, Saturday, April 21
 Christians in Israel and Palestine are urging their brothers and sisters in the U.S. to get involved inpromoting peace and justice for the sake of all faith groups in that region. To learn how our church can play a critical role, please join Sabeel DC Metro, an ecumenical organization, at a special workshop on Saturday, April 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Participants will discover How to Make Justice and Peace in the Holy Land part of their church's faith journey, meet people who are already involved in this work from many different denominations, and learn how to start or strengthen a pro-peace and justice group in their own churches. Ravensworth's own Steve Hyde will offer a pastoral reflection, "Why Should Churches Make Justice and Peace in the Holy Land Part of Their Faith Journey?" Cost, including lunch: $15. Location: Wesley Theological Seminary, 4500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, in DC (free parking). Register by April 16. Click here for registration document For more details, click here GJ Tarazi return to top |
Opportunities for Worship and Reflection
Holy Week is here, and members of the Ravensworth community have a number of options for observing the events of Jesus's passion.
Maundy Thursday Worship
Thursday, April 5
7:00 p.m.
"Maundy" comes from the Latin mando, or "command," and refers to the "new commandment" to love one another that Jesus gives his disciples the night before his arrest. We will commemorate that night with music, prayer, a reflection by Bob Turner, and a celebration of Communion. At the close of the service, we will strip the sanctuary of all adornment in preparation for the most solemn night of the Christian year, Good Friday.
Community Good Friday Worship
St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church
Friday, April 6
12:00 p.m.
For the second year in a row, Ravensworth will participate in an ecumenical Good Friday service along with our sister churches in the neighborhood. This three-hour service will follow the format of Christ's "Seven Last Words" from the cross, and will involve meditations by the various churches' clergy, including Steve Hyde and Bob Turner, music, and extended periods of silence. Please come and go as you wish; there is no expectation or requirement that you stay for the full three hours.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Friday, April 6
7:00 p.m.
In the evening of Good Friday, we will gather at Ravensworth for a powerful Tenebrae ("Darkness") service, with prayers, music, a reflection by Steve Hyde, and the reading of the entire Passion story from the Gospel of John.
Walking the Way: Reflections for the 2012 Lenten Season
Thirteen members of the Ravensworth community have contributed to a book of daily reflections based on the Revised Common Lectionary readings for Lent. Barb Hart edited the submissions and designed the layout of the text. The book is available in the church office, and links to the daily reflections can be found on the church web site. Don't miss out on this wonderful resource for your own reflections on the life of discipleship as we "walk the way" together.
Let us observe a holy Lent as we walk with Jesus together.
Saturday Night Out
Saturday, April 7
7:00 p.m.
Heather Rude-Turner's house
The night before Easter, the Ravensworth youth will gather for a night of movies, games, food, and fun at Mark and Heather's house. RSVP to me if you plan to attend.
 Passport We are registered for PASSPORTchoices in Wingate, North Carolina, for the week of July 8-13. Those who are registered are Justin Babel, Will Baskin, Brittany Beal, Meaghan Manley, Thomas Manley, Emily Pope, Brittany Sanders, Natalie Turner, and Rachel Turner. Rene Manley and Bob Turner will serve as chaperones. It MAY be possible to add a friend later, but there is no guarantee, because the session is currently full, and there are at least seven campers on the waiting list. If you have someone to add, please let me know as soon as possible, and I will add them to the list. We should know around the first of June if space will become available. Also, if your name is on the list but you are not going to be able to go, please let me know as soon as possible. Youth Sunday -- June 3 On this date the youth group will lead our worship service, which will feature a sermon by graduating senior Will Baskin. Don't miss it! Don't forget, Sunday School begins at 9:30 every Sunday in the Annex. Bring your Bible and a dollar for our adopted child at the Cornerstone Children's Home in South Sudan. I am always available to talk or to answer questions. Call me church (703-941-4113), call or text me on my cell phone (703-200-5866), email me, or write on my Facebook wall. Grace and peace, bob return to top |
To register for anything you see under "SCAS Events" below, or to get additional information, call the Shepherd's Center of Annandale-Springfield (SCAS) office at 703-941-1419 or email them. Send your check to SCAS, 7610 Newcastle Road, Annandale, VA 22003. The office is staffed from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. every weekday.
Spring Adventures in Learning
Wednesdays: April 4 - May 16; 9:15 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 6531 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA. Cost: $45 for the seven-week session. Program:
- 9:15-10:20 a.m.--Easy Does it Yoga for Seniors, led by Bonnie Kendrick
and Pamela Wilson - 10:20-10:30 a.m.--Refreshment Break
- 10:30-11:30 a.m.--Going Green
- 11:30-12:00 p.m.--Refreshment Break
- 12:00-1:00 p.m.--The Civil War Revisited
April Lunch N' Life
On Wednesday, April 26, at 11:30 a.m. -- Join us at Annandale United Methodist Church, 6935 Columbia Pike, for lunch and get tips on container gardening from Fairfax County Master Gardener Martha Sewell. Cost: $10 per person.
Day Trip to Green Spring Gardens
On Thursday, May 3, join us on a tour of the Green Spring greenhouse as well as their outdoor gardens. Participants may also tour the historic house and visit the gift shop. The group will stop for lunch on the way back from the park. We will depart from Annandale United Methodist Church at 10:00 am. Cost: $10 per person (does not include lunch).
Tuesday Mornings
10:00 a.m. -- Bible study
11:15 a.m. -- exercise 12:15 p.m. -- brown bag lunch
Retirees' Breakfast
Sunday, April 8
Deacons Commission, 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday, April 18
Adventures in Learning, 9:15 a.m.
Thursday, April 19
Moving Day, 8:00 a.
Saturday, April 21
Moving Day, 8:00 a.m. (staff offices to Hope Lutheran Church)
Nominating Committee, 9:00 a.m.
Monday, April 23
Staff now at Hope Lutheran Church
Wednesday, April 25
Adventures in Learning, 9:15 a.m.
Education Commission, 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 28
Rebuilding Together, 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday, May 2
Adventures in Learning, 9:15 a.m.
Friday, May 4
Wedding Rehearsal for Rude-Turner/Diamond wedding
Saturday, May 5
Wedding of Heather Rude-Turner and Mark Diamond

Sunday, May 6
Last day for Sunday School in main building, 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, May 8
Interfaith Dialogue, John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 7:00 p.m. (registration 6:30 p.m.)
Wednesday, May 9
Adventures in Learning, 9:15 a.m.
Thursday, May 10
Retirees' Breakfast, 9:00 a.m.
Saturday, May 12
Renovation Begins!