Ravensworth Baptist Church
top News from the Corner
December 6, 2009
In This Issue
All in the Family
Dates to Remember
Sunday Worship
Sunday Volunteers
Week at a Glance
Thank You from Brandon Manley
Wednesday Night Evaluation
Poinsettia Orders
Senior Activities
Student of the Month
Church Info/Staff
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Now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she bore a son. (Luke 1:57)
I'd like to tell you about an Elizabeth in one of my family branches. Elizabeth Bruce, born in Greenville County, South Carolina, on June 21, 1807, was my grandfather's grandmother. I'm guessing that she was named after her great-grandmother, Elizabeth Quinn. Elizabeth married my great-great grandfather, William R. Hyde, in 1831. Sometime before 1850, the family moved to Lafayette, Mississippi, where Elizabeth died in 1892. In 1880, when her son, Robert Vasco Hyde, became the new father of my grandfather (Poppy), Elizabeth was living with them in Lafayette, for her husband had died in 1876.
Elizabeth's parents were Joel Bruce (1785-1840) and Mary West (1790-1828). Thanks to the Internet and my enterprising daughter-in-law, Kristi, I'm looking at a picture of a grist mill, still standing, which Joel Bruce built in 1812, and a picture of a small building adjacent to the Milford Baptist Church in Greer, South Carolina (seven miles from Greenville), a church built in 1832 which is still active. The small structure is a baptismal building. Joel Bruce's father was Charles Bruce, Elizabeth's grandfather, and the caption under the picture identifies the baptismal building as the place "where many of the children and grandchildren of Charles Bruce were baptized."
So I'm almost certainly looking at where Poppy's grandmother (and my great-great grandmother), Elizabeth, was baptized!
This affects me in a couple of ways. Suddenly, Elizabeth is not just a name on a genealogical chart. Until a couple of years ago, I didn't even know that the earliest Hydes in Mississippi were actually South Carolinians. And--it reminds me how textured my family history is.
So is yours.
I hope when we read the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah, and their son, John, who used a river to baptize, we can realize, as I've been reminded by a few of my many ancestors, that they were real people. And their stories have many layers of history and meaning.
I'd say on an average of once a week, someone will hear my accent and ask, "Where are you from?" After mentioning that I've lived in the D.C. area for 30 years, I'll say that I'm from Arkansas. I may start saying, "I'm from Paragould, Arkansas, and Greer, South Carolina, and Lafayette, Mississippi"--and other places, too.
We all have complicated histories of origin. Advent is a season for looking ahead, but also over our shoulders at those who came before us.  As you know, both Matthew and Luke present a genealogy of Jesus.
With our genealogical charts in one hand and our Bibles in the other, we might find after a lot of digging around that we belong to one family.  

allinfamilyALL IN THE FAMILY
Prayer Concerns
  • Dina Hernandez
  • Usin Marks (recovering from surgery)
  • Mary Nelle Evans
  • Lisa Eversburg (recovering from surgery)
  • John Travis
  • Doug Morin 
  • Dot Runion, Mary Padgett's sister
  • Ethel Spillars
  • Samuel Juma and family
  • Bea Fones (recovering from two broken wrists)
  • Elaine Dunbaugh
  • Diane Hines
  • Gail Fewell
  • Billie Moore, Bea Fones's sister (recovering from heart surgery)
  • The Tran Family
  • Burton Shields, Carolyn Shields's brother, and all soldiers from the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division deployed to Afghanistan and their families
  • J.D. Lawrence, helicopter pilot in Afghanistan, Norma Kate and James Parker's grandson 
  • The men and women of the armed forces and their families
To Marshall and Usin Marks on the birth of their newest granddaughter, Marin Katherine Marks. Marin is the daughter of David and Kristin Marks. She was born at 12:40 a.m., December 2, weighing 7 1/2 lbs., and was 20 1/4 in. long.
To Lucyann and Fred Billups and Tim and Tammy Billups and family, on the death of Tammy's father, Bob Shoop, who died suddenly last week.
  • Thursday, December 3
    • Deacons Commission, 6:30 p.m.
    • Education Commission, 6:30 p.m.
    • College/Young Adult Bible Study, 7:00 p.m.

  • Sunday, December 6, Christmas Market, 9:30 a.m.

  • Tuesday, December 8, Outreach Task Force, 6:30 p.m.

  •  Thursday, December 10
  • Sunday, December 13, Christmas Mini-Market, 12:15 p.m.

  • Sunday, December 20, Christmas Mini-Market, 12:15 p.m.

  • Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve service, 7:00 p.m.
December 6, 2009

Sermon by Steve Hyde
       To Guide Our Feet

Scripture Lessons
Malachi 3:1-4
Luke 1:68-79
Philippians 1:3-11
Luke 3:1-6

Worship Leader
John Baskin
Preschool Volunteer
     Scott Shaw

     Host: Doris Van Gorder
     Caller: Brad Moffett
     Cookies: Nancy Barney
     Outreach Committee Rep: Rene Manley
      Lill Wachter


Sunday, December 6
          Second Sunday of Advent
          ACCA Food Sunday 
           9:00  Prayer Group
           9:30  Christmas Market
         11:00  Worship
           6:00  Bell Choir Rehearsal
Monday, December 7
          11:30  Friendship Class Christmas Lunch
Tuesday, December 8
  10:00  Tuesday Mornings
          11:30  Staff Meeting
            6:30  Outreach Task Force
            7:00  Choir Rehearsal 
            7:30  Al-Anon
            8:30  AA
Thursday, December 10
            9:00  Retirees' Breakfast
            7:00  College/Young Adult Bible Study

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I wanted to take a moment to say thanks to RBC for all the support I have received the last years that I have been to school; it is always a nice break from classes and the computer lab to find a card or package in the mail. With a little luck, and a lot more work, RBC's college list will be sans Brandon Manley come May. It comforts me to know a group other than my family is behind me in my journey. For that I am grateful!
Thanks again,
Evaluation Forms in Narthex
Evaluation forms for the Wednesday night dinner and program are available in the Narthex. If you haven't already done so, please fill one out and return it to the church office. We need feedback from those who attended, but especially from those who weren't able to attend. The information will help us decide how to proceed in scheduling future programs.

Poinsettia Order Form
Poinsettia orders will be turned in to the greenhouse on December 7; however, if you did not have a chance to place your order, there is still time. You may fill out the form next Sunday (forms will be by the payment box in the Narthex), or send an email, or call in your4-H area view order. Payment does not have to be made at the time of order. Please remember to indicate if the poinsettias are "In Memory of" or "In Honor of" the person. Also indicate the number of plants and the color(s) you would like. The available colors are red, white, and marble.
All plants are $9.50 each. Make your check payable to RBC with "Poinsettia" in the memo line. If you placed an order but haven't paid, please place your payment in the box instead of placing it in the offering plate. If paying by cash, place the money in an envelope (extra contribution envelopes are in the Narthex). Please make sure to write your name on the envelope. Or you can mail or bring the payment to the church office. 
ACCA Transportation Week - December 7-11
RBC is responsible for providing transportation for ACCA next week.  We will be asked to transport local elderly and disabled persons to medical appointments. If you can help with driving, please let Carol Weber know. For you old-timers, I have your number! Thanks to each of you who drives as this is an important service to many in our community.
ACCA Needs Furniture
ACCA's furniture ministry is in dire need of good, used furniture. The number of requests in recent weeks has outstripped the calls from people willing to donate furniture. The warehouse is empty and people are waiting. ACCA will accept all types of usable furniture, especially bedding, armchairsofas, tables, and chairs. No cribs, appliances, or bed frames, please.
Donors can call Don or Mary Lee DiSpirito at 703-256-9513, and arrange for a pick-up on a Saturday morning.

Food Collection
Thanks for your generous response in helping to fill the ACCA Food Pantry in November. The need continues to be great and we will keep the basket in the hall each Sunday.
Hypothermia Program
Now that winter is here, ACCA churches are participating in a program to keep homeless people fed and warm. This is an opportunity for us to help. Any individual or class interested should let me know or sign up on the Missions Commission bulletin board.
United Way
Those who give through United Way may wish to designate ACCA for local poverty-relief efforts. ACCA's donation code is 8058. They need the help. 

Bob Sampson,
ACCA Representative

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To register for any of the events listed below, or to get additional information, call the Shepherd's Center of Annandale-Springfield (SCAS) office at 703-941-1419 or email them. Send your check to SCAS, 7610 Newcastle Shepherd's Center of Annandale-SpringfieldRoad, Annandale, VA 22003. The office is staffed from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.


  • Lunch N' Life
    • Thursday, December 17, at United Baptist Church
    • Featuring the Annandale Singers, from Annandale High School, directed by Ms. Carleen Dixon
    • Noon - 2:00 p.m.
    • Cost: $9 for members, $10 for non-members
    • Registration deadline: December 11
    • Write "LNL 12/17" on the memo line of your check
  • Tuesday Mornings
    • 10:00 a.m. -- Bible study on Colossians
    • 11:15 a.m. -- exercise
    • 12:15 p.m. -- brown bag lunch

  • retireesbreakfastRetirees' Breakfast
    • Second Thursday of each month
    • 9:00 a.m.
    • Cost: $2.50
    • Next Retirees' Breakfast: December 10
Megan Moore
Our Student of the Month for December is Megan Moore. Megan is in her fourth year at Radford University in Radford, Virginia, where she is studying history, media studies, and advertising. She is the daughter of Geralyn Moore and Jeff Moore, both members members of RBC.

We encourage you to pray for Megan throughout the months of November and December (and beyond) and send her a message of encouragement. Here is Megan's contact information:
Megan Moore
Radford University
529 Fairfax St. Apt. E
Radford, VA 24141
Email: mmoore99@radford.edu

4-H area view

Office Hours                                     Dr. Steve Hyde 
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                           Pastor (email)
Monday - Friday                           Rev. Bob Turner (email
                                                        Associate Pastor 
Address                                     Young Mi Son (email)
5100 Ravensworth Road                         Choirmaster/Organist
Annandale, VA 22003                     Gail Fewell (email)
                                                         Ministry Assistant
Phone                                        Janet Davis (email)
703-941-4113                                       Custodian
                                                  Yamile Caballero
Web Site                                     Virginia Aguilar
www.rbc-va.org                             Nursery Caregivers

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